Derbyshire Federation of WIs

This booklet contains ALL schedules and details for competitions atBakewell Show.

If you need any further information about any of the schedules please do not hesitate to contact the relevant person named in this booklet.

Please ensure that all entrants see a copy of this booklet, especially details for submitting entry forms, taking and displaying entries, and collection of entries at the close of the show.

You may make copies as you require, download them from the DFWI website, DFWI Facebook or on request to Derbyshire House (send an A5 stamped addressed envelope).

We look forward to seeing you at the Show.

Good Luck.

Schedules for

BakewellShow 2016

Wednesday 3rd August

Thursday 4th August

Overall theme: Shakespeare Plays

Closing date for entries Monday 6th July

This booklet contains ALL schedules for this show


Organised in conjunction with Derbyshire Federation of WIs

Open to WI members and members of the public

Sponsored by Mr Richard Hobday, White Peak Butchery, Tissington

Entry fee - £1.50 per item

Prize Money 1st £5.00 2nd £3 3rd £2

Rosettes down to third place in each class

Class 1 Jar of Fruit Jelly

Tipfor this class - Please use a new lid or a wax disc and cellophane dust cover. Please do not use commercial jars.

Class 2 Madeira Cake (6-7 inch/15-18 cm round tin)

Class 3 Soda Bread (displayed on a board)

Class 4 3 Sweet Cheese Tarts (to given recipe – see next page)

Class 5 Flower Arrangementin a small tankard – not to exceed 12”/ (30.5 cm) in height.

Class 6 Men’s Class Flapjack – three pieces

Class 7 Children’s Class 6-12 years - three Madelaines

Class 8 Young People’s Class 13-16 years – 3 decorated Muffins

Closing Date for applications: Monday 6th July 2016


to be judged in June and displayed at Derbyshire County and Bakewell Shows

THEME “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Visitor’s Choice competition may be held at both shows


THEME: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Competition Rules:

Visitor’s Choice competition may be held at the show.

Picture, landscape or portrait, must be no larger than 16”x12” (41 x 30.5 cm) including frame OR no larger than 16”x12” (41 x 30.5 cm) including mount but sealed in plastic cover.

Picture must have been completed within the last 12 months and be entrant’s own work.

An appropriate table easel or stand should be provided with the picture.

Picture and easel to have tags (supplied by DFWI) attached.

The organisers take no responsibility for loss or damage.

Closing date for applications: Monday 6th July 2016

Entry fee £3.00

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Sheila Berry, Derbyshire House, Sherwin Street, Derby, DE22 1GP

Tel: 01142483144



175g/6oz short crust pastry,

50g/2oz sugar,225g/8oz cottage or curd cheese, 50g/2oz currants,

1 medium egg, 40g/1½ oz margarine (melted), pinch each of cinnamon and nutmeg


Roll out pastry thinly, cut into rounds using 7.5cm/3” cutter (makes 18) and use to line patty tins.

Mix filling ingredients and fill pastry cases.

Bake at Gas Mark 7/220C/425F for 15-20 minutes.

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Maureen Anderson

15 Victoria Street, Melbourne, Derbys, DE73 8FR

Tel: 01332 863 901

Closing date for applications: Monday 6th July 2016


Open to all members of the public. Entry fee- £1.50 per item

Prize Money 1st £5.00 2nd £3 3rd £2

Rosettes down to third place in each class

Class A – Homemade Fabric Box

Max size 25cm in any direction.

Class B –Knitted Outfit for a Teddy – to be displayed on a teddy max height of teddy 40cm.

Class C – Beaded Brooch

Class D – Hand Pieced Patchwork – 30cm sample block without backing

Class E – Handmade Flowers in a posy – any medium except sugarcraft

Class F – Embroidered Bookmark

HINT – most marks for craft items are lost for workmanship and finish – please refer to ‘On with the Show’ 2015 edition for further details.

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Jenny Sykes, 90 Low Road,

Clowne, Chesterfield, Derbys, S43 4LF

Tel: 01246 811 269

Closing date for applications: Monday 6th July 2016


Theme: Shakespeare Plays

Entry can depict one or more play.

