
This applies in the following 3 auctions:1)1H1S



In all 3 auctions a rebid of 2C by Opener is artificial and forcing.

One No Trump semi-forcing: Resp. has <12 hcps. (may have a bad 12)

Denies 3 cds. in Opener’s major; at most 2 cds.

Over 1H Opening may have 4Ss.

Opener’s rebids: after 1SIN (semi-forcing)

Pass balanced 5332 hands with 12-13 hcps (with less than 12 don’t open

or open weak 2)

`2C = artificial and 1RF

2D = 5S and 4+ Ds / 12-16 hcp

2H = 5S and 4+ Hs / 12-16 hcp

2S = 6+ Ss / 11-14 hcp

2N = 6+ Ss and 4+ other suit / 17 + hcp / 4-5 losers

3C = 5Ss and 5+ Cs / 14-16 hcp / at least 5 and half losers in playing strength

3D = 5Ss and 5+ Ds / 14-16 hcp / at least 5 and half losers in playing strength

3H = 5Ss and 5+ Hs / 14-16 hcp / at least 5 and half losers in playing strength

3S = 6+ Ss / 14-16 hcp

3N = non- system

4C = 6Ss and 5Cs / 14-16 hcp

4D = 6Ss and 5Ds / 14-16 hcp

4H = 6Ss and 5Hs / 14-16 hcp

4S = 7+ Ss / too strong to pre-empt / usually 5 or less losers /

Note:for 3C, 3D, 3H rebids – the strength is 14-16 hcps with at least

5 and half losers / as a guide this means 2 top honors in both suits

or compensating high card winner(s) in one of the side suits.

Responder’s second bid after Opener rebids 2Dshowing 12-bad 16 hcps with 4+Ds

Pass with 9 or less hcps and fit/tolerance for Ds

2 Maj. – doubleton – 9 or less hcps

2H after 1S opening: 9 or less hcps / 5+ Hs / at most 2Ss /

If exactly 5Hs, less than 2Ss/

2N = natural with 10-11 hcps - NF

3C = natural with Cs and 10-11 hcps - (6Cs or very good 5Cs) -NF

3D with 10-11 hcps and D support – NF (may bid 3D with a good 9)

3H after 1S opening – natural with Hs and 10-11 hcps - (6Hs or very

good 5Hs) – NF

Responder’s second bid after Opener rebids 2H showing 12-bad 16 hcps with 4+Hs

Pass with 9 or less hcps and tolerance for Hs

2S – doubleton – 9 or less hcps

2N = natural with 10-11 hcps - NF

3C = natural with Cs and 10-11 hcps - (6Cs or very good 5Cs) - NF

3D = natural with Ds and 10-11 hcps - (6Ds or very good 5Ds) - NF

3H– natural with 4+ Hs and 7-9 hcps.

4H – to play – prob. 4+ Hs and 10+ hcps

Responder’s second bid after Opener rebids 2C, Gazilli

1S 1NT

2C = Gazilli shows all 17+ hands or 12-bad 16 with 4+Cs


2C 2D = art., forcing one round, 8+ hcp / GF is established if Opener’s

reply shows 17+ hcp

2H = to play / 5+ Hs, < 2S if only 5Hs / < 8 hcp

2S = to play / 2 Ss / < 8 hcp

2NT = natural, invite; 10-11 hcps

3C = weak C raise / <8hcp / 5+Cs

3D =weak hand with Ds / < 8 hcp / at least 6 Ds

3H = natural, invite; 10-11 hcps

Opener’s Next Bid after 1S – 1N – 2C – 2D

2H = 15-16 hcp, 5Ss and 4(+) Cs – if 5Cs, poor playing strength,

2S = 5S and 4+ Cs / 12-14 hcp

2NT = 5S and exactly 17 hcp / 5323 or 5233 / NF /Resp. 3S = COG with 5Hs

3C = 5S and 4+ Cs / 17+ hcp

3D = 5S and 4+ Ds / 17 + hcp

3H = 5Ss, 18-19 hcp, balanced / 3S by Resp. is COG with 5Hs

3S = 6+ Ss and 17 + hcp

3N = 5S and 4+ Hs / 17 + hcp

(Note: 3H and 3N are switched and artificial)

Responder’s Next Bid:

Rule:After Resp. bids 2D/2C: a 2NT rebid by Resp. at his next turn is Lebensohl like

requesting Opener to bid 3C. Resp. can now Pass or bid at the 3-level to show hand in 8-9

point range.

