/ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Date: / April 6, 2016
Subject: / SAS Portal Training
Solicitation Number: / 6100037705
Opening Date/Time: / REVISED TOApril 18, 2016, 3:00PM
Addendum Number: / 1

To All Suppliers:

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania defines a solicitation “Addendum” as an addition to or amendment of the original terms, conditions, specifications, or instructions of a procurement solicitation (e.g., Invitation for Bids or Request for Proposals).

This addendum covers two subject areas:

  1. An extension to the bid due date has been granted. The new bid due date and time is April 18, 2016 at 3:00 PM.
  2. Answers to questions received are as follows:

Q: Given the current submission deadline, does PDE plan to extend the deadline for proposal submissions?

A: YES. The new bid due date and time is April 18, 2016 at 3:00 PM

Q: Who will be responsible for the coordination of presenter scheduling and for deadline submission of presentation materials?


Q: What is PDE’s plan for disseminating training information to LEAs? Will the contractor have any responsibility for communicating information to LEAs? If so, will mailing lists be provided?

A: PDE will notify LEAs of the training and provide the vendor’s name and contact information for the LEAs to register. On-going communication regarding the training will occur with the vendor.

Q: The proposal specifies the organizing of food events. Does funding source allow for food?


Q: Does the contractor need to provide presenters with computers?


Q: Are mixers needed, since this is a high expense item?


Q: Should contractor include the cost of designing and printing an agenda?


Q: Page 7, D.1.b. Please clarify the term “committee facilitation”

A:“committee facilitation” is no longer a responsibility for the vendor

For electronic solicitation responses via the SRM portal:

  • Attach this Addendum to your solicitation response. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
  • To attach the Addendum, download the Addendum and save to your computer. Move to ‘My Notes”, use the “Browse” button to find the document you just saved and press “Add” to upload the document.
  • Review the Attributes section of your solicitation response to ensure you have responded, as required, to any questions relevant to solicitation addenda issued subsequent to the initial advertisement of the solicitation opportunity.

Except as clarified and amended by this Addendum, the terms, conditions, specifications, and instructions of the solicitation and any previous solicitation addenda, remain as originally written.

Very truly yours,

Name:James E. Domen

Title: Issuing Officer



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