This document is written primarily for the ONLINE Students
(Links to complete the final quizare found under quizzes on D2L)
- There are two parts to the final quiz.
- Part A - closed-book fill-in-the-blank
- Part B - open-book hands-on
- Each part has a time limit for completing the quiz – watch your time!!
- You can take each part only one time.
- You must use a computer with high-speed internet and reliable internet connectivity for both parts of the final quiz.
- Both parts of the final quiz must be completed by a specific due date and has a window of availability.
- The due dateis indicated on the course webpage and the window of availability is indicated in D2L for each part of the final quiz.
- The due date expires after 11:59pm on that date.
- If the quiz is not completed by the due date then you will be locked out of the finalquiz and receive zero points.
- Do not put off the final quiz! You can complete it as soon as you finish all of the course work.
Part A:
Type: Closed book & notes fill-in-the-blank quiz.
Time limit: 15 minutes
Assessment: computer and internet concepts.
Before you take the quiz: You will need to review the notes on computer & internet concepts.
How it works: Click “Start Quiz” to begin the quiz. You will be presented with questions and must fill in the blank with the appropriate answer. You cannot click outside the quiz at any point once the quiz begins. If you do then your quiz score will be zero points. All of your keystrokes are recorded, so be careful where you click! Once the quiz is complete you will need to submit it for grade. No items should be submitted to the Dropbox for this type of quiz.
Part B:
Type: Open book & notes hands-onquiz.
Time limit: 90 minutes
Assessment: Integration of the applications
- Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
Before you take the quiz: You will need to review the applications, especially the skills that gave you trouble on the topic quizzes.
How it works: Click “Start Quiz” to begin part B of the finalquiz. You will be asked to create three items (document, spreadsheet or PowerPoint) on your local computer, save and submit to a D2L dropbox folder. Part B will consist of directions, specific instructions for completing each item (document, spreadsheet or PowerPoint), and a screen shot of what each item should look like when complete. At the bottom of the quiz is a single question worth 5 points if answered and submitted correctly. This quiz can be printed so that it is easier to work on the document or item being created. Directions to print are below. Just don't forget to answer the questions at the bottom of the final quiz and completely submit that part of the quiz for grade!
Once the item (document, spreadsheet or PowerPoint) is complete, you will save it "as your last name" (smith for example) on your local computer. Next, submit (upload) the completed item (document, spreadsheet or PowerPoint) to the proper D2L dropbox folder. This needs to be done immediately following the completion of the quiz. The upload time stamp will be compared to when you began the quiz to determine if you completed it within the allotted time.
Printing Instructions:You must have a printer connected to your computer to print part B. Begin part B, click "Start Quiz". Once the quiz loads you will see your screen has been divided into frames. The easiest way to print the quiz from D2L is to position your mouse in the frame containing the quiz. Click the right mouse button and select "Print Preview".
Once in Print Preview you should have the option to change from "As laid out on the screen" to "Only the selected frame”. This should reduce the "extra stuff" in the print out and give you the entire quiz. There are other settings you can adjust to make the printout easier to read...Make sure your computer has a printer connected before you do this.
If you do not want to print it out - that is fine, but you will be "going back and forth" from Word to D2L often. The computer labs on campus DO have printers and you might want to either complete it there or in Hamilton Computer Lab where you could use 2 screens instead of printing.
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