CountyNutrition Action Plan Committee

December 8th, 2011

10AM to 12 Noon

Attendees:Amber Hendry (SLO Public Health), Dayna Ravalin (SLO Public Health RD), Joyce Fields ( SLO Dept. of Social Services), Kathleen Karle (SLO Public Health), Linda McClure (WIC), Lisa Harrah (UC Cooperative Extension), and Taylor Moore (SLO Public Health).

Absent: Wendy Lewis (SLO Food Bank), Representative from (CAPSLO) Community Action Partnership of SLO County, Inc.

Why are we here? : To establish key relationships by meeting 4 times per year to discuss and plan direction to coordinate USDA food program interventions and efforts to increase food security in our targeted populations.

Public Health Objectives:

  1. Attend several SNAP-ED related trainings state and local. County of San Luis Obispo will attend regional trainings in January set up by the Network sponsored Gold Coast Collaborative group in Ventura. SLO Public Health (PH) will attend the Network for California statewide conference in March with possibly a representative from DSS and WIC.
  2. Conduct one 5 series nutrition class to reach 350 individuals in the targeted population. Determined sites are HASLO (Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo), DSS (Department of Social Services).
  3. Conduct single session nutrition classes to reach 600 individuals in targeted population areas. Determined sites are WIC clinics and the Food Banks in Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo.
  4. ReThink your Drink education to 300 individuals in the targeted population. Determined site will be all Head Start preschools and possible parents groups and PTA groups with the collaboration of UC Cooperative Extension.
  5. Conduct Communities of Excellence in Nutrition (CX3), Physical Activity, and Obesity Prevention (CX3) in 3 to 7 SNAP-Ed eligible low income populations.
  6. Coordinate two local media activates that highlight nutrition and physical activity events. SLO Public Health has already committed to assisting and supporting the Gold Coast Collaborative group for a Fruit and Veggie Festival in Paso Robles scheduled in May.

Department of Social Services Objectives:

  1. Collaborate with PH to provide nutrition education aimed at CalFresh clients.
  2. Provide and distribute posters, brochures, and color books in DSS offices. DSS offered to distribute extra color books to WIC clinics.
  3. Monthly newsletter mailings “Harvest of the month”.
  4. Quarterly nutritional education postcard mailings to CalFresh participants.
  5. PH will provide training to DSS staff for their one-stop workshops in Paso, Arroyo Grande, and SLO. One-Stop workshops are a work component for CalFresh recipients. Dayna will provide DSS staff and UC Cooperative Extension staff with and accurate and up to date Food Demonstration presentation along with the train the trainer curriculum.
  6. Develop a restaurant guide to mail out to CalFresh participants. The guide will be developed from USDA standards on healthy food choices. Goal is to mail out about 8000 to CalFresh households. The first pilot restaurant target will be Subway in MorroBay.

CountyObesity Plan:

Group decided the goal for the CNAP strategic report would be: Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption with 3 to 4 strategies/objectives. Staff will use the example provided from OrangeCounty. The overall goal would be to tie in the SLO County Obesity Plan to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Staff will put together a sample for the CNAP committee to review.

Next Meeting- March 15, 2012