Entry fee £7.50

A display of two savoury and two sweet dishes plus a floral exhibit, to illustrate the theme, on a square base not to exceed 24”x24” (61 x 61 cm), covered using any media (eg fabric, card).

Staging items and two accessories may be used with the display.

Do not use fish, pate, rice or any food containing raw egg.

Marks: Interpretation 20, Staging 20, each item 20 = 140

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Maureen Anderson

15 Victoria Street, Melbourne, Derbys, DE73 8FR

Tel: 01332 863 901

Closing date for applications: Monday 6th July 2016


Theme: Shakespeare Plays

Entry can depict one or more play.

Entry fee £7.50

A display of four individual items, each showing a different craft, to illustrate the theme, on a circular base not exceeding 24” (61cm) diameter, covered using any media (eg fabric, card).

An open choice of crafts which must be indicated on the entry form.

Staging items and two accessories may be used with the display.

Marks: Interpretation 20, Staging 20, each item 20 = 120

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Jenny Sykes, 90 Low Road,

Clowne, Chesterfield, Derbys, S43 4LF

Tel: 01246 811 269

Closing date for applications: Monday 6th July 2016


Theme: Shakespeare Plays

Entry can depict one or more play.

Entry fee £4.50

A display of one craft item, one home economics item and a floral exhibit, to illustrate the theme, on a circular base not exceeding 16” (40.5cm) diameter, covered using any media (eg fabric, card).

Your choice of craft which must be indicated on the entry form.

Staging items and two accessories may be used with the display.

Do not use fish, pate, rice or any food containing raw egg.

Marks: Interpretation 20, Staging 20, each item 20 = 100

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Jenny Sykes, 90 Low Road,

Clowne, Chesterfield, Derbys, S43 4LF

Tel: 01246 811 269

Closing date for applications: Monday 6th July 2016


Tables and back screens will be draped in green cloth.

Backboards are NOT allowed with your exhibit.

Only tags/labels supplied to be used on the item or display and no identification of either entrant/s or WI.

All entries must be the bone-fide work of the exhibitor/s and must have been finished in the last year.

The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence entered into.

The marquee will close at 12 noon prompt for judging.

All flowers/floral exhibits to be brought pre-arranged.

The Board of Trustees cannot accept responsibility for any items entered and suggest that any valuable items be adequately insured by the exhibitor.

Fees are stated on the individual entry forms.

Check that your entry complies with the rules and information.

Please refer to the 2015 edition of ‘On With The Show’ for guidelines and definitions. Members can purchase a copy from the NFWI Unit at Denman or read/download from The Moodle. Non-members may seek advice from the person nominated to receive the relevant entry.

CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: Monday 6th July 2016

Setting up

Please do not attempt to come into the marquee before 11am to set up or hand in your entry. Leave as soon as possible but definitely by 12 noon to allow stewards to prepare for judging.


In order to leave the exhibits in situ for visitors to the marquee to enjoy you will not be allowed to remove your item/display before 5pm unless there are exceptional circumstances (if so, please ask to speak to the person in charge of the marquee).



Open Class competitions

Entries should be handed in at the reception table in the WI marquee between 11am and 12 noon on Tuesday 2nd August 2016 and collected from the exhibition table at 5pm on Thursday 4th August. The Board of Trustees will not be responsible for items left after 5.30pm.

We will place them ready for judging and display them afterwards.

A maximum of one item per class per person.

Co-operative competitions

At least four members should be involved with a craft or home economics entry and at least two members with a White Peak entry.

Entries should be staged in the WI marquee between 11am and 12 noon on Tuesday 2nd August and collected at 5pm on Thursday 4th August. The Board of Trustees will not be responsible for items left after 5.30pm.

Only two people should work on the staging.

Remember that ALL items have to be easily removable from the display for judging.

Recipes (ingredients and method) should be placed in an envelope and left just under the edge of your display.

Not to include a celebration cake or drink.

Craft items

Please state on tags whether an original design, counted thread or kit.

