This is a complete listing of all the subject titles for ever group of verses. There are 2452 entries for 1189 chapters, that is like two per chapter.



Six Days of Creation and the Sabbath Genesis 1:1

Another Account of the Creation Genesis 2:5

The First Sin and Its Punishment Genesis 3:1

Cain Murders Abel Genesis 4:1

Beginnings of Civilization Genesis 4:17

Adam’s Descendants to Noah and His Sons Genesis 5:1

The Wickedness of Humankind Genesis 6:1

Noah Pleases God Genesis 6:9

The Great Flood Genesis 7:1

The Flood Subsides Genesis 8:1

God’s Promise to Noah Genesis 8:20

The Covenant with Noah Genesis 9:1

Noah and His Sons Genesis 9:18

Nations Descended from Noah Genesis 10:1

The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1

Descendants of Shem Genesis 11:10

Descendants of Terah Genesis 11:27

The Call of Abram Genesis 12:1

Abram and Sarai in Egypt Genesis 12:10

Abram and Lot Separate Genesis 13:1

Lot’s Captivity and Rescue Genesis 14:1

Abram Blessed by Melchizedek Genesis 14:17

God’s Covenant with Abram Genesis 15:1

The Birth of Ishmael Genesis 16:1

The Sign of the Covenant Genesis 17:1

A Son Promised to Abraham and Sarah Genesis 18:1

Judgment Pronounced on Sodom Genesis 18:16

The Depravity of Sodom Genesis 19:1

Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed Genesis 19:12

The Shameful Origin of Moab and Ammon Genesis 19:30

Abraham and Sarah at Gerar Genesis 20:1

The Birth of Isaac Genesis 21:1

Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away Genesis 21:8

Abraham and Abimelech Make a Covenant Genesis 21:22

The Command to Sacrifice Isaac Genesis 22:1

The Children of Nahor Genesis 22:20

Sarah’s Death and Burial Genesis 23:1

The Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah Genesis 24:1

Abraham Marries Keturah Genesis 25:1

The Death of Abraham Genesis 25:7

Ishmael’s Descendants Genesis 25:12

The Birth and Youth of Esau and Jacob Genesis 25:19

Esau Sells His Birthright Genesis 25:29

Isaac and Abimelech Genesis 26:1

Esau’s Hittite Wives Genesis 26:34

Blesses Jacob Genesis 27:1

Esau’s Lost Blessing Genesis 27:30

Jacob Escapes Esau’s Fury Genesis 27:41

Esau Marries Ishmael’s Daughter Genesis 28:6

Jacob’s Dream at Bethel Genesis 28:10

Jacob Meets Rachel Genesis 29:1

Jacob Marries Laban’s Daughters Genesis 29:15

Jacob Prospers at Laban’s Expense Genesis 30:25

Jacob Flees with Family and Flocks Genesis 31:1

Laban Overtakes Jacob Genesis 31:22

Laban and Jacob Make a Covenant Genesis 31:43

Jacob Sends Presents to Appease Esau Genesis 32:3

Jacob Wrestles at Peniel Genesis 32:22

Jacob and Esau Meet Genesis 33:1

Jacob Reaches Shechem Genesis 33:18

The Rape of Dinah Genesis 34:1

Dinah’s Brothers Avenge Their Sister Genesis 34:25

Jacob Returns to Bethel Genesis 35:1

The Birth of Benjamin and the Death of Rachel Genesis 35:16

The Death of Isaac Genesis 35:27

Esau’s Descendants Genesis 36:1

Clans and Kings of Edom Genesis 36:15

Joseph Dreams of Greatness Genesis 37:1

Joseph Is Sold by His Brothers Genesis 37:12

Judah and Tamar Genesis 38:1

Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife Genesis 39:1

The Dreams of Two Prisoners Genesis 40:1

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dream Genesis 41:1

Joseph’s Rise to Power Genesis 41:37

Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt Genesis 42:1

Joseph’s Brothers Return to Canaan Genesis 42:26

The Brothers Come Again, Bringing Benjamin Genesis 43:1

Joseph Detains Benjamin Genesis 44:1

Judah Pleads for Benjamin’s Release Genesis 44:18

Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers Genesis 45:1

Jacob Brings His Whole Family to Egypt Genesis 46:1

Jacob Settles in Goshen Genesis 46:28

The Famine in Egypt Genesis 47:13

The Last Days of Jacob Genesis 47:27

Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons Genesis 48:1

Jacob’s Last Words to His Sons Genesis 49:1

Jacob’s Death and Burial Genesis 49:29

Joseph Forgives His Brothers Genesis 50:15

Joseph’s Last Days and Death Genesis 50:22

The Israelites Are Oppressed Exodus 1:8

Birth and Youth of Moses Exodus 2:1

Moses Flees to Midian Exodus 2:11

Moses at the Burning Bush Exodus 3:1

The Divine Name Revealed Exodus 3:13

Moses’ Miraculous Power Exodus 4:1

Moses Returns to Egypt Exodus 4:18

Bricks without Straw Exodus 5:1

Israel’s Deliverance Assured Exodus 6:1

The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron Exodus 6:14

Moses and Aaron Obey God’s Commands Exodus 6:28

Aaron’s Miraculous Rod Exodus 7:8

The First Plague: Water Turned to Blood Exodus 7:14

The Second Plague: Frogs Exodus 8:1

The Third Plague: Gnats Exodus 8:16

The Fourth Plague: Flies Exodus 8:20

The Fifth Plague: Livestock Diseased Exodus 9:1

The Sixth Plague: Boils Exodus 9:8

The Seventh Plague: Thunder and Hail Exodus 9:13

The Eighth Plague: Locusts Exodus 10:1

Warning of the Final Plague Exodus 11:1

The First Passover Instituted Exodus 12:1

The Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn Exodus 12:29

The Exodus: From Rameses to Succoth Exodus 12:33

Directions for the Passover Exodus 12:43

The Festival of Unleavened Bread Exodus 13:3

The Consecration of the Firstborn Exodus 13:11

The Pillars of Cloud and Fire Exodus 13:17

Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 14:1

The Pursuers Drowned Exodus 14:26

The Song of Moses Exodus 15:1

The Song of Miriam Exodus 15:20

Bitter Water Made Sweet Exodus 15:22

Bread from Heaven Exodus 16:1

Water from the Rock Exodus 17:1

Amalek Attacks Israel and Is Defeated Exodus 17:8

Jethro’s Advice Exodus 18:1

The Israelites Reach Mount Sinai Exodus 19:1

The People Consecrated Exodus 19:10

The Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1

The Law concerning the Altar Exodus 20:22

The Law concerning Slaves Exodus 21:1

The Law concerning Violence Exodus 21:12

Laws concerning Property Exodus 21:28

Laws of Restitution Exodus 22:1

Social and Religious Laws Exodus 22:16

Justice for All Exodus 23:1

Sabbatical Year and Sabbath Exodus 23:10

The Annual Festivals Exodus 23:14

The Conquest of Canaan Promised Exodus 23:20

The Blood of the Covenant Exodus 24:1

On the Mountain with God Exodus 24:9

Offerings for the Tabernacle Exodus 25:1

The Ark of the Covenant Exodus 25:10

The Table for the Bread of the Presence Exodus 25:23

The Lampstand Exodus 25:31

The Tabernacle Exodus 26:1

The Framework Exodus 26:15

The Curtain Exodus 26:31

The Altar of Burnt Offering Exodus 27:1

The Court and Its Hangings Exodus 27:9

The Oil for the Lamp Exodus 27:20

Vestments for the Priesthood Exodus 28:1

The Ephod Exodus 28:6

The Breastplate Exodus 28:15

Other Priestly Vestments Exodus 28:31

The Ordination of the Priests Exodus 29:1

The Daily Offerings Exodus 29:38

The Altar of Incense Exodus 30:1

The Half Shekel for the Sanctuary Exodus 30:11

The Bronze Basin Exodus 30:17

The Anointing Oil and Incense Exodus 30:22

Bezalel and Oholiab Exodus 31:1

The Sabbath Law Exodus 31:12

The Two Tablets of the Covenant Exodus 31:18

The Golden Calf Exodus 32:1

The Command to Leave Sinai Exodus 33:1

The Tent outside the Camp Exodus 33:7

Moses’ Intercession Exodus 33:12

Moses Makes New Tablets Exodus 34:1

The Covenant Renewed Exodus 34:10

The Shining Face of Moses Exodus 34:29

Sabbath Regulations Exodus 35:1

Preparations for Making the Tabernacle Exodus 35:4

Offerings for the Tabernacle Exodus 35:20

Bezalel and Oholiab Exodus 35:30

Construction of the Tabernacle Exodus 36:8

Making the Ark of the Covenant Exodus 37:1

Making the Table for the Bread of the Presence Exodus 37:10

