YEDA Stewards Contract

2018-2019 Season

This agreement is entered between Youth Equestrian Development Association (YEDA) hereinafter referred to as

Show Management, and ______, hereinafter referred to as Steward. Show

Name of Steward

Management desires to retain said Steward to officiate the YEDA show held on ______,

Date of Show

at ______please plan to arrive at ______.

Location of Show Arrival Time

Therefore the parties agree as follow:

  1. The Show Management agrees to compensate the Steward as follows, payable at the end of the show:
  2. $______per day as a stewarding fee
  3. Food and drink will be proved during the show.
  4. Reimburse you for round trip mileage from your home to horse show grounds at a rate of $0.45 cents per mile.
  5. Show Management will provide a hotel the night before if needed.
  6. Steward agrees to be responsible for all other personal expenses.
  7. Steward herby agrees to abide by and comply with all terms and conditions set forth in this agreement.
  8. Stewards agrees to arrive at the show location at the date and time set forth herein. If for any reason Steward is unable to fulfill this commitment, Steward understands they are responsible for finding a suitable Steward as their replacement.
  9. Steward agrees to read the provided YEDA rule book and be familiar with individual class expectations, patterns, and scoresheets. A copy of the Rule book and Pattern book can be found at
  10. This agreement is to employ Steward for sole purposes of stewarding the said event. It does not create an employer/employee relationship. Rather, Steward is acting as an independent contractor separate and apart from Show Management.
  11. Failure to the Steward to sign and return this Agreement within 30 days of the date set forth by the Show Management’s signature show render Show Management’s offer to contract the Stewardnull and void.
  12. In consideration of being retained as a Steward, Steward hereby agrees to the release, indemnify and/or hold harmless, Show Management for any claims, damages or suits. Said Steward further acknowledges that he is covered by his or her own personal insurance coverage. The Show Management, as an equine activity sponsor, shall not be liable for any injury to, or death of a participant, resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.

Date ______Signature of Show Management ______

Return a copy to the YEDA Show Management within 30 Days.

Add Show Management’s Name, Address, Phone Number, Email here.

I have read and agree to all the terms of the above contract and I fully understand my responsibility to the Youth Equestrian Development Association (YEDA). I am a current YEDA Associate Member in good standing.

Signature of Steward ______Date ______

Address: ______SS# (required): ______

Cell Phone #: ______Alternative Phone #: ______