TSI – North Ayrshire
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Third Sector Interface – North Ayrshire Work Plan for 2015/16
This plan covers the Interface activity that will be delivered in partnership between the 2 intermediary organisations that form the Third Sector Interface for North Ayrshire – The Ayrshire Community Trust (TACT) and Arran Community and Voluntary Service (ACVS).
Our vision is of improved quality of life for the people and community of North Ayrshire by building a strong, effective and sustainable Third Sector.
The four key functions of an interface are:
1. To support, develop and represent volunteering
2. To support, develop and represent social enterprise
3. To support, develop and represent the third sector
4. Connection to, and representation at, community planning
Measuring Success
A performance monitoring and reporting system will be developed by the partnership. This will evidence the difference we make against the nationally recognised TSI Reporting Framework which has been jointly developed between VAS, TSI’s and Scottish Government.
We will continue to use the new MILO information management system during the reporting year which will assist with performance monitoring. We are committed to continuous improvement and will maintain our commitment to EFQM Committed to Excellence quality framework.
Resource Allocation
The respective Boards have undertaken a review of the local distribution of funds amongst the 2 Interface partners. This is embodied in a formal Partnership Agreement between TACT and ACVS.
This Action Plan describes how the Third Sector Interface – North Ayrshire plans to progress towards realising its vision of improved quality of life for the people and community of North Ayrshire by building a strong, effective and sustainable Third Sector. It has been developed to reflect the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) priorities, the National Outcomes which will assist in the completion of TSI end of year reporting.
Third Sector Interface – North Ayrshire (TSI NA) local context and baseline
Governance and Management Structure
Arran Community and Voluntary Service , (and formerly Arran Council for Voluntary Service) and The Ayrshire Community Trust (TACT), established from the former Volunteer Centre North Ayrshire, and CVSna, form the 3rd Sector Interface for North Ayrshire.
Both are Companies Limited by Guarantee.
A legally drawn up Partnership Agreement specifies the arrangements between the two organisations.
The administration of the Interface is through a Partnership Management Board comprising 2 Directors from each of Arran CVS and The Ayrshire Community Trust, and the 2 respective CEO’s from each organisation.
The operational activities of the Interface are under the direction of the 2 CEO’s of ACVS and TACT, who have joint and equal responsibility for service delivery of the 4 functions. In discharging this responsibility, the CEO’s have agreed Lead Officer responsibilities (regardless of Geography) as follows: (This note is updated as at October 2015)
CEO - TACT Leads on:
Economic Development, including Social Enterprise; Matters relating to Skills and Employability; Community Engagement; Community Transport and Community Safety.
CEO - ACVS Leads on:
Health (NHS/CHP) including the integration of Health and Social Work and Integrated Care Fund; Social Services; Housing; ADP and Children’s Services.
Approximately 135,000 (including the Islands of Arran (4600) and Cumbrae (1000)
Third Sector Structures and Composition
The Interface has established a variety of mechanisms for consultation and engagement with the third sector.
The Third Sector Voice is open to all third sector organisations, an annual conference is held to discuss both strategic and operational issues and once Neighbourhood Planning is established a new mechanism will be established based on locality.
The Third Sector Business Forum is open to all third sector organisations who deem themselves to be social enterprises or have the aspiration to grow.
The Health Inequalities Group consists of members from a variety of organisations and provides broad representation across geographic locations and users of services.
Appropriate and relevant consultation and engagement is carried out regularly using MILO.
3rd Sector Interface North Ayrshire - Work Plan 2015 - 2016
The following Action Plan sets out the activities/outputs, outcomes and milestones to be achieved by the TSINA for each of the 4 functions that are expected to bring about an improved quality of life for people and communities in North Ayrshire
The TSI website has been revamped making it easier to navigate and provides easier linkages to strategies and policies. The web site hosts a Community Engagement Calendar which has the potential to evolve into a central point of contact for events, activities, training, consultation and neighbourhood planning. The E-bulletin is a key feature in disseminating information to the sector with distribution continuing to increase.
