
The Third Algerian Workshopon Astronomy & AstrophysicsConstantine 16-17 June 2010


Organized by the LPMPS Laboratory & Ecole Doctorale d’Astrophysique - Physics Depart. At MentouriUniversity
In collaboration with the CRAAG (Algiers), Batna Univ., and the CTS (Arzew)

This Third Astrophysics Workshop held in the wake of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, as the continuation of both the Auresian workshop held in 2008 at Batna and the Algiers Workshop last year. It aims at strengthening the national astrophysicist community by being a meeting ground for exchange and for keeping updated on the latest advances in the various branches of astrophysics.

The Workshop is open to scientists from all countries. The Workshop will be conducted in English, but exceptionally if English is a paramount obstacle for some participants, they may present their communications in French if their slides are in English. All the posters should be written in English.

The Themes of the Workshop:

- High Energy Astrophysics
- Cosmology
- Solar and Stellar Physics
- Extrasolar Astronomy
- The Space Connection
- Astronomy and Education

- Registration deadline: April15, 2010
- Notification to participants: April 25, 2010

- Workshop period: 16-17June 2010

- Last day's touristic trip: June 18, 2010

For any further information please contact:

Phone & Fax: +213-31 818872

/ Registration Form /

(Please send this second page as a doc file or in pdf format, and not as a .docs file!)

- Please fill out the following form and send it by email along an electronic picture of yourself. to:

First name: ______

Family name:______

Place of birth (City and Country): ______

Date of birth (Year - Month - Day): ______

Present nationality: ______

Full address of permanent Institution:



Position: Faculty member (-- ), Researcher/PostDoc (-- ),

Graduate student (Please specify the name of your advisor): ______

Other (Please specify):______

Employment: - At University (-- )

- Not employed :(-- )

- At another institution :

(Please specify which one)

Personal address:



e-mail: ______


Name, address and Tel. No of person to notify in case of emergency:


Please clickthe relevant boxes:

Arrival date:day _ _ _ June 2010

Departure date: day _ _ _ June 2010

I wish to present : Anoral talk: Yes_ _ _ No:_ _ _ A poster: Yes_ _ _ No:_ _ _



Abstract: (Add lines as needed)










Authors will be informed in what form they will present (oral or poster) their paper no later than April 25. They will then receive recommendations for typing their final article. We will publish the communications as a proceeding volume both in electronic form and as a special issue from an editor to be announced later.

PRESENT FIELDS OF INTEREST (Please no more than two):



NB: Please take note that the registration fees are due upon arrival.