This Illegal American Life Video Questions


  1. What is the estimated amount of people living in the United States Illegally?
  1. Why did she go to UCLA?
  1. How many students at UCLA are undocumented or illegal immigrants?
  1. Explain your thoughts on the hatred that is expressed towards illegal immigrants (aliens), by legal residents of the U.S.
  1. Why do you think the farm workers did not want to talk to the film crew?
  1. What is the estimated percent that undocumented workers make up in the agricultural industry?
  1. List three of the produce processing plants that are located in Oxnard.
  1. Which of the three produce plants is considered the King crop of Oxnard or the cash crop of Oxnard?
  1. California produces what percent of the nations strawberries?
  1. Explain why picking strawberries is considered “backbreaking” labor?
  1. How much money does the strawberry industry make the produce industry a year?
  1. What is the name of the man that the host interviews, who also happens to be the only person that would talk to the cameras.
  1. Why did Filemon come to the US illegally?
  1. Where is Filemon from in Mexico?
  1. How many people live in the three bedroom home
  1. Why does Filemon not have a bed in the room he rents and how does this relate to migration?
  1. Explain what a Coyote is?
  1. How much does Ilse pay for rent. What are some obstacles she faces to attend college?
  1. Explain why the cabin is important.
  1. Explain the Dream Act.
  1. Explain what Senate Bill 1070 gave Arizona authorities the power to do.
  1. How many immigrants live in California?
  1. Which states have passed Arizona legislation? How do you thing this affects immigration?
  1. Do undocumented workers keep their illegal status a secret, why?
  1. What are some negative comments people make regarding illegal immigrants?
  1. Explain what happened to the men in Filemon’s village.
  1. Explain the negative effects of North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in Mexico.
  1. What is your opinion on illegal immigration?
  1. Did you like the video?
  1. Explain the push and pull factors of this video and how it relates to migration.