There are some areas which the TSI wishes to make reference to which may not be reflected in the Action Plan:
1. Intensive involvement of the review of Children’s Services. NAC commissioned a survey based on work carried out in other local authorities. Results from the Dartington Consultation have produced information which services will now be based on. This provides a real opportunity for more services to be operated within the third sector.
2. TSI continues to be represented on the Economic Regeneration Development Board and has been asked to contribute to the creation of a Social Enterprise Strategy for NAC .In addition TSI has been asked to sit on the newly formed Local Employability Partnership and the Local Employability Board.
3. In order to ensure a more coordinated approach to working with officers from local authority departments a “think tank” group is to be established to improve communication, consultation and action. A senior officer within the local authority has been identified to take this forward. The intention is to expand this to include other community planning partners.
4. TSI North Ayrshire was one of the partners in the initial Community Planning Improvement Programme. A draft Improvement Plan has now been drafted and was presented to the CPP Board in March 2015. It identified in the Improvement Plan key actions and outcomes which all partners involved in the process have agreed to. Any actions under the CPIP Improvement Plan will be identified as such in this Action Plan. That the CPP Board endorsed the Improvement Plan earlier this year.
5. Health and Social Care Integration – TSINA has had a major role in the integration of Health and Social Care (Joint Integration Board and Associated Forums). The workload and additions to the work plan will be advised as integration continues. In the case of Health and Social Care Integration this involves both supporting the ‘Old World’ structures in NAC and the CHP, and the ‘New World’ evolving forums in the Integrated HSCP set up at a variety of levels from Board / Partnership to operational level.
This includes Integrated Joint Board membership from 1st April 2015, and, working in Partnership with the Independent Sector, agreement reached with Scottish Care ensured all 3rd and Independent Sector Suppliers are covered in terms of representation between the TSI and the Independent sector.
The partnership has supported the TSINA on terms of resource.
A monitoring system which includes the Partnership Management Group is in place to ensure that there is a regular assessment of the extent to which SMART targets are being met. This allows for remedial action for non-performance, or for re-assessment if outcomes are not being achieved.
Service / Activity / Outcome and Common Service / Performance Indicators / Target / Timescale / 6/12 mth output / Actual / Notes / 2014/2015Improve support and connection to all areas of North Ayrshire including rural areas and the islands to promote volunteering. / 1.1,1.3, 1.4, 1.13, 1.15 / Number of new individuals who register to volunteer. / 240 / 120/120 / 5695/219 / Due to the switch over to the new MILO system in June 2015 volunteering figures are not accurate for the first six months of the reporting period. / 262
Provide Outreach to each of the 6 identified areas for Neighbourhood Planning in North Ayrshire. / 12 / 6/6 / 6/6 / Outreach provided in Irvine, Largs, Kilwinning, Irvine, Kilbirnie, Stevenston and Arran. / Addition to 2015/16 Action Plan
All volunteer opportunities available online to view and apply for on Volunteer Scotland website and TSI website. / 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 / Number of current opportunities registered / 230 / 325 / 211
Number of new opportunities registered in the year / 40 / 20/20 / 22/32
Numbers of hits on TSI website annually / 12000 / 6000/6000 / 515/688 / The TSI website went live in July 2015 therefore the target figure has not been achievable this year. Work required on this.
Continue to update TSI website to include up to date information, training
The Community Engagement Calendar and online tools. / 1.1, 1.2 1.7 / Number of times the TSI Website is updated / 24 / 12/12 / 2/5 / Due to the website not going live until July 2015 we are behind target for updates this year.
Range of events advertised on Engagement Calendar / 20 / 8/12 / 0 / Engagement Calendar is not available yet. Please see Outcome 4.
TSI staff will encourage youth volunteering through campaigns, promotional materials and partnership working. / 1.2, 1.7, 1.8, 1.13 / Numbers of young people volunteering increases. / 250 / 100/150 / 300/124 / 349
Numbers involved in Town Centre TV / 12 / 6/6 / 6/3 / Not having premises in Irvine has had an effect on the numbers we have been able to involve. With the Trinity Church development this should be resolved in September / October 2016.
