September 17, 2012

4:00 PM ET; 3:00 PM CT; 2:00 PM MT; 1:00 AM PT

1-866-953-9689/ 665294


  • Welcome—Mary Anderson

The Chair called the meeting to order and welcomed the Center Leadership Group members to the monthly business meeting. Members in attendance included: Mary Anderson, Jennifer Adams, Colin Doyle, Kim Lundgren, Carl Quiram, Vicki Quiram, and Keith Reester. Bill Spearman, Environment at large Director, also joined the call.

  • Approval of August Meeting Minutes – Mary Anderson/Group

This action was postponed.

  • Updates –Julia Anastasio
  • DVD Status

The DVD mailings will go out by the end of the month to all APWA Chapter Presidents and APWA Branch Presidents. Feedback so far on the video has been very positive.

  1. Principles White Papers – need 2 volunteers

Keith Reester volunteered to draft the white paper for Sustainability Principle #9: Support Community Revitalization and Development. Julia, in partnership with Mary, will draft the white paper for Sustainability Principle #10: Practice Fiscal Responsibility.

  1. Chapter Liaisons Subcommittee – need volunteer for Chair

Carl Quiram volunteered to serve as the subcommittee chair. Julia will work with Carl offline to set up the next quarterly conference call.

  1. Leadership & Management Joint CLL – volunteers to lead project

Mary will continue to work with the Leadership & Management Committee on producing and hosting a joint CLL this year.

  1. Suggested Change to APWA Sustainability, Environmental Protection & Public Health Advocacy Priority

Marshall Elizer proposed changes to the APWA Public Policy Advocacy Priority Sustainability, Environmental Protection and Public Health for the Leadership Group to consider. M. Elizer proposed the following: Support legislative and regulatory issues that encourage sustainability in public works, stewardship of the environment and public health. Concerns were expressed that the proposed changes did not adequately address the elements of the triple bottom line. Julia will try to redraft the statement and send it out to the group for review.

  1. Monthly Meeting Schedule

The Center Leadership Group monthly business meetings will occur on the third Monday of each month at 4:00 PM ET.

  • Continuation of Strategic Planning Conversation – Mary Anderson/ Group

The Leadership Group continued the discussion on strategic planning that began in Anaheim. The Group would like to see an analysis of the recommended actions from the Task Force compared to the activities the Center has already undertaken to date. Sue Hann volunteered to put a first draft together and Mary, Jennifer and Vicki volunteered to work with Sue on this project. Julia will connect with Sue to see what the status of the draft is and share that with the group for its next conference call. The Group determined that its focus should be on the 30,000 foot view of sustainability and not on the nuts and bolts issues of sustainability. Technical details or nuts and bolts topics can be handled by the APWA Technical Committees. The Center Leadership Group should focus its activities on the “why” question– why is sustainability important? – Why is sustainability a value that public works should embrace? The Center should focus on playing the role of convener or coordinator for APWA technical committees, programs and staff. The Leadership Group will plan on submitting at least 1 session proposal to the APWA Call for Presentations for Congress and the Snow Conference and will continue to work on CLL as appropriate. The group also discussed the Emerging Leaders Academy final project report and determined that the ELA did a fantastic job and the Leadership Group would like to see the resources put together by the ELA class posted to the Center’s webpages. Julia will see that these items are posted to the Center’s webpages. Mary also mentioned that she will be speaking to the incoming ELA class about sustainability during their initial planning calls.

  • New Items -- Group

The new members of the Center Leadership Group introduced themselves and told the group about their backgrounds and interest in sustainability.

  • Adjourn

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The next business meeting of the Center for Sustainability Leadership Group will be on October 15, 2012 at 4 PM ET. Meeting materials will be distributed via email prior to the conference call.