Making the Lampstand Exodus 37:17

Making the Altar of Incense Exodus 37:25

Making the Anointing Oil and the Incense Exodus 37:29

Making the Altar of Burnt Offering Exodus 38:1

Making the Court of the Tabernacle Exodus 38:9

Materials of the Tabernacle Exodus 38:21

Making the Vestments for the Priesthood Exodus 39:1

The Tabernacle Erected and Its Equipment Installed Exodus 40:1

The Cloud and the Glory Exodus 40:34

The Burnt Offering Leviticus 1:1

Grain Offerings Leviticus 2:1

Offerings of Well-Being Leviticus 3:1

Sin Offerings Leviticus 4:1

Offerings with Restitution Leviticus 5:14

Instructions concerning Sacrifices Leviticus 6:8

Further Instructions Leviticus 7:11

The Rites of Ordination Leviticus 8:1

Aaron’s Priesthood Inaugurated Leviticus 9:1

Nadab and Abihu Leviticus 10:1

Clean and Unclean Foods Leviticus 11:1

Unclean Animals Leviticus 11:24

Purification of Women after Childbirth Leviticus 12:1

Leprosy, Varieties and Symptoms Leviticus 13:1

Purification of Lepers and Leprous Houses Leviticus 14:1

Concerning Bodily Discharges Leviticus 15:1

The Day of Atonement Leviticus 16:1

The Slaughtering of Animals Leviticus 17:1

Eating Blood Prohibited Leviticus 17:10

Sexual Relations Leviticus 18:1

Ritual and Moral Holiness Leviticus 19:1

Penalties for Violations of Holiness Leviticus 20:1

The Holiness of Priests Leviticus 21:1

The Use of Holy Offerings Leviticus 22:1

Acceptable Offerings Leviticus 22:17

Appointed Festivals Leviticus 23:1

The Sabbath, Passover, and Unleavened Bread Leviticus 23:3

The Offering of First Fruits Leviticus 23:9

The Festival of Weeks Leviticus 23:15

The Festival of Trumpets Leviticus 23:23

The Day of Atonement Leviticus 23:26

The Festival of Booths Leviticus 23:33

The Lamp Leviticus 24:1

The Bread for the Tabernacle Leviticus 24:5

Blasphemy and Its Punishment Leviticus 24:10

The Sabbatical Year Leviticus 25:1

The Year of Jubilee Leviticus 25:8

Rewards for Obedience Leviticus 26:1

Penalties for Disobedience Leviticus 26:14

Votive Offerings Leviticus 27:1

The First Census of Israel Numbers 1:1

The Order of Encampment and Marching Numbers 2:1

The Sons of Aaron Numbers 3:1

The Duties of the Levites Numbers 3:5

A Census of the Levites Numbers 3:14

The Redemption of the Firstborn Numbers 3:40

The Kohathites Numbers 4:1

The Gershonites and Merarites Numbers 4:21

Census of the Levites Numbers 4:34

Unclean Persons Numbers 5:1

Confession and Restitution Numbers 5:5

Concerning an Unfaithful Wife Numbers 5:11

The Nazirites Numbers 6:1

The Priestly Benediction Numbers 6:22

Offerings of the Leaders Numbers 7:1

The Seven Lamps Numbers 8:1

Consecration and Service of the Levites Numbers 8:5

The Passover at Sinai Numbers 9:1

The Cloud and the Fire Numbers 9:15

The Silver Trumpets Numbers 10:1

Departure from Sinai Numbers 10:11

Complaining in the Desert Numbers 11:1

The Seventy Elders Numbers 11:16

The Quails Numbers 11:31

Aaron and Miriam Jealous of Moses Numbers 12:1

Spies Sent into Canaan Numbers 13:1

The Report of the Spies Numbers 13:25

The People Rebel Numbers 14:1

Moses Intercedes for the People Numbers 14:13

An Attempted Invasion is Repulsed Numbers 14:26

Various Offerings Numbers 15:1

Penalty for Violating the Sabbath Numbers 15:32

Fringes on Garments Numbers 15:37

Revolt of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram Numbers 16:1

The Budding of Aaron’s Rod Numbers 17:1

Responsibility of Priests and Levites Numbers 18:1

The Priests’ Portion Numbers 18:8

Ceremony of the Red Heifer Numbers 19:1

The Waters of Meribah Numbers 20:1

Passage through Edom Refused Numbers 20:14

The Death of Aaron Numbers 20:22

The Bronze Serpent Numbers 21:1

The Journey to Moab Numbers 21:10

King Sihon Defeated Numbers 21:21

