This is a compilation by Dr. Robert S. Divine, a Pulitzer Prize winner and Professor of History at the University of Texas

* - denotes recommended

As an alternative to 2 tests you may read one of these books and make a 15 minute presentation


*The Tragedy of American Diplomacy – William A. Williams

Peace Reform in American History – Charles DeBenedetti

*Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy – Michael Hunt

A Covenant with Power – Lloyd Gardner

Spreading the American Dream 1890-1945 – Emily S. Rosenberg

Latin American Policy

The Latin American Policy of the U.S. – Samuel F. Bemis

*A History of the Monroe Doctrine – Dexter Perkins

The U.S. and Inter-American Security 1889-1960 – Lloyd Meacham

The Inter American System – Gordon Connell-Smith

The U.S. in Cuba 1898-1902 – David Healy

*Drive to Hegemony: The U.S. in the Caribbean– David Healy

Gunboat Diplomacy in the Wilson Era (Haiti) – David Healy

Cuba under the Platt Amendment – Louis A. Perez

*Intervention, Revolution and Politics in Cuba – Louis Perez

Constraint of Empire – Whitney T. Perkins

Roosevelt and the Caribbean – H.C. Hill

Theodore Roosevelt’s Caribbean – D. C. Miner

*The Panama Canal – Walter LeFeber

Yanqui Politics and the Isthmian Canal – Lawrence Ealy

Intervention and Dollar Diplomacy in the Caribbean– Dana Munro

The U.S. and the Caribbean in the Twentieth Century – Lester Langley

*The Banana Wars 1900-1934 – Lester Langley

*The Mexican Revolution – 1910-1914 – Peter Calvert

Revolution and Intervention (Mexico) – Edward P. Haley

*The U.S. and Pancho Villa – Clarence Clendenen

An Affair of Honor – Robert Quirk

The United States and Huerta – Kenneth J. Grieb

The United States Revolutionary Nationalism in Mexico – Robert Smith

Josephus Daniels in Mexico – E. David Cronon

Pan-American Visions – Mark Gilderhus

The Impact of Intervention (Dominican Rep) – Bruce Calder

The United States and Cuba – Jules Benjamin

*The United States and Cuba 1917-1960 – Robert Smith

Roosevelt and Batista – Irwin Gellman

Good Neighbor Diplomacy – Irwin Gellman

The United States Occupation of Haiti – Hans Schmidt

The Aftermath of War: WWI and US Policy in Latin America-Tulchin

A Search for Stability (Nicaragua) – William Kammen

Herbert Hoover’s Latin American Policy – Alexander DeConde

The Making of the Good Neighbor Policy – Bryce Wood

Are We Good Neighbors? – Donald Dozer

Trade and Hemisphere – Dick Steward

The Containment of Latin America – David Green

The Roosevelt Foreign Policy Establishment and the Good Neighbor: US and Argentina 1941-1945 – Randall Woods

