Phonetic pronunciation of name, if necessary
My career goals are:
I am taking this class because:
Year of High School Graduation:
Previous classes in science?
Employer, position, hours/week:
Do you have any learning disabilities? If so, please describe here, or tell me later. This is voluntary, but will help me to help you, and will be kept strictly confidential.
Think about your learning style.
How do you learn best? / Put an X by your answer(s):
By seeing By hearing By doing
What do you do when studying to facilitate learning based on that learning style?
What do you think you will do in lab to facilitate learning based on that learning style?
In the following section, please tell me about yourself; anything about “you” that you would like to share with me. Take some time and let me get to know you! This information will be kept confidential.
Email me a picture of yourself, if you want.
Tell me about your personal life:
What has your life been like so far?
What’s your living situation? In a family, alone, with friends?
Who are the significant people in your life?
What do you do in your spare time? What would you like to do if you had a spare Saturday off?
What do you think you’ll be doing 10 years from now?
What are your hobbies?
What do you enjoy learning about?
Do you have any pets right now? Any you’d like to have?
What are the goals you have for your life?
Anything else you want to tell me?
Please read this, then email attach it to me, or copy and paste it into an email to me (don’t forget to put “BIO 20” as the subject line). Or you can print it and bring it to me in class. If you email it to me, just type your name and date below as a substitute for a signature.
I have read the information on academic integrity in the course syllabus. I have accessed, or know that I am responsible for accessing, reading, and understanding the material concerning academic integrity on the MS Division website ( I am aware that some of my written work will be checked for originality by
I am aware of the policy concerning missed exams, makeup exams, and class deadlines. I understand that if I do not notify the instructor prior to the exam, and do not have a valid and verifiable excuse, an exam may not be made up. I understand that makeup exams and resubmitted papers will take place during the week prior to finals. Further, I understand the policies concerning plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. I understand that I will receive a grade of F in this course if academic dishonesty occurs.
Bio 20 Fall 2012