Monthly Meeting Minutes of January 18, 2011
Pete Williams, CPYHA Vice-President, called to order the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors at 7:02 pm.
Roll Call – Lisa Lewis:
Gambling – Lisa Blake (Mark):
Bill Blake reported revenue at $5,600.00. The December reports were just received and will be reviewed at the next board meeting. The Board of Directors approved payment of $4,200.00 to our CPA’s for our gambling audit of April, 2010.
Approval of Minutes:
Tom Crowley motioned to approve the December 21, 2010, monthly board minutes and Mark Anderson seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved with the exception of Al Lundstrom and Craig Dokken who were not in attendance.
Champlin Forum – Nick Powell:
No report.
Treasurer – Tony Henningson:
Tony Henningson reported that CPYHA paid our MN Sales Tax Liability per the advice from our CPA’s. Craig Dokken and the accounting firm are working on the abatement of penalties and interest. The profit and loss statement was down a bit due to the cancellation of the Rebels Thanksgiving Tournament. The team managers are doing a good job sending ice payments. Tony has begun writing checks to coaches for reimbursement of the USA and MN Hockey Fees. There are a total of 91 coaches so this will take some time. Tony is reviewing ice bills based on new hours received from our Ice Director.
Pete Williams added that the association needs to get back on track hosting tournaments as this is income for CPYHA.
Board Members:
Pete Williams, Tony Henningson, Lisa Lewis, Mark Anderson, Tom Crowley, Steven Jones and Eric Zimmerman.
Committee Directors:
Joe’l Brenny, Communications; Bill Blake, Equipment; Pat Nelson, Goalie Equipment; Gary Wilson, Girls Committee and Jay Lysne, Player Development.
Terry Bergstrom.
Special Events – Tammie Dokken (Lisa):
No report.
S.K.A.T.E. – Becky Judge (Al):
No report.
Registration/Traveling – Deb Herr (Steve):
No report.
Registration/House – John Judge (Tom):
No report.
Sponsorship – OPEN (Pete):
Pete Williams was working with Appliance Smart on a sponsorship opportunity, but they have decided not to go forward. Joe’l Brenny met with a potential sponsor and they will be sending over a proposal.
Equipment – Bill Blake (Al):
No report.
Goalie Equipment – Pat Nelson (Tom):
Pat Nelson reported that he has rented out more mite gear this season than in the past. He is working on collecting rental payments from some families.
Girls Committee – Gary and Shari Wilson (Craig):
Gary Wilson and the Girls Committee are currently working on the Girls Youth Hockey Day which is Saturday, January 22, 2011. The Board of Directors approved a budget up to $200.00 for the Girls Committee to use for the event. The Girls Committee is working in a joint effort with the Champlin Park High School Girls’ Booster Club. The Committee also uses this as a recruitment tool. The younger girls are encouraged to bring a friend. After the events, the girls will watch the High School Girls play and support the team.
St. Francis contacted Gary and they may have an interest to co-op with CPYHA at the Girls 12-U level next season.
Multi-Use Facility – Pete Lewis (Steve):
No report.
Player Development – Jay Lysne (Eric):
Player Development is working with Pat Janostin in the planning of the Fall Skills Clinics. Pat Janostin spoke with Pete Lewis about assisting with the planning and Kevin Borer will be working with the group as well. Tom Crowley and Jay have the hours from Nick Powell. They do not have anyone in place as of yet to schedule the times and levels. Lisa Lewis added that it was hard for the younger groups to make it to the clinics during the day last year. Jay and Todd Cain have ADM disc’s from their meeting a few weeks back and will be scheduling a meeting at the Forum.
House – Todd Cain(Tom):
Lisa Lewis motioned to approve one free 2011-2012 hockey registration for the Mite Jamboree. The approval includes the registration fee, fundraiser buyout and try-out fees, if applicable. The certificate is non-transferable. Eric Zimmerman seconded and the Board of Directors unanimously approved with the exception of Craig Dokken and Al Lundstrom who were not present.
Concessions – Michele Knowlton/Manager and Karma Lindell/Accounting(Steve):
No report.
Tournaments – David Ligneel (Tony):
Tom Crowley is wondering if we need to change the level of participation for next years’ Rebels Thanksgiving Tournament. Bill Blake suggested perhaps a different weekend. The Board would like to get input from David Ligneel on ideas for next season.
Ice – Gary Rodin (Eric):
Joe’l Brenny stated that there are some scheduling issues with the website and the house games.
Traveling – Mike Fredrick (Al):
No report.
Coaches Selection Committee – Pete Williams (Steve):
No report.
Communications – Joe’l Brenny (Lisa):
Facebook is now on the CPYHA website. Joe’l has the ability to edit comments. USA Hockey has a program called the “Flat Stanley Cup.” The player’s draw the character of Flat Stanley, take pictures of him in different locations and then sends those pictures to USA Hockey. Joe’l would like to have the pictures displayed at the Forum for any of our kids that participate. She will post a message about the program on the home page.
Fundraising – OPEN (Lisa):
No report.
MN Hockey – Craig Dokken (Pete):
No report.
Apparel – Lisa Lewis (Mark):
No report.
By-Laws – Pete Williams (Craig):
Tom Crowley stated to the group that he would like to see some of the By-Law ideas that were proposed to the board voted on at the annual meeting in April.
Old Business:
New Business:
Steve Jones motioned to adjourn the meeting and Tony Henningson seconded. The motion was passed with the exception of Craig Dokken and Al Lundstrom who were not in attendance. The meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm.