This culminating project involves researching occupations that make use of the 4 different math strands studied this semester, including the education and training needed for each occupation selected. Students must also create and solve a related problem from each of the 4 math strands. Students will select one career and math problem to present to the class.
The fourmath strands studied in this course are:
- Trigonometry and Geometry (Units 1 & 2)
- Data Management and Statistics (Units3 & 4)
- Mathematical Modeling (Units 5 & 6)
- Financial Applications and Personal Finance (Units 7 & 8)
Part 1: Four Math Careers
For each strand, choose a non-academic career (ie. not including teachers or professors) that uses the mathematics of that strand. A list of suggested websites will be provided. Write a brief description of the occupation, including the education required toobtain a job in this field, and any experience or other training needed.
Part 2: Four Math Problems
Create a detailed math problem related to each occupation selected. Each problem must be based on material from the course, but must be different from problems done in class. Include any relevant information that must be provided in order to solve the problem, and then provide a detailed solution to the problem.
Part 3: Written Report
Prepare an original,neat, well-organized written reportcontaining all of the information from Parts 1 and 2. Indicate any websites or any other information sources used. All research must be typed. The math may be handwritten.
Part 4: Short Presentation
Present ONE occupation and its related math problem (with your solution) to the class. Your presentation should be 3-5 minutes in length. You are encouraged to enhance your presentation by using tools such as the board, projector, Excel/Powerpoint/graphs, etc.
Name: ______
Part 1: Four Math Careers/10
Criteria / 0 5 5.5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10Collection of career data and required education and training for each math strand / Gathers data that is connected to math careers, yet inappropriate for inquiry / Gathers data that is appropriate and connected to math careers, yet missing many significant details / Gathers data that is appropriate and connected to math careers, including most significant details / Gathers data that is appropriate and connected to math careers, including all significant details
Part 2: Four Math Problems/10
Criteria / 0 5 5.5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10Creation of appropriate math problems for each math strand / Math problems are not well connected to the career, or missing key components. / Math problems are somewhat connected to career, or missing some components. / Math problems are well-connected to the career. / Math problems are detailed and well-connected to the career
Degree of clarity of solutions / Solutions are unclear and/or have errors / Solutions are correct and demonstrate some clarity / Solutions are correct and clear / Solutions are correct, clear, written in good mathematical form
Part 3: Written Report/10
Criteria / 0 5 5.5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10Expression and organization of ideas and mathematical thinking / Report is poorly written or organized, with some components missing. / Report is somewhat organized, with all components present. Ideas are expressed somewhat clearly. / Report is well organized, complete. Ideas expressed clearly and evidence of some mathematical thinking. / Report is well organized, complete; solid mathematical thinking. Ideas expressed clearly and with insight.
Part 4: Presentation/10
Criteria / 0 5 5.5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10Selection and use of appropriate concrete, visual and electronic tools to create a presentation / Selects and applies basic tools or makes major errors or omissions / Selects and applies appropriate tools with minor errors, omissions or mis-sequencing / Selects and applies appropriate tools, accurately and logically sequenced / Selects and applies the most appropriate tools, accurately and logically sequenced
Appropriate use of mathematical vocabulary throughout presentation / Sometimes uses mathematical vocabulary correctly when expected / Often uses mathematical vocabulary correctly when expected / Consistently uses mathematical vocabulary correctly when expected / Consistently uses mathematical vocabulary correctly, recognizing new ways to use it
Total: /40