Far Eastern Policy

*Sentimental Imperialists – Thompson, Stanley and Perry

Pacific Estrangement: Japanese and American Expansion-Akira Iriye

Across the Pacific: an Inner History of American Asian Relations - Iriye

America’s Response to China – Warren Cohen

The Far Eastern Policy of the US – A. Whitney Griswold

*John Hay: the Gentleman as Diplomat – Kenton Clymer

John Hay – Tyler Dennett

Roosevelt and the Russo Japanese War – Tyler Dennett

The Rhetoric of Empire: American China Policy -Warren Young

Imperialism and Idealism: American Diplomacy – David Anderson

*Response to Imperialism: the US and the Philippine War – Welch

China Market: America’s Quest for Informal Empire – McCormick

The Treaty of Portsmouth – Eugene Trani

Roosevelt and Japan – Raymond Esthus

*The Double Eagle and the Rising Sun – Raymond Esthus

From Enmity to Alliance – Raymond Esthus

An Uncertain Friendship: Roosevelt and Japan – Charles Neu

Roosevelt and Japanese American Crises – Thomas Bailey

*The Great White Fleet – Robert Hart

The U.S. Navy in the Pacific – William Braisted

The U.S. and China 1906-1913 – Charles Vevier

*Missionaries, Chinese and Diplomats – Paul Varg

*The Making of Myth: US and China 1887-1914 – Paul Varg

The Closing of the Door: Sino-American Relations – Paul Varg

Frontier Defense and the Open Door – Michael Hunt

Woodrow Wilson and the Chinese Revolution – Roy Curry

American Policy and the Chinese Revolution – Dorothy Borg

The US and the Far Eastern Crisis 1933-38 – Dorothy Borg

The Manchurian Crisis – Sara Smith

Henry L. Stimson and Japan – Armin Rappaport

Secretary Stimson, a Study in Statecraft – Richard Current

Turmoil and Tradition – Elting Morrison

The Colonel: Life and Wars of Henry Stimson – Godfrey Hodgson

*The Chinese Connection – Warren Cohen

American and Chinese Communists 1927-45 – Kenneth Shewmaker

While China Faced West – James Thompson

Nelson Johnson and American China Policy – Russell Buhite

The US and the Washington Conference – Thomas Buckley

Power in the Pacific – Roger Dingman

The Road to Pearl Harbor – Herbert Feis

The China Tangle – Herbert Feis

This is Pearl – Walter Millis

Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision – Robert Wohlstetter

*At Dawn We Slept – Gordon Prange

*Infamy – John Toland

Betrayal at Pearl Harbor – James Rusbridger

*The Broken Seal – Ladislas Farago

Going to War with Japan 1937-41 – Jonathan Utley

The Shadow of Pearl Harbor – Martin Melosi

*The Axis Alliance and Japanese American Relations – Paul Schroeder

America’s Failure in China – Tang Tsou

Wedemeyer’s Reports – Albert Wedemeyer

The US Crusade in China – Michael Schaller

The Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. and US Asian Policy – Irvine Anderson

The Spanish American War

*The New Empire – Walter LaFeber

The Expansionists of 1898 – Julius Pratt

US Expansionism – David Heal

*The Imperial Years – Foster Dulles

Imperial Democracy – Ernest May

*American Imperialism – Ernest May

Reticent Expansionism: the Foreign Policy of McKinley – John Dobson

America’s Ascent – John Dobson

Admiral of the New Empire: Life of Dewey – Ronald Spector

Yellow Journalists – Joyce Dobson

America’s Road to Empire – H. Wayne Morgan

An Unwanted War – John L. Offner

The War with Spain in 1898 – David Trask

The Martial Spirit – Walter Millis

Roosevelt and the International Rivalries – Raymond Esthus

Velvet on Iron: the Diplomacy of T. Roosevelt – Frederick Marks

Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power – Howard Beale

*Anti Imperialists in the US 1800-1920 – Berkeley Tompkins

*Bound to Empire: the US and the Philippines – H.W. Brand

The Politics of War 1800-1920 – Walter Karp

Henry Cabot Lodge and the Search for American Policy – Widenor

Anglo-American Understanding 1890-1903 – Charles Campbell

Britain and US Expansion 1898-1903 – R.C. Neal

Great Britain and the US (pts I, IV) – H.L. Allen

The Reapprochment – Bradford Perkins

The Transformation of American Foreign Policy – Charles Campbell

Toward a Warless World: The Travail of the American Peace Movement 1887-1914 - David Patterson

