UAMS Workforce ManagementRequest Form
Date Submitted: ______
Department Name: ______CostCenter: ______
Type Request: (check one) New ______Replace ______
If Replacement – Date Position Vacated ______
Reclassification ____ Current Title ______
Name of Current Holder ______SAP# ______
Job Title Requesting: ______Position Number ______
Date position last audited by Human Resources ______Attach a PCQ for this position; if reclassification the old PCQ and resume.
Incumbent’s Salary: ______
Salary Requested: ______
(For Classified Positions Only)Position Grade ______
Was Human Resources consulted regarding to the salary requested? Yes ____ No ___
Is the position supervisory/management: No___ Yes___ If yes, how many employees is the position responsible for leading ______
How many positions of this type are in the department? ______
If the position is responsible for patients, is the responsibility direct ___ or indirect ___
Will the position cover for another employee leave? LOA ___ FMLA ___ Other ____
Is the position funded 100% by grant or contract? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, attached award letter
Fund: ______
Percent FTE of the position ______Work schedule ______
If position is not filled, state the need or the impact to the department or organization? ______
Attach an Organizational Chart Showing location of position and relationship to other positions in the department
Unit labor expense (Budget to Actual, with Variance, please state cash basis or accrual):
Unit non-labor expense (Budget to Actual, with Variance, please state cash basis or accrual):
Review Criteria
Please provide a written response to the following questions. These questions will be used to review the requested position for posting please include information which will support your request based on this criteria.
Relationship to the Mission, Strategic Goals and Objectives
* How does this position relate to the UAMS mission?
* How does this position help support UAMS strategic goals and objectives or the division goals
and objectives?
* How does this position help support clinical revenue growth?
Units performing similar duties/functions ( department, division or campus level, please state)
* Are there other units within the enterprise that are currently performing this function or
* Has this position or work been reviewed for combining the work/position with the other unit?
* What are the skillsets that are unique to this position, relative to similar positions
Position in volume-driven unit or function
* Is this position located in a volume-driven unit or function? (Volume-driven means staffing is
variable based on changes in clinical volume and workload)
* Provide verifiable data to support
Staffing Target (Planned vs. Actual)
* What is the staffing target for the unit? (This is for volume driven units and expressed as a
measure of staffing hours required per unit of work).
Position Impact
* What would be the impact to the organization if this position is not filled?
Efforts taken to restructure work within the organization (Organization Redesign)
* Describe efforts taken to re-engineer work to eliminate the need for this position, or to
redistribute work to other positions in the organization.
* Has consideration been given to redesigning the organization. If so, please describe any
actions taken.
Need for intermediate supervisory positions (expand span of control, reduce organization levels)
* If the request is to fill or create a new supervisor within the organization, describe efforts taken
to re-engineer job responsibilities so that they might be managed by higher level supervisory
* What is the current span of control in the organization (average ratio of non-supervisory
personnel to supervisors)?
* How many organization levels exist in the unit or function.
Other Alternatives Considered
Please describe any other alternatives considered (e.g., Hiring the position at a lower level and shifting responsibilities to others in the organization, outsourcing job responsibilities, etc.)
Attach additional information, statistics deemed necessary
Department Director:______Phone #: ______
____Approved ____Deferred –note comments below ____Not Approved
Division Head: ______Date: ______
(*) Requests for Transfers should only be submitted if the transfer is outside of the Department.