Articles must have been made and/or designed within the last 12 months.

Worn, used or soiled items must not be entered.

Home Economics items

Do not use fish, pate, rice or any food containing raw egg.




Entry Form forBakewell Show

Wednesday 3rd & Thursday 4th August 2016

Craft Open Classes

Name of Entrant ......

Address ......



Tel Nos ......

Are you a WI member? YES/NO

Please circle which craft classes you have entered:


Total number of entries: ......

Entry fee for each item is £1.50, cheques payable to DFWI

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Jenny Sykes, 90 Low Road,

Clowne, Chesterfield, Derbys, S43 4LF

Tel: 01246 811 269

Enclosing a 110 x 220 mm (DL) SAE for return of labels & information

Closing date for entries: MONDAY 6th July 2016

Where a WI submits a block entry please enclose names, addresses and telephone numbers for each entrant.


Entry Form for Bakewell Show

Wednesday 3rd & Thursday 4th August 2016

Home Economics Open Classes

Name of Entrant ......

Address ......



Tel Nos ......

Are you a WI member? YES/NO

Please circle which craft classes you have entered:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Total number of entries: ......

Entry fee for each item is £1.50, cheques payable to DFWI

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Maureen Anderson

15 Victoria Street, Melbourne, Derbys, DE73 8FR

Tel: 01332 863 901

Enclosing a 110 x 220 mm (DL) SAE for return of labels & information

Closing date for entries: MONDAY 6th July 2016

Where a WI submits a block entry please enclose names, addresses and telephone numbers for each entrant.




Entry Form for Bakewell Show 2016

Wye Valley Co-operative Competition

A display of one cookery dish, one craft item plus a floral exhibit.

...... WI

wishes to enter the above competition.

The entry fee of £4.50 is enclosed - (cheque payable to DFWI please)

Signed ......

Contact name......

Address ......



Tel Nos ......

Please state which craft is being entered:


Year your WI last entered this competition: ......

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Jenny Sykes, 90 Low Road,

Clowne, Chesterfield, Derbys, S43 4LF

Tel: 01246 811 269

Closing date for applications: Monday 6th July 2016

Enclosing a 110 x 220 mm (DL) SAE for return of labels & information


Entry Form for Bakewell Show –3rd & 4th August 2016

Bonsall Art Competition

The entry fee of £3.00 is enclosed - (cheque payable to DFWI please)


Address ......



Tel Nos ......

Enquiries and entry forms to: Mrs Sheila Berry, 01142 483 144,

DFWI, Derbyshire House, Sherwin Street, Derby, DE22 1G P

Enclosing a 110 x 220 mm (DL) SAE for return of labels & information

Closing date for entries: MONDAY 6th July 2016





Entry Form for Bakewell Show

3rd & 4th August 2016

Craft Co-operative Competition

A display of four individual craft items.

...... WI

wishes to enter the above competition.

The entry fee of £7.50 is enclosed - (cheque payable to DFWI please)

Signed ......

Contact name......

Address ......



Tel Nos ......

Please list the four crafts you are entering:



Year your WI last entered this competition: ......

Enquiries and entries to: Mrs Jenny Sykes, 90 Low Road,

Clowne, Chesterfield, Derbys, S43 4LF

Tel: 01246 811 269

Enclosing a 110 x 220 mm (DL) SAE for return of labels & information

Closing date for entries: MONDAY 6th July 2016


Entry Form for Bakewell Show

3rd & 4th August 2016

Home Economics Co-operative Competition

A display of two savoury and two sweet dishes plus a floral exhibit.

...... WI

wishes to enter the above competition.

The entry fee of £7.50 is enclosed - (cheque payable to DFWI please)

Signed ......

Contact name......

Address ......



Tel Nos ......

Year your WI last entered this competition: ......

Enquiries and entry forms to: Mrs Maureen Anderson

15 Victoria Street, Melbourne, Derbys, DE73 8FR

Tel: 01332 863 901 email:

Enclosing a 110 x 220 mm (DL) SAE for return of labels & information

Closing date for entries: MONDAY 6th July 2016