Willkommen in Deutsch 1!

August 2014

Klasse: Deutsch 1

Lehrerin: Frau Wilder

Zimmer: 514


Buch: Deutsch Aktuell 1

Arbeitsheft: Deutsch Aktuell 1

Willkommen in Deutsch 1!

I look forward to beginning our school year together and I am excited to be a part of your education this year! I can’t wait to see how much you will learn about the German language, culture and history! As you progress throughout the year, you will learn to express yourself by learning German vocabulary and by practicing and learning German grammatical structures. You will communicate in German through speaking, writing, reading and listening.

We will use the Deutsch Aktuell textbook and workbook to learn about the following topics:

Kapitel 1: Greetings, farewells and introductions.

*Grammatik: present tense verb endings

Kapitel 2: Your home life, family members, numbers and days of the week.

*Grammatik: der, die, das

Kapitel 3: Free-time activities, telling time, going to various places in the city.

*Grammatik: Wo/Wohin?

Kapitel 4: Learning about school ~ subjects, class schedules, school supplies.

*Grammatik: the verb ,,sein”

Kapitel 5: Learning about how people in Germany get around in the city, neighboring countries, languages, weather and seasons.

*Grammatik: indefinite articles

Kapitel 6: Food! Order at a café, offer something to eat/drink, express likes and dislikes, talk about your daily schedule.

*Grammatik: modal verbs, future tense, negation

Kapitel 7: Shopping! Colors, talking about clothes, asking about prices, making suggestions.

*Grammatik: stem-vowel changing verbs

Kapitel 8: Birthday! Planning a birthday party, buying a gift, rooms of the house.

*Grammatik: possessive and personal pronouns

Was soll ich bringen? Here is a list of materials that you should bring to class every day:

  • Arbeitsheft/GV (workbook), gelbes Heft (binder) und Papier(paper)
  • pencil or pen
  • agenda book

Classroom/Learning Expectations:

The Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook will be followed at all times! Please be aware of these additional classroom guidelines:

  1. Handys sind verboten! Please keep your cell phone out of sight at all times, unless asked to get them out for a class activity.
  2. Schlafen ist verboten! Please sleep at home, not during class!
  3. Pünklichkeit! Please be on time to class! The consequences for being tardy to class are:
  4. Tardy 1 = Warning
  5. Tardy 2 = Warning
  6. Tardy 3 = Detention
  7. Tardy 4 = Detention (and office will be notified)
  8. Tardy 5 = Office Referral
  9. Am Ende der Klasse ~ When class is over, please wait in your assigned seat until the bell rings. You may start your homework or study vocabulary. Please do not line up at the door!
  10. Zur Toilette gehen ~ you may use your agenda book 3 times per 9 weeks. Please have your agenda book with you in class! Please have your agenda book filled out before you ask to leave the classroom!

The WMHS grading scale will be used. Your grade will be determined in the following manner (percentages are approximate):

Projects/Class Work20%


*Remember that you can view your grades online through Progressbook!

*You may use online dictionaries to look up one-word translations only. Translating sentences, paragraphs and papers, whether for homework assignments or for a test, is considered plagiarism. Submitting work that is not your own will result in a grade of zero, as well as a referral to the office. Please turn in your own work!

*The following website (or app) may be used to look up one-word translations:


Learning a foreign language is acquiring a skill, like playing a sport or learning a musical instrument. It takes hard work and practice! Please complete all homework assignments and participate daily in class! Danke!

Homework Assignments:

Most homework assignments will be either out of your GV (Arbeitsheft) or on a handout. Homework assignments will be listed on Progressbook. Although homework will not be counted for a grade, completion grades will be entered on Progressbook. In order to re-take a test, students must have completed the majority of the homework assignments prior to the original test date.

What to do if you’re absent:

Call a friend and try to get your assignments. Check Progressbook for homework assignments. When you come to class the next day, check the make-up work calendar and either ask me for handouts or check the weekly pocket folder for the handouts you missed.

*Check Moodle/Teacher Website as necessary!

Deutsche Dienstage ~ Tutoring Tuesdays:

Please come in after school until 2:45 on Tuesdays for extra help or to study for an upcoming test or quiz. We will meet in room 514. Advanced German students may also be available to schedule one-on-one help sessions.

Helpful Websites:

*Remember to use online dictionaries for one-word translations only!