As a Corollary, rebids of 3C and 3D and sometimes 3 major at Resp’s next turn

after 2D/2C are NF but show hands in the 10-11 point range.

Rule:When accepting game in NT over Resp.’s invitational rebid of 2NT

(which may conceal a 5 cd. heart suit), Openeralways bids 3H with 3Hs

so that a 5-3 H fit is found. When Opener has shown a big NT hand, Resp.

often makes an of 3S with 5Hs to offer Opener COG.

Some Sequences after 1S – 1N – 2C -2D



2H = 5Ss and 4+CsP = to play (long Hs, possibly <2Ss)

15-16 hcp2S = to play (2Ss)

2NT = relay to 3C (limits hand to 8- 9 range)

3C = invitational with 4+ Cs, 10-bad 12 range

3D = invitational with 5+ Ds, 10-bad 12 range

3H = GF – but oriented more to 4H

3S = COG between 3N and 4H – with 5Hs

Game bids to play (Resp. may choose to bid 3N with 9+ points)

A.1 1S1N


2H 2NT = demands 3C; shows 8-9 hcp

3C P or 3D to play



2H 3C/3D = invitational with Cs/Ds–(partnership has

values for Game but Resp. has doubt about 3N) / Opener

will usually bid game or probe for 3N/

Opener can probe for NT – however auction is forcing only to 4 minor which

can be passed by either partner. Ask-Tell does not apply since both hands are limited.

The Club invite is usually 10-11 hcps with 4+Cs

The Diamond invite is usually 10-11 hcps with 5+Ds



2S 2NT = demands 3C (limits hand to 8-9 hcp)

3CP or 3D to play



2S3C/3D = invitational with Cs / Ds, - NF (Opener can bid game with max. or probe for 3N) - 4C/4D can be passed

Opener can probe for 3N – however the auction is only forcing to 4 minor which

can be passed by either partner. Ask-Tell does not apply since both hands are limited. The Club invite is usually 10-11 hcp with 4+Cs

The Diamond invite is usually 10-11 hcp with 5+Ds



2NT = 17 bal. 3S = COG between 3N and 4H – with 5Hs



3H = 5S,bal,18-19 3S = COG between 3N and 4 with 5Hs



3NT = 5S and 4+ HsResp. places contract

17+ hcp


2NT = 6S+4cd. Suit3C =?for 4 cd.suit and sets up GF

and 17+hcp.3D = 6S + 4Ds

4D = Ask Tell (Opener usually asks)

4S = to play

3H = 6S + 4Hs

4H/4S = to play

4NT = RKC for Hs

3S = 6S + 4Cs

4C = Ask Tell

4S = to play

3D, 3H, 3S = to play (Note: 3C is the only GF bid)

  1. Over the stronger rebids, (2N ->3N) Resp. places contract or agrees strain / Raise of minor to 4 level sets up ASK-TELL

G.1 Weak Hands with Cs and no Spade tolerence: The “nightmare hand”:


2C3C = 6+Cs, <8 hcps, <2S, <5Hs, <5Ds or 1=4=4=4

This problem is less acute now that we know opener has 4+ clubs if 12-16.

Suggestion: With these hand don’t even consider bidding with <6 hcp.

Consider Passing with a bad 6 hcp.

System dictates taking a preference to Opener’s major with a stiff,

unless C suit is fairly good.

NOTE:3C/Gazilli 2C is less problematic since

a) Opener can pass with a tolerance for Cs

b)If Opener has a stronger hand it is either Spade one-suiter or

a two-suiter / Opener can P with Cs or bid his second suit.

G. 2 Weak Hands with Ds and no Spade tolerence: another “nightmare hand”:


2C3D = 6+Ds, <8 hcps, <2S, <5Hs, <6Cs

Raising to 3D/Gazilli 2C now embarrasses Opener if he has Cs

and shortness in Ds – therefore try to avoid this sequence with <6Ds.

Above regarding nightmare hands also applies to 1H/1N and 1H/1S sequences.