St. John’s HELPER
St. John’s United Church of Christ
1513 West Street
Rosenberg, Texas 77471
Church Office: 281-342-5159 Fax: 832-759-5548 Church Email:
Church Website:
Rev. Daniel Haas, Minister Cell phone #801-368-1180
April 26, 2017 Rev. Donald Kolkmeier, Pastor Emeritus
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at St. John’s United Church of Christ
“Come Walk on Saturday!”
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world. Our CROP Walk for West Fort Bend County will be held on Saturday, April 29th at George Ranch. Registration opens at 07:30. The walk begins at 08:00.
With its inception in 1969, CROP Hunger Walks are “viewed by many as the granddaddy of charity walks,” notes the Los Angeles Times (Oct. 26, 2009). On October 17, 1969, a thousand people in Bismarck, ND, walked in what may have been the start of the hunger walks related to CROP – and raised $25,000 to help stop hunger. As far as we know, York County, Penn., was the first walk officially called the CROP Walk for the Hungry – and that event has been continuous since 1970. For West Fort Bend County we started the CROP in 1972. Currently, well over 2,000 communities across the U.S. join in more than 1,000 CROP Hunger Walks each year. More than five million CROP Hunger Walkers have participated in more
than 36,000 CROP Hunger Walks in the last two decades alone. Last year, St. John’s United Church of Christ contributed 37 out of 118 walkers and $2801 out of $12038 total.
What does CROP stand for?
When CROP began in 1947 (under the wing of Church World Service, which was founded in 1946), CROP was an acronym for the Christian Rural Overseas Program. Its primary mission was to help Midwest farm families to share their grain with hungry neighbors in post-World War II Europe and Asia. Today, we’ve outgrown the acronym but we retain it as the historic name of the program.
Where do CROP Hunger Walk funds go?
CROP Hunger Walks help to support the overall work of Church World Service, particularly grassroots development efforts around the world. In addition, 25 percent of the funds raised remain in Fort Bend County and go directly to Helping Hands, our local food-bank in Richmond. CROP Hunger Walks help to provide food and water, as well as resources that empower people to meet their own needs. From seeds and tools to wells and water systems, the key is people working together to identify their own development priorities, their strengths and their needs – something CWS has learned through 70 years of working in partnership around the world.
Rev. Daniel Haas
Attendance for April 23, 2017
Church Attendance 71
Sunday School 12
Requesting Prayers for Others
Gary Ashley by Jimmie Ashley
Steve Brown by Joyce Lamensky & Ella Brown
Adolph Chabisek by Glenn Urbanek
Jim Drennan by Patricia Slind
David Frels by Joyce Lamensky
Nathan Gaskamp by Florence Gaskamp
Nelda Gutowsky by Florence Gaskamp
Gary Harbes by Melba Ashley
Stan Kubelka by Kathy Kubelka
Sharon Loesch by Patsy Kubes
Emma Lee Marek by Darwin Enax/Diana Beck
Ginger Pawlek by Gloria Himly
Wolfgang Schmidt by Angelika Schmidt
Kara Schmith by Michelle Gutowsky
Sara Schoditsch by June Weiss
Rebecca Schulte by Gloria Himly
Darlean Swallers by Diana Beck
Mary Weimer by Petra Weimer
Sarah Weimer by Petra Weimer
Doyle Williams by Gloria Himly
Preparing for Sunday, April 30
Scripture: Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19
Luke 24:13-35
Sermon: “And the Last time I Saw Jesus was…”
Rev. Bill Royster will be preaching
Adult Sunday School
The Adult Sunday School class meets at 9:00 a.m. and typically ends around 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings in the Disciples Classroom. All are invited and welcomed to attend and share in discussion of various weekly topics. Lessons are led by Leo Niemeyer.
Loss of a Church Member
It is with sadness to report to you the passing of Denver McFarland on April 14th. Funeral services were held April 18th at Davis Greenlawn. Please keep the McFarland family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Rev. Bill Royster to Preach
Rev. Bill Royster will be preaching from the pulpit this coming Sunday, April 30th as Rev. Hass will be serving with the Army. Rev. Royster is a retired UCC pastor, living near Conroe, and a member of Immanuel, in Spring. He and his wife Gail, have 5 children, 13 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. Both feel that life is really good and they are so blessed. Rev. Royster has preached here at St. John’s UCC before and we welcome him back with open arms, so please mark your calendar to be here Sunday morning.