Promote the Saltire Award for volunteers aged between 12 and 25 years. / 1.2,1.7,1.8,1.13 / Number schools given Saltire Awards and Active Citizenship workshops / 5 / 2/3 / 3/3 / 7
Schools offered assistance in the administration of Saltire Awards / 5 / 2/3 / 12/4 / 9
Number of young people engaged with Saltire Awards and Active Citizenship. / 200 / 100/100 / 278/187 / 290
# Challenge Awards Issued / 18 / 9/9 / 8/1 / 19
#Approach Awards issued / 60 / 30/30 / 70/126 / 398
# Ascent Awards issued / 220 / 110/110 / 256/91 / 268
# Summit Awards issued / 2 / 1/1 / 1/1 / 3
# Special needs schools engaged / 1 / 1/0 / 1/0 / 2
Number of volunteers registered between the age of 12 – 25. / 60 / 30/30 / 393/167 / 349
Promote youth volunteering to all TSO’s. / 1.1,1.2, 1.4,1.5, 1.15 / The number of TSO’s registering volunteer opportunities that are compatible with the Saltire Awards. / 40 / 20/20 / 22/41 / 18
Continue to improve and increase the wider recognition of the contribution of volunteering. / 1.7, 1.8,1.11 / Number of volunteers registered for the KA Leisure membership discount. / 100 / 50/50 / 14/12 / 125 people are currently registered on the KA Leisure scheme.
Uptake on this scheme is not as high as expected, this may be due to the monthly fee of £15 – this could perhaps be too expensive for a lot of our clients. / 117
Increase local businesses supporting volunteering action. / 2 / 1/1 / 0/1 / We are still exploring the option of issuing our registered volunteers with a “Volunteer Card” (VCARD) and encouraging local organisations to sign up to offering benefits for people who have this card.
Ensure customers are aware of the TSI’s complaint procedure and that the feedback system is used regularly. / 1.3, 1.7, 1.10, / Analysis of feedback forms.
Analysis of complaints
Review of response to complaints raised quarterly. / 4 / 2/2 / 0/0 / No complaints have been received this period. Hardcopy and complaints box available at reception. Information available on website.
Continue to recognise Adult Volunteering contributions. / 1.5, 1.6, 1.11, 1.14,1.15 / Adult Volunteer Awards promoted through Volunteers Week. / 80 / 40/40 / 70 / 130 people attended the volunteers Oscars ceremony in June 2015. / 133
Number of partner organisations involved. / 12 / 6/6 / 39 / 12
More people volunteer and have a positive volunteering experience / Survey carried out bi-annually. / 2 surveys / 1/1 / 4/2
Feedback gained from volunteers. / 40 / 20/20 / 74/47
The TSI will be aware of all TSO’s and groups in North Ayrshire including groups attached to GP practices / Mapping will be carried out within each neighbourhood to identify TSO’s and groups in North Ayrshire. / 6 / 3/3 / 0/6 / The TSI has employed 2 community Connectors who cover 3 GP Surgeries within North Ayrshire. These workers, along with community connectors from the HSCP gather and collate this information for the localities. This mapping will include service provided by statutory and private sector partners. The way in how this mapping will be addressed within neighbourhoods is still being discussed.
Contact will be made with GP surgeries in neighbourhoods to obtain information regarding groups / organisations that work from these practices for example patient participation groups or self-help groups. / 6 / 3/3 / 3/3 / The Community Connectors employed (as described above) have been attached to 3 GP surgeries in North Ayrshire to assist with social prescribing and giving health and wellbeing support in areas such as smoking cessation, weight management and addictions. These posts are in place initially for 12 months funded through the Integrated Care Fund from the HSCP.
The TSI will work with the Community Planning Partners to develop a Volunteer Strategy (CPIP) / Role of volunteers will be clarified by all partners and who is best placed to deliver training and support volunteers. / March 2016 / Still working on developing the Volunteer Strategy – planned to be complete by August 2016.
Service / Activity / Outcome and Common Service / Performance Indicators / Target / Timescale / 6/12 mth output / Actual / Notes / 2014/2015Identify the volunteering requirements of TSO / Number of TSO engaged with to identify requirements. / 250 / 125/125 / 137/152