This course listing is meant to be as comprehensive as possible. If, however, you are interested in a course that is not on this listing, and think it is applicable to your MEMS concentration, please feel free to speak with Professor Karla Taylor, the Director of MEMS. To make an appointment, please call 763-2066, or email .

Department and Program Abbreviations

AAPTIS: Arabic, Armenian, Persian, Turkish and Islamic Studies JUDAIC: Judaic Studies

ACABS: Ancient Civilizations and Biblical Studies LHSP: Lloyd Hall Scholars Program

AMCULT: American Culture LING: Linguistics

ANTHRCUL: Cultural Anthropology MENAS: Middle Eastern and North African Studies

ASIAN / ASIANLAN: Asian Languages & Cultures MUSICOL: Musicology

CAAS: Center for Afro-American and African Studies PHIL: Philosophy

CLARCH: Classical Architecture POLSCI: Political Science

CLCIV: Classical Civilizations RCHUMS: Residential College Humanities

COMPLIT: Comparative Literature SCAND: Scandinavian Studies

GTBOOKS: Great Books SI: School of Information

HISTART: History of Art THTREMUS: Theatre and Drama

HISTORY: History WOMENSTD: Women’s Studies

HJCS: Hebrew and Jewish Cultural Studies

Departments &
Course Numbers / Instructors &
Email / Title /
AAPTIS 100 / ACABS 100 / HJCS 100 / HISTORY 132 / Kathryn Babayan [babayan] / Peoples of the Middle East
AAPTIS 200 / ACABS 200 / HJCS 200 / RELIGION 201 / Ralph Williams [fiesole]
Alexander Knysh [alknysh]
Yaron Eliav [yzeliav] /

Introduction to World Religions: Near Eastern–Religions of the Book: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

AAPTIS 274 / ARMENIAN 274 / Kevork Bardakjian [kbar] /

Armenia: Culture and Ethnicity

AAPTIS 285 / Sussan Babaie [sbabaie] /

Introduction to the Art and Architecture of Islam

AAPTIS 381 / Trevor Legassick [tleg] /

Introduction to Arab Literature in Translation.

AAPTIS 393 / ACABS 393 / Gernot Windfuhr [windfuhr] /

The Religion of Zoroaster

AAPTIS 461 / Rudi Lindner [rpl]
Michael Bonner [mbonner] /

The First Millenium of the Islamic Near East

AAPTIS 565 / Sherman Jackson [sajackso] /

Qur’anic Studies

AAPTIS 663 / Katheryn Babayan [babayan] /

Persian Historiography from Medieval to Early Modern Times

ANTHRCUL 346 / Rebecca Scott [rjscott] /

Latin America: The Colonial Period

ANTRCUL 519 / Sarah Thomason [thomason] /

Principles and Methods of Historical Linguistics

ASIAN 204 / Hitomi Tonomura [tomitono] /

East Asia: Early Transformations

ASIAN 206 / Thomas Trautmann [trautt] /

Indian Civilization

ASIAN 207 / Victory Lieberman [Eurasia] /

Southeast Asian Civilization

ASIAN 225 / RELIGION 225 / Madhav Deshpande [mmdesh] /


ASIAN 230 / PHIL 230 / RELIGION 230 / Luis Gomez [lgomez] /

Introduction to Buddhism

ASIAN 300 / Esperanza Ramirez-Christensen [qmz] /

Love and Death in Japanese Culture

ASIAN 324 / Farina Mir [fmir] /

History of Islam in South Asia

ASIAN 361 / David Rolston [rolston] /

The Pursuit of Happiness in the Chinese Tradition

ASIAN 487 / Louis Gomez [lgomez] /

Buddhism in India: Its Doctrine and History

ASIANLAN 409 / David Rolston [drolston] /

Literary Chinese 1

ASIANLAN 433 / Esperanza Ramirez-Christensen [qmz] /

Classical Japanese I

ASIANLAN 465 / Gareth Sparham [gsparham]] /

First Year Classical Tibetan I

CAAS 246 / HIST 246 /

Africa to 1850

DUTCH 160 / Ton Broos [tonbroos] / Colonialism and its Aftermath
ENGLISH 267-001 / Macklin Smith [macklins] / Introduction to Shakespeare
ENGLISH 350 / MEMS 350 / Theresa Tinkle [tinkle] /

