Dear Parents,

This half term we are going to be learning about Superheroes. Please see the attached curriculum web showing exactly what your child will be learning over the next few weeks. If anyone has any spare Superhero action figures or costumes we would be very grateful for donations.

As we will be starting the topic by focusing on the children’s favourite superheroes we will be having a Superhero fancy dress day on Tuesday 17th January 2017. Please talk to your child about who their favourite superhero is. Please note that girls should not wear princess fancy dress clothes.

It is a pleasure to look through the children’s All About Me books. The children also really enjoy sharing them with their friends. We will put some excellent examples in the windows. As the children are now learning to write very simple sentences it is a good idea to get them to write a sentence in their book each week. A simple sentence like I went to the park, would be fantastic. Encourage your child to sound out each word and write what they can hear. Do not worry if the word is not spelt correctly, just seeing the correct sounds are perfect.

We have been busy recording the children’s learning in their online Learning Journals. The children enjoy looking at each others’ each day. Now we would like to share them with you. You are all invited to a meeting on Friday 27th January 2017 at 9am. At this meeting we will show you how to access the Learning Journal and give you your log in and password so that you can view your child’s Learning Journal at home.

Please don’t forget to put 50p per week into the class money box. It really helps to be able to buy playdough ingredients, resources for our topics and materials for creative activities.

Thank you

The Reception Team