Dubbing - Form 201

This application form is to be used for the dubbing of a:

  1. Canadian production certified by the CRTC
  2. Foreign production
  3. Canadian production recognized by CAVCO or Telefilm Canada

The version must be dubbed in one of the two official languages of Canada or in an Indigenous language, using a process of lip synchronization and/or voice-over translation. The dubbing must be done in Canada andmust use Canadian resources.

Visit our website under Canadian Program Certification Application Formsto select the appropriate form for other types of productions.

Filing the application

File electronically via My CRTC Account by attaching the application to the Cover Page. My CRTC Account allows you to securely submit documents to the Commission with a user ID and password.

Applicants that have any questions related to this application form may contact a Canadian Program Certification specialist at 819-997-4699.

Completing the application

Every line of this application must be completed. If a line does not apply, indicate N/A (not applicable) in the space provided. Indicate your responses in bold letters immediately following the question. You may add lines to the tables if necessary but do not alter or delete any text.

Important notice: The onus is on the applicant to submit a complete application that provides all of the relevant information and supporting documentation. The Commission will not process the application if it has not been duly completed.

All information with an * is required.

1. Conditions for certification

The following three requirements are mandatory in order for the Commission to process your application:

  1. The dubbing process has started.
  2. All key creative personnel are under signed contract.
  3. The committed budgets are in place.

*( ) I confirm that all three requirements have been met

IMPORTANT: The application will not be accepted unless all three requirements are met.

2. Applicant information

2.1 Identification of the applicant

() Dubbing House

() Broadcaster

() Distributor

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Postal Code (A1A 1A1):
*Telephone (999-999-9999):
Facsimile (999-999-9999):
*Email ():

Note:The certification letter will be emailed to the address specified above and addressed to the individual identified at section 7 - Declaration of applicant.

2.2 Contact person representing the applicant

*Is the contact person the same as the applicant?

( ) Yes
( ) No

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Postal Code (A1A 1A1):
*Telephone (999-999-9999):
Facsimile (999-999-9999):
*Email ():

2.3 Dubbing House

*Company name:
*Postal Code (A1A 1A1):
*Telephone (999-999-9999):
Facsimile (999-999-9999):
*Email ():
Website (
Year of incorporation/registration:
Place of incorporation/registration (Province):

3. Original production

3.1 *Is the original production Canadian?

() No

If the original production is Canadian, select one of the following options and provide the information or submit the requested documents with the application form.

()*The original production received a "C" or "SR" certification number or numbers from the CRTC

Provide the CRTC certification number(s):

()*The original production received a tax credit from the Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO) Canadian Film or Video production Tax Credit program

Submit a copy of the CAVCO Part A and/or Part B certificate

()*The original production is recognized as an official co-production by Telefilm Canada

Submit a copy of the Telefilm Canada letter and a copy of the CAVCO certificate

Note: If the original production has not been recognized by a government agency or organization, please file form 206 Live Action to obtain Canadian program certification for the original production including its dubbed version(s). It is mandatory to file an application to the CRTC to obtain the additional dubbing time credit of Canadian productions as described in Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-905.

3.2*Is the original production non-Canadian?

() No

If the original production is non-Canadian, provide the following information.

  1. *Title of the original production:
  2. *Language of the original production:
  3. *Production company name:
    *Nationality of the production company:
  4. *Producer:
    *Citizenship of the producer:
  5. *Year produced:
  6. *Filming location(s):
  7. *Type of production (Please select one):
    () Live Action
    () Animation

4. Dubbed Version

4.1 *Dubbed version language

() English

() French

() Indigenous

4.2 Dubbed version information

  1. *Title of the dubbed version:
  2. *Duration of the dubbed version excluding commercial time (HH:MM:SS):
    For a series, indicate N/A and proceed to the next line.
  3. *Is the production a series?
    () No

*If yes, specify:

  1. *Cycle/Season:
  2. *Number of episodes:
  3. *From (episode number):
    *To (episode number):
  4. *Duration of each episode excluding commercial time (HH:MM:SS):

Note: For a series, a certification number is issued for each season. Therefore, a new application form must be completed and filed for each cycle/season of a series.

  1. *Specify the location where the dubbed version was done:
  2. Start and end dates of the dubbing (YYYY/MM/DD)
  3. *Specify the dubbing process used:
    () Voice-over translation
    () Lip synchronization
  4. *Was the dubbing done in Canada using only Canadian resources?
    () Yes
    () No
    *If any non-Canadians or non-Canadian resources were involved in the dubbing process, either directly or indirectly, please explain their role and/or type, including the extent in which the resources were used, and any associated costs (Can$):
  5. *Total cost of the dubbed version (Can$):
    *For a series, specify the cost per episode (Can$):
  6. *Name of the Canadian broadcaster:
    *Canadian broadcast date (YYYY/MM/DD):

*Name of the non-Canadian broadcaster:
*Non-Canadian broadcast date(YYYY/MM/DD):

4.3 Producer and key creative personnel for the dubbed version
*List all individuals filling producer-related and key creative personnel (other than the actors/voices) that were involved in the dubbing process. You may add lines to the tables if necessary but do not alter or delete any text.

