Good Morning! May22nd2017
T.W.I.K. Notes
This is my last issue of TWIK…
Graduation: We will have Kindergarten graduation on Wednesday May 24th at 6:30 PM in the gym. You will receive invitations with these details, but I wanted everyone to know now, so they can plan. Students will NOT return after graduation, so they do not come to school Thursday or Friday. Wednesday May 24th is the LAST day of school and is a full day.
- Students will not be provided graduation robes, so they are welcome to wear their Sunday’s Best.
- Our class will be on the far side of the gym.
- Graduation should last no longer than an hour.
- Students can be dropped off NO earlier than 6:15 in our room and there will be no admittance into the gym until 6:15. The doors will be locked until 6:15!
- You may come back to the school building to get their Marvelous Me Poster. It is hanging in the hall.
- Our 8th grade buddies have been invited to Graduation!
Redsfest will be on Wednesday May 24th
You’re Invited! The Mass of Passage is a meaningful annual tradition for our students. This year it will take place on Tuesday, May 23, at 8:30am. Immediately following Mass, there will be a ceremony of passage. This ceremony demonstrates each grade moving up next year, stressing that with each new privilege in life there comes additional responsibility or obligation. Each grade will 'pass down' to the grade below them a privilege and a responsibility, and then turn to receive the same from the grade above them. All in our school and parish community are invited to attend this memorable Mass and ceremony.
8th Grade Graduation is Tuesday Night.
5 th Grade Food Collection This Tuesday, May 23, our 5 th Graders will visit the Saint Vincent de Paul Food Pantry on their annual Service Field Trip. Don’t forget to send in the following items by Monday, May 22: Personal care items (soap, shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant, shaving cream, razors, and body wash) as well as canned goods. Thank you for helping our students learn compassion for those less fortunate in our own community
Order your 2016-17 Yearbook online! Yearbook order forms are available from the school office, or order online here using Yearbook ID Code 3572417.
Simple Solutionswas sent home last Friday so you had an idea of what it is. Whatever we do not get to will come home, so you child can use it over the summer to help keep them sharp in math! This introduces a variety of material and helps the students get used to more of a typical math question.
Our Summer Latch Key program does a Simple Solutions book and all students will be bringing home the leftovers of our book to work in over the summer too.
Language Arts and Library
Thanks so much for having ALL of our book returned, s I don’t have to hunt hem down!
If you have a of my oks at home, please be sure you send them to school y Wednesday!
May is the month of Mary and the Rosary. I will be testing your child over the Hail Mary on Tuesday or Wednesday!
Homework: There is No Homework his week because of the short week!
Have a great one!
Love…Ms. Mulvey