King Og Defeated Numbers 21:33

Balak Summons Balaam to Curse Israel Numbers 22:1

Balaam, the Donkey, and the Angel Numbers 22:22

Balaam’s First Oracle Numbers 22:22

Balaam’s Second Oracle Numbers 23:13

Balaam’s Third Oracle Numbers 24:1

Balaam’s Fourth Oracle Numbers 24:15

Worship of Baal of Peor Numbers 25:1

A Census of the New Generation Numbers 26:1

The Daughters of Zelophehad Numbers 27:1

Joshua Appointed Moses’ Successor Numbers 27:12

Daily Offerings Numbers 28:1

Sabbath Offerings Numbers 28:9

Monthly Offerings Numbers 28:11

Offerings at Passover Numbers 28:16

Offerings at the Festival of Weeks Numbers 28:26

Offerings at the Festival of Trumpets Numbers 29:1

Offerings on the Day of Atonement Numbers 29:7

Offerings at the Festival of Booths Numbers 29:12

Vows Made by Women Numbers 30:1

War against Midian Numbers 31:1

Return from the War Numbers 31:13

Disposition of Captives and Booty Numbers 31:25

Conquest and Division of Transjordan Numbers 32:1

The Stages of Israel’s Journey from Egypt Numbers 33:1

Directions for the Conquest of Canaan Numbers 33:50

The Boundaries of the Land Numbers 34:1

Tribal Leaders Numbers 34:16

Cities for the Levites Numbers 35:1

Cities of Refuge Numbers 35:9

Concerning Murder and Blood Revenge Numbers 35:16

Marriage of Female Heirs Numbers 36:1

Events at Horeb Recalled Deuteronomy 1:1

Appointment of Tribal Leaders Deuteronomy 1:9

Israel’s Refusal to Enter the Land Deuteronomy 1:19

The Penalty for Israel’s Rebellion Deuteronomy 1:34

The Desert Years Deuteronomy 1:1

Defeat of King Sihon Deuteronomy 2:26

Defeat of King Og Deuteronomy 3:1

Moses Views Canaan from Pisgah Deuteronomy 3:23

Moses Commands Obedience Deuteronomy 4:1

Cities of Refuge East of the Jordan Deuteronomy 4:41

Transition to the Second Address Deuteronomy 4:44

The Ten Commandments Deuteronomy 5:1

Moses the Mediator of God’s Will Deuteronomy 5:22

The Great Commandment Deuteronomy 6:1

Caution against Disobedience Deuteronomy 6:10

A Chosen People Deuteronomy 7:1

Blessings for Obedience Deuteronomy 7:12

A Warning Not to Forget God in Prosperity Deuteronomy 8:1

The Consequences of Rebelling against God Deuteronomy 9:1

The Second Pair of Tablets Deuteronomy 10:1

The Essence of the Law Deuteronomy 10:12

Rewards for Obedience Deuteronomy 11:1

Pagan Shrines to Be Destroyed Deuteronomy 12:1

A Prescribed Place of Worship Deuteronomy 12:13

Warning against Idolatry Deuteronomy 12:29

Pagan Practices Forbidden Deuteronomy 14:1

Clean and Unclean Foods Deuteronomy 14:3

Regulations concerning Tithes Deuteronomy 14:22

Laws concerning the Sabbatical Year Deuteronomy 15:1

The Firstborn of Livestock Deuteronomy 15:19

The Passover Reviewed Deuteronomy 16:1

The Festival of Weeks Reviewed Deuteronomy 16:9

The Festival of Booths Reviewed Deuteronomy 16:13

Municipal Judges and Officers Deuteronomy 16:18

Forbidden Forms of Worship Deuteronomy 16:21

Legal Decisions by Priests and Judges Deuteronomy 17:8

Limitations of Royal Authority Deuteronomy 17:14

Privileges of Priests and Levites Deuteronomy 18:1

Child-Sacrifice, Divination, and Magic Prohibited Deuteronomy 18:9

A New Prophet Like Moses Deuteronomy 18:15

Laws concerning the Cities of Refuge Deuteronomy 19:1

Property Boundaries Deuteronomy 19:14

Law concerning Witnesses Deuteronomy 19:15

Rules of Warfare Deuteronomy 20:1

Law concerning Murder by Persons Unknown Deuteronomy 21:1

Female Captives Deuteronomy 21:10

The Right of the Firstborn Deuteronomy 21:15

Rebellious Children Deuteronomy 21:18

Miscellaneous Laws Deuteronomy 21:22

Laws concerning Sexual Relations Deuteronomy 22:13

Those Excluded from the Assembly Deuteronomy 23:1

Sanitary, Ritual, and Humanitarian Precepts Deuteronomy 23:9

Laws concerning Marriage and Divorce Deuteronomy 24:1