This Form Must Be Typed and Left in Word Format

Graco Mortgage


Initial Project Information Form


General Information

This information is requested for consideration of your project to be funded.

Type directly on this sheet and email it as an attachment along with any additional information. Provide as much information as you can. Only fill in what is applicable to your company. You may have already provided some of this to your representative, but please enter it here also.

#1 Borrower’s Company Name
Date Company was started
Entity Type
State of Incorporation
Description of company’s business
Borrower’s Company Address
City, state, zip
Please explain the business of your company in one or two lines
State company was formed in
#2 Borrower’s Company Name
Date Company was started
Entity Type
State of Incorporation
Description of company’s business
Borrower’s Company address
City, state, zip
Please explain the business of your company in one or two lines
State company is formed in
Contact person for this project
Contact person’s office number
Contact person’s cell number
Contact person’s email address
Is the entity a co-signer or guarantor?
List of all regulatory or civil actions involving the project, company or principals.
Any other special debt?
We may need full disclosure of all parties with 5% or more ownership in the company. Are you willing to disclose this? (We do not need these names right now).
We may need all of your company’s information for proper application submission, including:
·  Status of company record of doing business
·  Certified copies of business licenses, Real-estate or Construction, etc.
·  EIN Tax number, Attorney Contact information
·  All details and support material for all projects to be worked on
What, if any of the above, are you lacking? (We do not need these documents right now. But let us know if you are lacking anything).

Principal Information

Principal’s name(s)
Principal #1 Name
Street Address
City / State / Zip
Social Security #
Date of Birth
Phone Number (Office)
Cell (Number)
Email Address
Principal #2 Name
Street Address
City / State / Zip
Social Security #
Date of Birth
Phone Number (Office)
Cell (Number)
Email Address
Principal #3 Name
Street Address
City / State / Zip
Social Security #
Date of Birth
Phone Number (Office)
Cell (Number)
Email Address
Does principal(s) have any outstanding Federal Debt?
Does principal(s) have any contingent liabilities? If yes, give details
Schedule of commercial real estate and value of same
Existing debt on schedule of commercial real estate
Principal’s mid FICO score(s)

Project Specific Information

Project Name
Project address and pin #(s) if available
City, State, Zip
Property Type
Purchase Price
Down Payment Amount
Purpose of the Loan
Website for the project
Date the property was purchased
Amount of down payment (if purchase)
Square Footage / Acres of Property
Project description
Existing debt on project
Percentage of project completed
Source and use of funds – explain in detail
Time restraints for project
List of previous funding sources for project
Type of funding received to date
Current rate and term on project
Obstacles encountered that have prevented project from being funded
Are there any existing fee agreements with any parties?
What best describes your current business stage? / Check One
Has never conducted operations
Is in the development stage
Is currently conducting operations
Has shown a profit in the last fiscal year
Other Specify
Do you have a business Plan?
Do you have financial projections (pro forma)?
What company, if any, is active in doing the accounting for your company?
If the asset you intend to back your bonds with real estate, do you own the land?
Do you have copies of the deeds, liens, mortgage, etc.? (We do not need to see them right now)
Are you already seeking help in raising capital for the project? Specifically, are you seeking broker-dealer assistance to sell the bonds?
All funds are clean and verifiable and funds are not from an illegal source? Is that correct?

Funding and Resource Requirements

Amount of funding sought
Amount Invested by borrower to date
Do you have 20% cash (not equity) of the phase I to put into the project?
Type of loan requested
Terms of the loan requested
Loan to value ratio
Loan to cost ratio
As is value of the project
As completed value of the project
As stabilized value of the project
Lender’s length of involvement
How will this loan be repaid / exit strategy?
Lender equity participation requested YES / NO

Please check all items below that you are submitting with this information sheet.

Please submit all information to:

Attn: Ray Grant



Graco Mortgage

Rev. 1-7-2017

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