Delmarva Power C&I Energy Savings Program

Eligibility and Guidelines for Street Light Incentives


(Four pages)

1.Delmarva Power street lighting customers are eligible for incentives from the program if the customer is upgrading street light fixtures to energy efficient LED lampsand is paying into the EmPOWER Maryland fund, and where the customer has:

a.A metered Account - customer account usage is metered and the customer maintains the street lighting fixtures, or

b. An un-metered Account, where

  • Thecustomer maintains the street lighting fixtures and negotiates with the Delmarva Power streetlighting/engineering department to change from their existing tariff to the Servicing Street Lights Served from Overhead Lines Schedule “SSL-OH-LED” or the Servicing Street Lights Served from Underground Lines Schedule “SSL-UG-LED”, as applicable, or
  • Delmarva Power owns and/or maintains the street lighting fixtures and the customer negotiates with the Delmarva Power streetlighting/engineering department to change from their existing tariff to the SSL-OH-LED or SSL-UG-LED tariff, as applicable. Delmarva Power owned or maintained fixtures mayonly be replaced or modified by Delmarva Power or Delmarva Power’s contractor.

2.All applications for street lighting incentives should be filed on a Delmarva PowerExisting Buildings Lighting and Controls workbook (street lighting will not be considered under the Small Business program) and be accompanied by:

a.Product specifications for the lamps/fixtures proposed

b.A copy of an electric bill for the account(s) for which work is to be performed

c.Any other information available that defines how power is delivered (by overhead or underground power lines) to the street lights and the party responsible for maintaining / replacing lamps

Program Incentives availability to Street Lighting customers of Delmarva Power / Metered Accounts / Unmetered Accounts
Private or Municipal/ County Owned; paying into EmPOWER MD / Delmarva Power Owned, but private/municipal/county is account holder; paying into EmPOWER MD / Private or Municipal/ County Owned; paying into EmPOWER MD
Delmarva Power Maintained / Not Applicable / Customer (account holder) may be eligible for incentives, but negotiation/consultation with Delmarva Power street lighting/engineering department for installation and appropriate tariff is necessary. / Customer (account holder) may be eligible for incentives, but negotiation/consultation with Delmarva Power street lighting/engineering department for installation and appropriate tariff is necessary.
Account Holder Maintained / Customer (account holder) is eligible for incentives / Not Applicable / Customer (account holder) is eligible for incentives, but negotiation/consultation with Delmarva Power street lighting/engineering department for appropriate tariff is necessary.
Note 1: All applications will be processed through the Existing Buildings Program. Product specifications and electric account bill must be submitted with application.
Note 2: All applications must be accompanied by information that defines how power is provided to the light fixtures (OH or UG) and that specifies party responsible (account holder or Delmarva Power) for maintaining / replacing the lamps.
OH = Power provided via Overhead power lines
UG = Power provided by Underground power lines
Program Incentives availability to Street Lighting customers of Delmarva Power / Metered Accounts / Unmetered Accounts
Private or Municipal/ County Owned; paying into EmPOWER MD / Private or Municipal/ County Owned ; paying into EmPOWER MD / Delmarva Power Owned, but private/municipal/county is account holder; paying into EmPOWERMD
Account Holder Maintained / Customer (account holder) is eligible for Incentives / Customer (account holder) is eligible for Incentives, but negotiation/consultation with Delmarva Power street lighting/engineering department for tariff appropriate for new lamp type. / Not Applicable
Delmarva Power Maintained / Not Applicable / Customer (account holder) may be eligible for Incentives, but negotiation/consultation with Delmarva Power street lighting/engineering department for installation and tariff appropriate for new lamp type. / Customer (account holder) may be eligible for Incentives, but negotiation/consultation with Delmarva Power street lighting/engineering department for installation and tariff appropriate for new lamp type.
Note 1: All applications will be processed through the Existing Buildings Program, depending on type of lamps being installed. Product specifications and electric account bill must be submitted with application.
Note 2: All applications must be accompanied by information that defines how power is provided to the light fixtures (OH or UG) and that specifies party responsible (account holder or Delmarva Power) for maintaining / replacing the lamps.
OH = Power provided via Overhead power lines
UG = Power provided by Underground power lines

Matrix backup

Program Incentives availability to Street Lighting customers of Delmarva Power / Unmetered Accounts / Metered Accounts
Delmarva Power Owned, but private/municipal/county is account holder; paying into EmPOWER MD / Private or Municipal/ County Owned ; paying into EmPOWER MD / Private or Municipal/ County Owned; paying into EmPOWER MD
Delmarva Power Maintained / Customer (account holder) is eligible for Incentives, but negotiation/consultation with Delmarva Power street lighting/engineering department for installation and tariff appropriate for new lamp type. / Customer (account holder) is eligible for Incentives, but negotiation/consultation with Delmarva Power street lighting/engineering department for installation and tariff appropriate for new lamp type. / Not Applicable
MC - OH, PGC - OH / PGC - UG
Account Holder Maintained / Not Applicable / Customer (account holder) is eligible for Incentives, but negotiation/consultation with Delmarva Power street lighting/engineering department for tariff appropriate for new lamp type. / Customer (account holder) is eligible for Incentives
Note 1: All applications will be processed through the Existing Buildings or Custom Programs, depending on type of lamps being installed.
Note 2: All applications must be accompanied by information that defines how power is provided to the light fixtures (OH or UG) and that specifies who (account holder or Delmarva Power) maintains the light fixtures, i.e., who replaces burned-out lamps.
MC = Montgomery County
PGC = Prince George's County
OH = Power provided via OverHead power lines
UG = Power provided by UnderGround power lines