Thirteen Pounds Reward. RUN away, on Saturday the 10th instant, from the subscribers, living in Baltimore town, Maryland, the following servants, viz. JOHN CHAMBERS, an English convict servant man, about 21 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, of a pale complexion, gray eyes, and bandy legs; had on and took with him sundry suits of clothes, nine ruffled shirts, a brown bush wig, a pair of single channel boots, a blue cloth great coat, and 150 l. cash, which he robbed his masters house of on the night of his elopement. MARGARET GRANT, a mulatto, about 20 years of age, 5 feet 1 or 2 inches high; had on and took with her sundry womens apparel, but has since disguised herself in a suit of mens blue cloth clothes, attending as waiting boy on the above John Chambers. She is an artful hussy, can read and write, has been in Barbados, Antigua, the Grenades, Philadelphia, and says she was born in Carolina. Whoever apprehends the said servants, and secures them and the money, so that their masters may have them again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, if brought home, paid by
MORDECAI GIST. March 14, 1770.

20 pound Reward. RUN away from the subscriber, on Monday night the 9th instant, three Negro men, two of them slaves, viz. NED, about 5 feet 8 inches high, 21 years of age, of a yellow complexion, a likely well made fellow, his usual clothing an osnabrug(course fabric most often used in slave attire) shirt, dark gray waistcoat, cotton breeches, coarse yarn stockings, bad shoes, and a felt hat. He also took other clothes, but what not yet known. FRANK, a foreign Negro, a very good cook, says he was born in the Spanish West Indies, speaks bad English, as also French, Spanish, and some Dutch, near the same height of Ned, about 30 years of age, of a yellow complexion, with little or no beard, and has several remarkable wounds on his body, and a large one near his throat, he is clothed in blue plains, osnabrug shirt, and felt hat, as also a pair of red flannel muffs, and a red cap. HENRY COOKE, a free Negro, born in Gloucester county, but indented himself for five years for the cure of a pox, about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, about 24 years of age, lusty and very well made, of a good black complexion, and thick lips; his clothing mean, being an old brown cloth waistcoat and breeches much patched with green cloth, osnabrug shirt, yarn stockings, very bad shoes, though he took leather with him ready cut out for another pair. He understands a little of the carpenter business, and has likewise followed the water. It is thought they took with them a Negro fellow belonging to the estate of the late Major William Tate, middle aged, about 5 feet 6 inches high, well set, bow legged, of a dark copper complexion, an old offender in this way, and a few years past advertised in the Maryland and Pennsylvania Gazettes by William Tate, deceased, by virtue of which he was taken up near the head of the bay, within a few miles of the Pennsylvania government. They took with them a yawl of about 18 feet keel, London clinch work painted white to her gunwales, two good sails, rudder, and two new pine oars. The 20 l. reward, or 5 l. for each, will be paid if taken in any other colony, but if taken in Virginia only 12 l. or 3 l. for each.

I had a runaway Negro fellow named ABRAHAM, belonging to Mr. John Callaway, of Bedford county, taken out of Smithfield jail, about eight days ago, and carried as far as Rocky Ridge, on his way home; from thence he is again run away, and I imagine is gone towards Smithfield. Whoever secures him so that I can get him at the June Oyer court shall have 20 s. reward, besides what the law allows. He is about 5 feet 2 inches high, 20 years old, is very black, has a down look, a deceitful smile when he speaks, and talks tolerable good English. He formerly belonged to Mr. William Mackie, of Isle of White county, and was bought in Williamsburg last December by Mr. Charles Lynch from Mr. Arthur Smith, of said county.

RUN away from the subscriber, about the middle of May last, a young Virginia born Negro fellow named ESSEX; he is a great rogue, and had a variety of clothes with him, is about 21 years old, middle sized, very straight, talks fast, has large eyes, thick lips, and has several times had a swelling under his throat, which has frequently broke, the scars of which are plainly to be seen. He lurked about the falls of James river for several weeks, in company with two of Mr. Newman's Negroes; and I mistrust that he has, or will attempt, to get out of the colony, perhaps under the colour of being a freeman, as he is an arch sensible fellow. Whoever delivers him to me, in Buckingham county, shall have forty shillings reward; and if he has been carried out of the colony by any master of a vessel 15 l. will be paid, on proper proof being made, so as the offender may be come at.

RUN away from the subscriber, in Cumberland county, two mulatto servant men. SAMUEL HOWELL, about 28 years old, well set, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high; he is a sensible fellow and a good sawer. SIMON HOWELL, brother to Samuel, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, has a thin visage, and sharp chin. They went off in their common labouring dress, and took no other clothes with them that I can discover. They are both bound to 31 years of age, and no doubt will endeavour to pass for free. Samuel lately brought a suit for his freedom in the General Court, which was determined against him. Whoever delivers the said servants to me, about two miles from Micheaux's ferry, shall receive a reward of 6 l. if taken in Virginia, and if out of the colony 10 l.