Last Name 1

Your Name

Mr. Bingham

WHAP or Pre-AP Geography


This is How You Do MLA Format

Please be advised that the required font is always: Times New Roman 12pt. Only print on one side of the paper. Never underline your title, as shown above. It is a good idea to keep a backup copy on a disk, USB drive, or magical wand. The margins of this format are always one inch on the top, bottom, left and right and you can adjust your margins by going to “file” and then “page set up.”

This format also calls for double-spacing. To adjust to double-spacing, please go to “format” and drop down to “paragraph.” Under the “spacing” section, drag the drop down menu labeled “line spacing” to the “double” option. Make sure your format isn’t defaulting to adding an extra space after each paragraph. If it is, go to the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” button and drag down to “Remove space before paragraph.”

When putting together the heading, please write your first and last name as you normally would. The next line in devoted to your teacher or professor. After that, please put the course name and number. In our case, you will always put either WHAP or Pre-AP Geography, followed by the class period, like this: WHAP 5 or Pre-AP Geography 9.

On the top right corner of the page, you must place your last name and the page number, including the work cited page (if applicable). You can do this by going to “view” and scrolling down to “header and footer.” Tab over twice to right justify the line and type your last name. Next your name, hit the button on the “header and footer” menu bar that looks like #. This icon will automatically insert your page number so that you do not have to continue to add it for every page! Neat, right?

When you are spacing your work cited page, please make sure to go to “format” and then “paragraph” and drop down to “hanging” under the “indentation” section. You may use to help you format your citations, but be sure that if you copy and paste information over that it is still in black font, Times New Romans, 12 pt. font. If you only use one source, then your title should be “Work Cited,” but if you use more than one source it should say, “Works Cited.” The citations in a Works Cited page always stand alone on their own page.

Works Cited

Author’s name (Last, First). Title of the book. City of publication: Publisher’s name, year published.

Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: HaperPerennial, 1960.

Name of site. Date of Posting. Name of institution or organization affiliated with the site. Date you accessed the site <electronic.address>.

Schools for Schools. 9 October 2007. Invisible Children. 10 October 2007 <

Speaker’s name (Last, First). Title of speech (if any). Details about the lecture or speech. Location. Date of delivery.

Bingham, Wyatt. Lecture on the Role of Women in Ancient Rome. AtascocitaHigh School, Humble, TX. 10 October 200.