Producer and Key Creative Personnel
Function / Name / Citizenship
Date of Permanent Residency Status

4.4 Lead performers
*In the order set out in the screen credits of the original production, list the top ten actors/voices, if applicable. You may add lines to the tables if necessary but do not alter or delete any text.

Lead Performers
(Original Version) / Name
(Dubbed Version) / Citizenship
Date of Permanent Residency Status

5. Synopsis and Program Category

5.1 Synopsis

  1. *In order to support the program category selected in 5.2, please provide a detailed synopsis of the program. Ensure to include the following: The program type, format, theme/subject matter, and the setting of the program/series.
  1. *Please provide a web link of the production, if available. For a series, please provide one episode. If a web link is not available, a DVD or a web link of your program may be requested at the time of analysis. If non-applicable, indicate N/A:

5.2 Program Category

Refer to Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-808 for the program category definitions.

*Select only one of the following categories according to the definition that best describes your production.

1) News (Newscasts, newsbreaks, headlines) ()

2a) Analysis & Interpretation (includes short documentaries, consumer affairs, talk or panel shows) ( )

2b) Long-form documentary (provides an in-depth critical analysis of a specific subject or point of view with a minimum duration of 22 minutes) ()

3) Reporting & Actualities (political conventions, conferences, non-entertainment fund raising, etc.) ()

4) Religion (more than 50% of religion and religious teachings, as well as discussions of the human spiritual condition.) ()

5a) Formal Education (can be related to established curricula) & Pre-school (Ages 2-5) ()

5b) Informal Education/Recreation & Leisure (includes lifestyle, outdoor, recreational sports, how-to-talk shows, etc.) ()

7a) Drama - On-going drama series ()

7b) Drama - On-going comedy series (sitcoms) ()

7c) Drama - Specials, mini-series, TV feature films ()

7d) Drama - Theatrical feature films aired on television ()

7e) Drama - Animated television programs and films ()

7f) Drama - Programs of comedy sketches (improvisations, unscripted works, stand-up comedy) ()

7g) Drama - Other drama (experimental shorts, readings, narratives, improvisations, continuous action animation) ()

11a) General Entertainment and Human Interest (celebrity profiles that may use promotional footage, talk or interview shows, awards, galas, tributes, entertainment-oriented magazine shows, fund-raising shows which includes entertainers (e.g. Telethons and community events) ( )

11b) Reality Television (unscripted dramatic or humorous situations of ordinary people instead of professional actors, “docudramas”, “docusoaps”, all containing minimal amounts of in-depth critical analysis) ()
6. Advertising Declaration

Advertising material, infomercials, as well as promotional and corporate videos are not eligible for Canadian program certification. Refer to the CRTC Circular No. 350, Public Notice CRTC 1994-139 and Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-808 for the definition and broadcast guidelines for “advertising material” "infomercials" and "public service announcements".

Advertising material includes any form of endorsement, message, advertisement, solicitation, product review, sponsorship (beyond corporate name/logo) or the use of addresses, telephone numbers or website addresses, where the purpose of the endorsement, message, etc. is intended, directly or indirectly, to sell or promote a product or service, etc.

Where it can be demonstrated that within the mention or display of a product or service there is clearly no intention to sell or promote the product or service and that the mention or display is necessary for the “bona fide” information reporting of the subject matter in the program, the mention or display will generally not be considered advertising material, (e.g. an unbiased, objective product review or “expert” commentary in the context of information programming).

However, (a) where there are elements within the discussion or display of the subject matter in the program which, directly or indirectly, serve to sell or promote a product or service or (b) where the presentation of the subject matter and its relationship to the products or services advertised during the commercial breaks is such that the impact of the commercial break is significantly enhanced by the subject matter in the program, the entire program segment related to the product or service may be considered advertising material. This is particularly the case where the provider of the product or service is also a sponsor of the program, an advertiser in the program’s commercial breaks or provides products or services to the production in exchange for commercial exposure on the program.

It is the responsibility of the broadcaster, as the licensee, to ensure that any advertising material included in a production or any episodes thereof is identified.Alladvertising must be logged as advertising and will be counted as part of any maximum amount of advertising per clock hour currently permitted.Theterms “advertising material” and “commercial message” are defined in section 2 of the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987 as amended from time to time.

*I confirm that this production is neither an infomercial, nor a public service announcement, and that, within the program itself, there is no form of endorsement, advertisement, solicitation, or use of addresses or toll-free telephone numbers intended to sell or promote goods or services, other than in the commercial breaks:

( ) Yes
( ) No

*If “no”, specify the reason:

7. Declaration of Applicant

I solemnly declare that:

I certify that the information given herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if the information provided with this application is found to be inaccurate, the application may be refused. I understand that additional information may be required to be filed in order to verify or substantiate any of the information filed in this application.

I further understand that, subject to the provisions of the "Access to Information Act," the financial information filed in the application is filed on a confidential basis but that it may be aggregated with other data and that the aggregated form of this data may be made available to the public for statistical analysis and research.

I also understand that should the production that is the subject of this application be certified as a Canadian program, that certification may be revoked if the final production is different from what is set out in the application.


*Please select your title:

( ) Mr.

( ) Ms.

( ) Other:

*Position Title:

*( ) Date:

CRTC –2017 (2017-09-27) – Canadian Program Certification - Dubbing

***End of Document***

Date modified 2017-09-27