CROP Walk 2017
It’s that time of year again, time to think about the CROP Walk and raising funds for our local Helping Hands. This year the CROP Walk will be on Saturday, April 29th at George Ranch Historical Park. Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. with the walking actually starting right at 8:00 a.m. Please consider walking and making a donation or if you are unable to attend then consider making a pledge to someone else who will be walking. This past year St. John’s UCC won the Golden Sneaker award for having the most donations while St. Paul’s Presbyterian in Needville (Rev. Mirjam Haas-Melchior) won the Silver Sneaker for the most walkers and this year we would like to win that sneaker again, as well as the Silver Sneaker for having the most walkers. Rae Harborth will be in the Narthex on Sunday’s to answer any questions.
Available Altar Flowers Dates
The following dates are open Sunday’s in 2017 should you wish to place flowers on the altar in honor or memory of someone: June 4, August 20 and December 17th. Please contact the office for further information.
Slumber Falls Summer Camp
Its summer camp time at Slumber Falls, so go to their website and see the dates for the various summer camps being offered. Scholarships are available through the church.
There’s even a bring a friend discount, family discount and military discount,
CIT Training Camp / Jun 04-07 / 14-17 / $380.00Roaring Rapids / Jun 11-17 / 15-18 / $475.00
Eco Camp / Jun 11-17 / 9-12 / $475.00
Streams of Faith 1 / Jun 18-24 / 9-11 / $475.00
Creeks in Creation / Jun 25-Jul 01 / 12-13 / $475.00
Springs Alive / Jul 05-08 / 6-8 / $315.00
Living Waters / Jul 09-15 / 13-15 / $475.00
Sports Camp / Jul 09-15 / 9-12 / $475.00
Streams of Faith 2 / Jul 16-22 / 9-11 / $475.00
Women’s Guild Bake Sale
Please mark your calendars for Sunday, May 7th when the Women’s Guild will have another Bake Sale. They would appreciate your financial support in purchasing the many tasty treats that will be available.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion and a Celebration of Joy will be observed on Sunday, May 7th.
Confirmation Class
Confirmands will be confirmed on Sunday, May 21 during the morning worship Sunday. The next Confirmation Class will be held on Sunday, May 14th.
Bible Study
Our Bible Study is now on a break through the summer and will resume in September. We thank those that have been attending and look forward to more joining us in the Fall.
For Sunday, April 30, 2017
Lay Reader: Tom Gaskamp
Flowers for Altar:
Rae Harborth
Greeters & Ushers for April
Ann Mikeska, Kirke Cowdery,
Anna Woodard
Lay Readers for April
Dean Jones, Karen Sikes,
Sandra Bailey, Janet Enax,
Tommy Gaskamp
Altar Flowers for April
Rae Harborth, 4/2
Women’s Guild, 4/9 & 4/16
Don Kolkmeier, 4/23
Rae Harborth, 4/30
April 30, 2017
Rev. Bill Royster will deliver the
morning message entitled,
“And the Last Time I Saw Jesus was…”
Looking Ahead
Adult Sunday School-9:00-9:30 a.m.
Confirmation Class-2nd & 4th Sunday
Choir Rehearsals, Wednesday @ 7pm
CROP Walk, 4/29
Girl Scout Troop 154064 Meeting, 4/29
Holy Communion, 5/7
Celebration of Joy, 5/7
Guild Bake Sale, 5/7
Parish Hall rental, 5/10 Retired Teachers
Mother’s Day, 5/14
Confirmation Class, 5/14
Confirmation Sunday, 5/21
Thought for the week:
“Holy Spirit, help me recognize opportunities to serve others today.”
“Enroll” your Kroger’s card with the Brotherhoods Community Rewards Program. Go online and use #84302 as the organization number.
Link to Kroger’s Community Rewards website:
(On your computer push Control and click your mouse at the same time while hovering the mouse over the above link and it will take you directly to the Kroger registration page.)