*Eleven against War – Sandra Herman

The American Peace Movement and Social Reform – Roland Marchand

World War I and the Peace Settlement

The Lusitania Disaster – Thomas Bailey and Paul Ryan

America Goes to War – Charles Tansill

Too Proud to Fight – Patrick Devlin

The End of Neutrality – John Coogan

Road to War – Walter Millis

World War I and the American Isolation – Ernest May

Woodrow Wilson and World Politics – Gordon Levin

The Vanity of Power: the US and World War I – John Milton Cooper

American Neutrality 1914-1917 – Charles Seymour

The Origins of Foreign Policy of Wilson – Harley Notter

Robert Lansing and American Neutrality – Daniel Smith

Wilson: Confusion and Crisis 1915-1916 – Arthur Link

The Great Departure – Daniel Smith

Woodrow Wilson and the Balance of Power – Edward Buehrig

The Inquiry – Lawrence Gelfand

Woodrow Wilson and the Lost Peace / Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal – both by Thomas Bailey

Versailles Twenty Years after – Paul Birdsall

Anglo American Diplomatic Relations at the Paris Peace Conference 1919 – Seth Tillman

Seeking World Order – Warren Kuehl

The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson – Herbert Hoover

The League to Enforce Peace – Ruhl Bartlett

Safe for Democracy – Lloyd Gardner

Woodrow Wilson and World War I – Robert Ferrell

Reform and Revolution: the Life and Times of Raymond Robins – Neil Salzman

America’s Siberian Expedition 1918-1920 – Betty Unterberger

Woodrow Wilson, Revolutionary Germany and Peacemaking – Klaus Schwabe

America’s Moment 1918/ Wilson and His Peacemakers – both by Arthur Walworth

Russia Leaves the War/ the Decision to Intervene – both by George Kennan

The 1920’s

Empire without Tears – Warren Cohen

Republican Foreign Policy 1921 – 1933 – Ethan Ellis

The Isolationist Impulse – Selig Adler

The US and World Organization 1920-33 – D.F. Fleming

Charles Evans Hughes the Illusions of Innocence – Glad

Peace in Their Time/American Diplomacy in the Great Depression/ Frank Kellogg and Henry Stimson – all by Robert Ferrell

American Business and Foreign Policy 1920-33 – Joan Wilson

For Peace and Justice: Pacifism in America – Charles Chatfield

William Bullitt and the Soviet Union – Beatrice Farnsworth

Americans and the Soviet Experiment – Peter Filene

The Origins of Soviet American Diplomacy – R.F. Browder

Recognition of Russia – Edward Bennett

Heir to Empire: American Economic Diplomacy 1916-23 – Parrini

The Elusive Quest: America’s Pursuit of European Stability and French Security, 1919-1933 – Melvin Leffler

Informal Entente – Michael Hogan

Pre-World War II

American Diplomacy and the Spanish Civil War – Richard Traina

The United States and the Spanish Civil War – Jay Taylor

Malevolent Neutrality – Douglas Little

Cordell Hull – Julius Pratt

The US and the Italo-Ethiopian Crisis – Brice Harris

American Appeasement – Arnold Offner

Roosevelt from Munich to Pearl Harbor – Basil Rauch

In Search of Peach – John Wiltz

Senator Gerald Nye and American Foreign Relations –

*America First - the Battle against Intervention -Walter Johnson, the Battle against Isolation – all by Wayne Cole

American Aid to France – John Haight

The Challenge to Isolation/The Undeclared War – Langer and Gleason

*The Illusion of Neutrality/Roosevelt and WWII – both by Robert Divine

Isolationism in America – Manfred Jonas

Back Door to War – C.C. Tansill

*The American Revisionists – Warren Cohn

Economic Aspects of New Deal Diplomacy – Lloyd Gardner

Should America Go to War? – James Schneider

Latin America and the Transformation of US Strategic Thought – David Hagland

*Fifty Ships That Saved the World – Philip Goodhart

The Most Unsordid Act: Lend Lease – Warren Kimball

Prelude to Downfall: Hitler and the US 1939-41 – Saul Friedlander

*The Swastika and the Eagle – James Compton

President Roosevelt and the Coming of War – Charles Beard

Roosevelt Confronts Hitler – Patrick Hearden

No Clear and Present Danger – Bruce Russett

The Decision to aid Russia, 1941 – Raymond Dawson

The First Summit – Theodore Wilson

America’s Second Crusade – William Chamberlain

Roosevelt and Churchill – Joseph Lash

Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy – Robert Dallek

Wind over Sand: Diplomacy of FDR – Frederick Marks

Hitler vs. Roosevelt – Bailey and Ryan

The Creation of the Anglo-American Alliance – David Reynolds

Threshold of War – Waldo Heinrichs

Wartime Diplomacy

Roosevelt and Hopkins – Robert Sherwood

American-Russian Relations 1781-1947 – William Williams

*Russia, the Soviet Union and the United States: an Interpretive History – John L. Gaddis

The Strange Alliance – John R. Deane

The Roads to Russia – Robert Jones

The Uneasy Alliance – Robert Beitzell

Aid to Russia, 1941-1946 – George C. Herring

Unconditional Surrender – Anne Armstrong

A Changing of the Guard – Randall Woods

*Roosevelt and the Russians, the Yalta Conference – E.R. Stettinius

Power and Culture – Akira Iriye

War without Mercy – John Dower

American Diplomacy during the Second World War – Gaddis Smith

Yalta – Diane Clemens

Decision at Yalta – Russell Buhite

Hostile Allies: FDR and DeGaulle– Milton Viorst

Our Vichy Gamble – William Langer

America and the French Nation, 1939-45 – Julian Hurstfield

The United States and Italy – James Miller

Diplomat among Warriors – Robert Murphy

The Politics of War – Gabriel Kolko

Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, Between War and Peace, Japan Subdued – all by Herbert Feis

Japan’s Decision to Surrender – Robert Butow

The Decision to Drop the Bomb – Giovannitti and Freed

A World Destroyed – Martin Sherwin

Second Chance – Robert Divine

Imperialism at Bay – William Louis

The Abandonment of the Jews – David Wyman

FDR and the Search for Victory – Edward Bennett

Diplomacy for Victory – Raymond O’Connor

American Opinion and the Russian Alliance – Ralph Levering

The Search for Solvency (Bretton Woods) – Alfred Eckes

Oil, War and National Security – Michael Stoff

Search for Security (Saudi Arabia) – Aaron Miller

Aramco, US and Saudi Arabia – Irvine Anderson

United States Oil Policy, 1919-48 – Stephen Randall

The Cold War

Strategies of Containment/The Long Peace/The US and the Origins of the Cold War – all by John L. Gaddis

America, Russia and the Cold War 1945-92 – Walter LeFeber

Rise to Globalism – Stephen Ambrose

American Foreign Policy Since WWII – John Spanier

Roots of American Foreign Policy – Gabriel Kolko

The United States in the World Arena – Walt Rostow

The Cold War as History – Louis Halle

Russia’s Road to the Cold War – Vojtech Mastny

The Rivals – Adam Ulam

Rebels Without War – Lawrence Wittner

The US and the Global Search for Minerals – Alfred Eckes

The Nuclear Question – Michael Mandelbaum

The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy – Lawrence Freedman

The CIA and American Democracy – Rhodri Jeffrey-Jones

Inside the Cold War/The Devil We Knew – both by H.W. Brand

The Faces of Power – Seyom Brown

East, West, North, South – Geir Lundestad

America’s Half Century – Thomas McCormick

The Shattered Peace – Daniel Yergin

On Every Front/Soviet American Confrontation – Thomas G. Paterson

Architects of Illusion – Lloyd Gardner

Atomic Diplomacy – Gar Alperowitz

Beginnings of the Cold War – Martin Herz

Ambiguous Partnership: US and Great Britain – Robert Hathaway

The Iron Curtain: Churchill, America and the Origins of the Cold War – Fraser Harburt

The End of an Alliance – Robert Messer

After Yalta – Lisle Rose

The Cold War Begins – Lynn Davis

The Origins of the Cold War in the Near East – Bruce Kuniholm

The Collapse of the Grand Alliance – James Gormly