/* This is a comment, and will be ignored by the importer and will not appear in your survey */
/* The first page of a survey can be titled using the new page code followed by the
title as long as it is the first element in the document. It is not required to include a page title after the NewPage code */
::NewPage:: Page One Title
Elements (questions and descriptive text) are separated by at least one blank line
Descriptive text is one or more lines of text that do no start with parentheses or brackets and do not contain tabs.
A manual line break (without an blank line between) will create an html break tag, allowing your text to show up formatted the same way within the survey. HTML code is allowed.
/*New pages can be created with the ::NewPage:: code, which is CaSe-sEnSiTiVe! If you would like to add a title to the
page, follow it with the page title */
::NewPage:: Page Two- Basic question types
/*Text box questions are distinguished by a question title followed by one or more
underscores on the following line */
/*Essay questions are distinguished by a question title followed by one or more
underscores on the following two or more lines */
/*Radio button (single select) questions are distinguished by a question title
followed by an open and close parentheses and the answers on the following lines */
()answer 1
( ) answer 2 /* It is acceptable to have space inside of the parentheses or after the closing parenthesis */
/*Checkbox (multi select) questions are distinguished by a question title followed by
an open and close bracket and answer title on the following lines */
[]answer 1
[ ] answer 2 /* It is acceptable to have space inside of the brackets or after the closing bracket*/
::NewPage:: Page Three - Table questions
/*Checkbox tables are distinguished by a title on the first line, a list of column
headers separated by tabs on the second line (note the first space is blank), and
a row header followed by open and closed brackets separated by tabs on the
following lines*/
/*Radio button tables are distinguished by a title on the first line, a list of
column headers separated by tabs on the second line (note the first space is blank),
and a row header followed by open and closed parentheses separated by tabs on the
following lines*/
/*Textbox tables are distinguished by a title on the first line, a list of column
headers separated by tabs on the second line (note the first space is blank),
and a row header followed by one or more underscores separated by tabs on the
following lines*/