Literature in English to 1660

ENGLISH 367 / Ralph Williams [fiesole] /

Shakespeare's Principal Plays

ENGLISH 370.001 / Sadia Abbas [abbass] / Religious and Intellectual Strife in Sixteenth Century English Literature
ENGLISH 370.002 / Theresa Tinkle [tinkle] / Love and Desire in Medieval Literature
ENGLISH 371.001 / Gorman Beauchamp [gormanb] / Studies in Literature, 1600 – 1830:
ENGLISH 371.002 / Vivasvan Soni [Vivasvan] / Studies in Literature, 1600 – 1830:Sentimentalism and the Rise of the Novel
ENGLISH 371.003 / Sunil Agnani [] / Studies in Literature, 1600 – 1830
ENGLISH 407.003 / Steven Mullaney [Mullaney] / Shakespeare in Performance
ENGLISH 467 / Enoch Brater [] / Shakespeare in Performance
ENGLISH 503 / McSparran [mcsparra] [ / Middle English
ENGLISHER 505 / Anne Curzan [acurzan] / History of the English Language
ENGLISH 560 / Karla Taylor [kttaylor] / Chaucer: The Major Texts
ENGLISH 642 / Steven Mullaney [mullaney] / Making Publics in Early Modern England
ENGLISH 861 / Barbara Hodgdon [hodgdonb] / Shakespeare Performance Studies: Histories, Theories, Laboratories, Archives
FRENCH 367 / MEMS 377 / ITALIAN 387 / Katherine Ibbett [Ibbett] Alison Cornish [acorn] / Cultural exchange between Italy and France in the Renaissance
FRENCH 653 / Katherine Ibbett [Ibbett] /

Studies in 17th C French Literature: Forms of Feeling in Early Modern France

GERMAN 375 / SCAND 375 /

Celtic and Nordic Mythology

GERMAN 450 / Helmut Puff [puffh] /

Parzival: A Hero for All Times?

GREATBOOKS 191 / H. Don Cameron [hdcameron] /

Great Books

HISTART 101 / Thelma Thomas [tkthomas] /

Art and Culture of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

HISTART 194 / Elizabeth Sears [esears] /

Medieval Bibles

HISTART 240 / Achim Timmermann –achimtim] /

Visual Arts in Medieval Society

HISTART 250 / Rosemary Trippe [rtrippe] /

Italian Renaissance Art, I

HISTART 285 / AAPTIS 285 / Sussan Babaie [sbabaie] /

Visual Culture Islam

HISTART342 / Thomas Willette [willette] /

Reason and Passion in the Eighteenth Century

HISTART 348 / Elizabeth Sears [esears] /

The Medieval Book

HISTART 463 / Celeste Brusati [cbrusati] /

Varieties of Flemish and Dutch Painting

HISTART 489 / Kevin Gray Carr [kgcarr] /

Sacred Image / Sacred Place in Japanese Art

HISTART 491 / Sussan Babaie [sbabaie] /

Funerary Architecture and the Cult of the Dead in the Persianate World

HISTART 565 / ARCH 528 / Lydia Soo [lmsoo] /

Early Modern Architecture in Italy, Austria, Germany / Baroque Architecture

HISTART 690 / Martin Powers [mpow] / Theory and Criticism in Chinese Art
HISTART 710 / Achim Timmermann [achimtim] / Chartres: Anatomy of a Medieval Cathedral
HISTART 754 / HISTORY 698 / MEMS PROSEMINAR / Pat Simons [patsimon]
Diane Hughes [dohughes] / Studies in 16th C Italian Art: Histories of Etymology and Genealogy
HISTORY 110 / Rudi Lindner [rpl] / Medieval, Renaissance, Reformation
HISTORY 160 / Maris Vinosvskis [vinovski] / United States to 1865
HISTORY 204 (121) / ASIAN 204 / Hitomi Tonomura [tomitono] / East Asia: Early Transformations
HISTORY 206 / Thomas Trautmann [ttraut] /

Indian Civilizations

HISTORY 207 / ASIAN 207 (112) / Victor Lieberman [eurasia] /

Introduction to SE Asian History

HISTORY 210 / MEMS 210 / Paolo Squatriti [pasqua] / Early Middle Ages
HISTORY 213 / Helmut Puff [puffh] /

The Reformation


Africa to 1850

HISTORY 250 / Chun-Shu Chang /

China from the Oracle Bones to the Opium War

HISTORY 284 / Martin Pernick [mpernick] /

Sickness and Health in America since 1492

HISTORY 286 / John Fine [no email] /

History of Eastern Christianity 4th-18th Centuries

HISTORY 287 / ARMENIAN 287 / Gerard Libaridaian [glibarid] /

Armenia to the Present

HISTORY 324 / ASIAN 324 / REL 325 / Farina Mir [fmir] /

History of Islam in South Asia

HISTORY 347 (476 / 478) / ANTHRCUL 346 / Rebecca Scott [rjscott] /

Latin America: The Colonial Period

HISTORY 375 / Carol Karlsen /

History of Witchcraft

HISTORY 382 / Siegmund [Siegmund] /

Jews from the Spanish Expulsion to the Enlightenment

HISTORY 392 / 592 / Tonomura /

The Floating World in Feudal Japan

HISTORY 396 / Hancock /

The World of the Ship

HISTORY 412 / Diane Hughes [dohughes] /

Social and Intellectual History of the Florentine Renaissance

HISTORY 427 / Michael MacDonald [mmacdon] /

Religion, Science and Magic in Early Modern England

HISTORY 442 / Lindner/Bonner /

Medieval Near East

HISTORY 461 / Hancock /

The American Revolution

HISTORY 469 / Victor Lieberman [eurasia] /

Problems in Precolonial SE Asian History

HISTORY 626 / John Fine [no email] /

Byzantine Studies

HISTORY 633 /702 / Ray Van Dam /

Christianity in the Roman World

HISTORY 698 / HISTART 754 / MEMS PROSEMINAR / Diane Hughes [dohughes]
Pat Simons [patsimon] /

