Proposed Development at Land to the West of ‘Bonningtons Farm’, Station Road, B183

REF: UTT/16/3565/OP

Dear Resident,

Takeley has seen a massive increase in the number of homes built in the last 10 years and whilst Takeley Parish Council recognises a need for local affordable housing, we have strongly objected to this proposal for a number of reasons which are summarised overleaf. We believe that if this development goes ahead it will have asignificantanddetrimental impact on all of the village. You have the opportunity of giving your view.

We would welcome your support and urge you to read the information available and submit your objections to Uttlesford District Council by 2nd February 2017

“Outline planning application with all matters reserved, except for access for - Community led Mixed Use Development of up to 275 residential units, site/land for Primary School, Multi Use Games Area, Kick About Area, Flexible Neighbourhood Building ( A1, A2,A3, A5, B1, D1 & D2 Uses), Car Park, Trim Trail and Dog Walking Circuit")

‘The application does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated.’

Please see overleaf

For more information contact Takeley Parish Council

email: or phone 020 8270 1149

Proposed Development at Land to the West of ‘Bonningtons Farm’, Station Road, B183

  • The site is outside the development limits of Takeley and not part of the current Uttlesford Local Plan for housing development.There is no proven need for housing development in this area which would destroy the open relationship and connectivity to the countryside. Takeley has had enough housing development. In fact, there is already too much development in the south of Uttlesford.
  • This is not small scale development. The site has potential for more than 850 dwellings (the size of Priors Green)
  • The Four Ashes cross-roads has no capacity to take extra traffic - the sites’ only access is from Station Road/B183. Pedestrian access would be via a sub-standard footway which is constrained by the railway bridge abutments. The access of the B1256 Dunmow Road to the M11 Jtn 8 is already overloaded. So access to ‘the site’ is wholly unsatisfactory.
  • The lack of safe and appropriate access for pedestrians and cyclists to the wider network and local facilities mean that this location is wholly dependent on the private car and therefore does not represent a sustainable location.
  • This land is adjacent to the Flitch Way which is a wildlife corridor and a linear country park, and leads to Hatfield Forest. It forms an important natural southern boundary to the built-up area of Takeley. Planning policy recognises Hatfield Forest which ‘is an important recreational resource and a strategic area of green infrastructure which is important to protect’. At the current time that SSSI status is under threat. Development of this site would lead to significant harm.
  • The offer of community facilities adjacent to Takeley may be an illusion - benefits which can be/are commonly offered by many sites with little commitment to do so.
  • Health provision - Takeley does not have a GP. Even where a GP surgery is suggested by the developer this is not deliverable because NHS England will not support it. Govt policy is for large hubs therefore to suggest a GP surgery within any proposals is disingenuous. TPC has experience of this very situation on Priors Green, and has been engaged in discussions with the Health Authority. In reality the proposal may offer land (or the shell of a building) but the NHS has no intention of providing a service.
  • Education: The site is more than 800m from the existing primary school provision. It is also more than 4.8km from a secondary school. A proposal for a primary school is unrealistic. Access from the centre of Takeley via Station Road, B183 cannot provide a safe pedestrian route to school due to the narrow bridge that crosses the Flitch Way (old railway line).
  • The various open space/recreational ‘offers’ are already available in Takeley.

Residents may inspect copies of the application at the Council Offices London Road Saffron Walden CB11 4ER during office hours 8.30am -5pm Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.30pm on Fridays until 2nd February 2017 and online and online at or contact Takeley Parish Council to view a hard copy.

Please send representations about this application to Uttlesford District Council, Council Offices, London Road,Saffron Walden CB11 4ER or email or make them online at by 2nd February 2017 Quoting reference UTT/16/3565/OP

For more information contact Takeley Parish Council

email: or phone 020 8270 1149