Third Lesson Thematic Unit (Education 4353)

Submitted by: Duncan MacLean

Submitted to: Dr. Stephens

November, 5, 2004

Lesson Template

Unit Topic: Time Travel: The Science Fiction Genre. Using a selection of science fiction short stories and novels, the unit will focus on extending students’ oral and written communication skills; supporting the development of research skills using assigned websites and challenging students to apply their understanding in the creation of a multimedia or power point presentation.

Unit Rationale: This unit will focus on the impact of technology and human interactions with the ecosystem. Students will be encouraged to think critically about their role in the web of life and their personal impact on the world around them. Students will begin to understand that there are many ways to interpret text based on their background knowledge and personal reflections.

Grade Level: 9

Lesson Topic: Time Travel: Timespeak

Length of Lesson Period: (double period 100 minutes)

Lesson Rationale: It is important for students to be skilled at interpreting non fiction text in the content areas. The time travel theme provides an opportunity to directly teach the skills of using technical language to support fictional writing. Students will view a video segment from the movie “Contact” and listen to an audio clip of Carl Sagan, the author of the novel “contact”.

Learning Objectives:

Students will:

·  Watch a video segment and record observations of technical language.

·  Listen to an audio clip and record observations in their diaries.

·  Use technology tools to enhance learning and promote creativity.

Learning Outcomes from English Language Arts Curriculum Guide:

GCO’s Speaking and Listening p.20

#1(Speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences)

#2(Communicate information and ideas effectively and clearly, and respond personally and critically)

#3(Interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience and purpose)

Reading and Viewing p.21

#1(Select, read and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media, and visual texts)

#2(Interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources and technologies)

#3(Respond personally to a range of texts)

Writing and representing p.21

#1 (Use writing and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learning; and to use their imaginations)

#3(Use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and other ways of representing and to enhance their clarity, precision and effectiveness)

SCO’s Speaking and Listening

Gr.9 p., 26 #1(Examine others’ ideas in discussion to extend their own understanding)

P.27 #1(Participate constructively in conversation, small-group and whole group discussion, and debate, using a wide range of strategies that contribute to effective talk

#3(Give and Follow instructions and respond to questions and directions of increasing complexity)

#4 (Evaluate their own and others’ uses of spoken language in a range of contexts, recognizing the effects of significant verbal and non-verbal language features.

P.28 #1(Demonstrates active listening and respect for others needs, rights, and feelings of others.)

Reading and Viewing

Gr.9 p.29 #1 (Select texts that address their learning needs and range of special interests)

#5(Articulate their own processes and strategies for reading and viewing texts of increasing complexity)

P.31#1(Respond to some of the material they read or view by questioning, connecting, evaluating, and extending

#2(Express and support points of view about texts and about issues, themes, and situations within texts, citing appropriate evidence)

Writing and Representing

Gr.9 P.33( Use a range of strategies in writing and other ways of representing)

P.35 #3(Experiment with the use of technology in communicating for a range of purposes with a variety of audiences)

#5(Integrate sources from several sources to construct and communicate meaning.)

Materials/ Resources Needed for Lesson

·  Timespeak handout

·  Student diaries

·  Group websites <warrensbury.k12.mo.us/webquest/time travel.

·  Class computers

·  Video selection from the movie “contact”

·  Audio clips from Nova Online-time travel-text and audio from Carl Sagan http://www.pbs.org/nova/time/

·  “Power Point Made Very Easy” Instructional power point

Organizational Approach: Whole class, pairs, 4 groups, whole class.

Step by Step Activities and Estimated Times:

Intro: Today we are going to think about Time Speak-How do scientists talk about time travel? As you watch the video presentation I want you to observe the language used to explain what is happening. Record your impressions in your journal.

(15 mins) Video Presentation-time travel physics from the time machine segment of “Contact”

(5 mins) Follow up discussion. Students asked to share their observations about the language used in the video.

(10 mins) Text and Audio presentation by Carl Sagan- focus on the concept of wormholes and the nature of time.

(15 mins) Timespeak Activity: In pairs-review the technical language used by physicists to discuss time travel.

(15 mins) Teacher Presentation-Power point “Power Point Made Very Easy”

(20 mins) 4 groups meet to work on power point presentations. They continue to visit designated websites to collect data on the following:

Group 1- The facts behind time travel

Group 2- The fiction behind time travel

Group 3- Traveling to the past

Group 4- Traveling to the future

(All websites for research are at http://warrensburg.k12.mo.us/webquest/timetravel

The groups will use “mpower” to present the results of their research (One additional class of 50 minutes will be allocated for group work on the power point presentation)

Students will be reminded that they are responsible for an individual page on the power point to review the book they have chosen in the science-fiction genre.

Assessment: 1. Teacher checklist to record student contributions to the discussion

2. Teacher circulates among the groups and assesses 2 groups using the group work rubric

Plans for Follow-up lessons:

·  Time Travel brochure

·  Writing to inform and persuade (mini-lesson)

·  Review “mpower”/How to do power point presentation-Tutorials after class with students who require extra support.