Outcome Assessment Report

Outcome: 3.k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice[SBH1]

Target: 75% of students assessed as 2 (satisfactory) or better for the specified outcome[SBH2]

Program:Construction Engineering[SBH3]

Course:CE 477 – Project Controls[SBH4]

Term: Fall 2009

Instructor: Susan Bogus Halter

Course Description:Time and cost budgeting is used for project control through management.

Number of Students: 24

  • 3 (Bachelor in ConE) – evaluated for ABET assessment
  • 11 (Bachelor in CM) – evaluated for ACCE assessment
  • 10 (Graduate students)[SBH5]

Performance Criteria used for Assessment:

  1. Knowledge of the capabilities of contemporary engineering tools.
  2. Comprehension of the process of selecting engineering tools for specific goals.
  3. Applies engineering tools for solving problems.[SBH6]

Program Outcome Assessment:

Student Work Assessed:Homework assignments 4 and 5 were assessed because they required students to perform complex project controls assessments. Copies of the homework assignments are attached.[SBH7]

Rubric Used for Assessment:[SBH8]

Exemplary (3) / Satisfactory (2) / Unsatisfactory (1)
Uses appropriate engineering tools to solve problem. Sophisticated tools (i.e., complex models) used to optimize results when simpler tools could have been used. Methods and assumptions are documented, where necessary.
Indicated by an average homework score of 9 or above. / Uses appropriate engineering tools to solve much of the problem, but sophisticated tools are not used. Methods are identified but assumptions may not be documented.
Indicated by an average homework score of 7 or 8 / Uses few tools, applies tools inappropriately, does not understand the assumptions pertinent to correct use, or draws incorrect conclusions from the tools.
Indicated by an average homework score of less than 7

Results of Assessment:All three Construction Engineering students scored between 9 and 9.5 out of 10 points on each of the two homework assignments assessed.[SBH9]

Student / Assessment
1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Overall Program Outcome Assessment: For this outcome, 100% of students achieved a rating of 2 (satisfactory) or better, thus the program’s target was met (see figure below for data on this and past assessments).[SBH10]


[SBH1]List the outcome letter and description from our list of student outcomes

[SBH2]This is the Department’s approved goal. Please do not change without consulting the Undergraduate Cmte.

[SBH3]Enter either Civil Engineering or Construction Engineering, depending on which program you are assessing

[SBH4]List course number and name

[SBH5]Separate out students by undergraduate program and separate out graduate students

[SBH6]You may or may not use performance criteria. If not, just delete this section.

[SBH7]Describe what student work you used for assessment

[SBH8]Develop a rubric appropriate for the criteria you are evaluating. Check with the Undergraduate Cmte. For previously-develop rubrics you can use.

[SBH9]Assess each student individually or you can group them together and report No. of Students with a “1”, etc.

[SBH10]Summarize whether the target of 75% being assessed as “2” or better was met. If not, you could also provide comments on suggested changes to improve the results.