Application Form
This position is now open for application as the current Team Managers, Carl and Allysa Khor who have led the USAB Teams for the World Junior Championships since 2011 will not be able to manage theUSAB Team this year because of a schedule conflict. USAB would like to express its gratitude and appreciation to Carl and Allysa Khor for the countless hours they have contributed to coordinate the USAB Team to ensure a smooth pre-event preparation and great international experience for the US Junior players, coaches and parents. Hence, USAB is seekingvolunteers(self-funded) totake up theWJC team manager position for 2018.
If you are interested to takeupthis exciting role please apply by completing this form and email to Mohan Subramaniam at yMay 31, 2018.
Who Can Apply
This application is open to all active members of the USAB in good standing with Safe Sport and current background check.
What Is Expected
Please PRINT in the respective “white” spaces and place a cross (X) to check relevant boxes.
Email the completed form to Mohan Subramaniam at by November 24th, 2017 5:00PM PSTextended to May 31, 2018
Late application past this deadline will not be considered.
- This is a self-funded volunteer position involving long and unpredictable hours.
- There is NO funding from USA Badminton. However, in the event of available funding which may be limited, reimbursement of expenses (travel, hotel and per diem) may be possible at USAB's sole discretion.
- USAB is seeking qualified candidates who have experience in leading and coordinating team events, preferably leading any sports teams to international tournaments. Applicants with current and/or past coordination experiences will also be considered. Preferences will be given to candidates with long term (3 years or longer) commitment.
- The main task of the team manager is to provide leadership and coordination services for all related parties (USAB, BWF, Pan Am, local organizers, transportation/hotel management, medical staff, media relations, head/assistant coach, and etc.) The manager is expected to organize all related tournament forms/documents deadlines and has the ability to manage a tightly controlled budget.
- The team manager is expected to submit a provide a detailed report and recommendations to USA Badminton ( ) two weeks after the end of the tournament ends.
- The team manager is also expected to be able to be familiar with the application of technology for communication (such as Google Hangout or Skype)
Tournament Details
World Junior Championships
Venue: Canada
Events: Team & Individual
Date: November 5-18, 2018
Note: The venue and dates are current at the time this position is published. These may change at the discretion of the Badminton World Federation and Badminton Pan Am Confederation)
Applicant Information
- First and Last Name
- Address
- City
- State, ZIP code
- Cell Phone no.
- USAB ID Expiration Date
Experience and Current Occupation
1. Please provide related experience in team management, coordination and planning
2. Please provide the reasons for applying for the positions as long term volunteer team manager:
3. If you have been a Team Managerin badminton or any sport during the last 5 years, please provide the information below
Year / Tournament / Designation (Team Manager)
3. Check the appropriate box below
- Do you have any medical condition that may affect your managing the team?
- Are you prepared to complete an online anti-doping course
- Have you even managedconflict situations at the competition?
- If you have a current background check, what is the expiration date? (mm/dd/yy)
4. What are your strengths (5= Excellent; 4= Above Average; 3= Average; 2= Below Average; 1= Poor)
- Planning, organization and coordination
- Communication (oral/verbal) – English Language
- Relationship building
- Communication (written) – English Language
- TeamManagement
- Knowledge On BWF operations, Rules & Policies
- Managing Communication Technology
- Managing Social Media
- Analysis & Evaluation
- Managing External Intrusion
- Motivating Athletes/Coaches
- Managing Crisis (doping, injury, etc)
- Multi-Tasking (Managing athletes, Media, etc)
5. Training Preparation
- Are you willing to organize an athlete training camp before the tournament
Applicant’s Pledge
I have familiarized myself with USAB USAB Coach’s Code of Ethics & Conduct, USAB Code of Conduct for Team Official, USAB Safe Sports Policy, BWF policies and regulationsas they related to team manager, coaches, athlete, and tournaments.
By providing my electronic signature below, I have read and understand the expectations, and confirm that the information I have provided is true. I further understand and agree that my electronic signature/signature is my legal and binding signature.
Name (PRINT NAME) / Date of Application
USAB 2018WJC Team Manager Position Application1