Course Change Routing Sheet

(This form is used for making changes to specific

courses, not programmatic changes.)

Department Name: Your Name & Contact Information:

List the Course Title and Course Catalog Number of the course you wish to change here:

Is this course part of the University Studies Program: Yes No

(if you wish to have your course added to the University Studies Program, fill out the USP Course approval form)

Check boxes below for each thing that you wish to change(s):

Course Title: Old Title: New Title:

30 Character Abbreviation (spaces count):

Catalog Number: Old Number: New Number:

Course Description: Enter new description here, exactly how you wish it to appear:

Prerequisites: Clearly define the change to existing prerequisites here:

Units (Credits): Old Number of credits: New number of credits:

Variable Credit: No Yes; If yes, variable from: credits to:

Repeatable for Credit: No Yes; If yes, max. total units:

Dual Level Listing (UG/G): If changing, describe here:

Cross Listing: If yes, explain here: (seek approval from other department)

If removing cross listing, explain here:

Course Deletion: Explain here:

Grading Basis: Letter Grade Pass/Fail

Course Component(s): Check all that apply and enter how many class hours are assigned to each


Lecture(An instructional method in which the instructor presents data and little discussion occurs. Most Lecture

components include some general discussion. “Discussion” should only be checked if this is separate from the Lecture


Laboratory/Studio Hours per week

Discussion Hours per week

Field Experience Hours per week

Indepen/Individ Instr. Hours per week

Seminar/Colloquia Hours per week

Other Notes or Additional Change(s) - clearly describe here:

Effective Date: Enter Term and Year:


If necessary, outline of Course (Attach syllabus – cut and paste here):

Are New Resources Required? No Yes; if yes, please explain:

Course content related to other curricula:

Prior to the initiation of the approval process, please contact the Registrar’s office at x0933for consultation about the possible impact of proposed changes.


Approvals and Distribution: Print your name; sign your name, date; check only if you want a copy of the approved Form B. Be sure to indicate in the last line any others who should receive the approved copy.

Position / Print Name / Sign Name / Date / Check here for copy.
Originator (if other than Dept Chair)
Department Chair:
Division Chair
Curriculum Committee Chair
Grad Studies (if applicable)
USP Chair (if applicable)
Provost & Vice Chancellor / Lane Earns
Additional Recipient(s)of Approved Copy / (Print name) / (Print Email Address)

U:\DeBolt -- McQuillan\Course & Program Changes\Forms A,C, Masters & Instructions\New Form A with USP included\Form B - Course Revisions.docx