Histories of Etymology and Genealogy

HISTORY 660 / Michael MacDonald [mmacdon] /

Early Modern British History

ITALIAN 387 / MEM 377 / FRENCH 367 / Alison Cornish [acorn]
Katherine Ibbett [Ibbett] /

Cultural exchange between Italy and France in the Renaissance

ITALIAN 481 / Alison Cornish [acorn] /

Boccaccio, Bandello and the Novella

LING 517 / ANTHRCUL 519 / GERMAN 517 / Sarah Thomason [thomason] /

Principles and Methods of Historical Linguistics

MEMS 110 / HISTORY 110 / Rudi Lindner [rpl] /

Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Europe

MEMS 210 / HISTORY 210 / Paolo Squatriti [pasqua] /

Early Middle Ages, 300-1100

MEMS 240 / HISTART 240 / Achim Timmermann [achimtim] /

The Visual Arts in Medieval Society

MEMS 250 / HISTART 250 /

Italian Renaissance Art, I

MEMS 350 / ENGLISH 350 / Theresa Tinkle [tinkle] / Literature in English to 1660: English Masterworks of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
MEMS 367 / ENGLISH 367 / Ralph Williams [fiesole] / Shakespeare’s Principal Plays
MEMS 375 / SCAND /

Celtic and Nordic Mythology

MEMS 377 / FRENCH 367 / Katherine Ibbett [Ibbett]
Alison Cornish [acorn] /

Cultural exchange between Italy and France in the Renaissance

MEMS 382 / Stephanie Siegmund [siegmund] / History of the Jews from the Spanish Expulsion to the Eve of the Enlightenment
MEMS 411.001 / Elizabeth Sears [esears] / The Medieval Book
MEMS 414 / Diane Owen Hughes [dohughes] / Social and Intellectual History of the Florentine Renaissance
MEMS 491 / Karla Taylor [kttaylor] / Honors Senior Colloquium
MEMS 898 / Karla Taylor [kttaylor] /

Interdisciplinary Dissertation Colloquium

MUSICOL 239 / James Borders [jborders] /

History of Music: Middle Ages to Baroque

MUSICOL 345 / Stefano Mengozzi [smeng] /

History of Music: Middle Ages to Baroque

MUSICOL 414 / 514 / Louise Stein [lkstein] /

History of Opera, 1600-1800

MUSICOL 478 / Stefano Mengozzi [smeng] /

Renaissance Music

PHILOSOPHY 462 / Edwin Curley [emcurley] /

Eighteenth Century Philosopy

POLISH 325 (425 / 621) / Bogdana Carpenter [bogdana] /

Polish Literature in English to 1890

POLSCI 301 (400) / Arlene Saxonhouse [awsaxon] /

Development of Political Thought: To Modern Period

RCHUMS 344 / Thomas Willette [willette] / Reason and Passion in the Eighteenth Century
RCHUMS 381 / Martin Walsh [narenlob] /

Shakespeare on the Stage

SPANISH 430 / ROMLANG 400 / Catalan Language and Culture
SPANISH 456 / Enrique Garcia [enriqueg] / Golden Age Spain: Rethinking the Classics
SPANISH 459 / Frank Casa [fcasa] / Don Quijote
SPANISH 472.001 / Gustavo Verdesio [verdesio] / Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: What we know about them, how we view them, and how they represent themselves
SPANISH 472.002 / Ivonne DeValle [devalle] / Mayas y Mexicas
SPANISH 485.002 / Frank Casa [fcasa] / Early Modern Female (Auto)Biographies
SPANISH 485.003 / Ivonne DeValle [devalle] / Jungle and Desert in Latin America
SPANISH 488.002 / Enrique Garcia [enriqueg] / Novelas ejemplares de Cervantes
SPANISH 650 / Catherine Brown [mcbrown] / Study of Spanish Medieval Literature
SPANISH 855 / Sergio Hugo Moreno / Special Topics: El siglo XVIII
THTREMUS 321.001 & 002 / Mbala Nkanga & Leigh Woods / History of the Theatre I: From Ancient Greece to the Seventeenth Century
WOMENSTD 375 / HISTORY 375 / Carol Karlsen [ckarlsen] /
