APRIL 1, 2017

Re: Sponsorship

In the fall of 2014, some Jennings County residents came together with the common interest of doing something to honor the sacrifice of local men and women who serve in the Indiana National Guard and the families left behind during deployment. One of the individuals involved in organizing this event is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, having served in the Indiana National Guard. Because of his service and the Jennings County connection, the group decided to organize a ruck march and run. A ruck march involves carrying a pack (or ruck sack) and simulates soldiers moving across land on foot. Money raised from the event will be donated to the Indiana National Guard Relief Fund, Inc. and the USO, based at Camp Atterbury.

Indiana National Guard Relief Fund, Inc.

100% of donations go to assist Indiana National Guard Members and their families

Private, non-profit, tax exempt corporation

Purpose is to give funds to Indiana National Guard members in good standing and their families for limited financial relief

USO Camp Atterbury Center

The USO Camp Atterbury Center offers Guardsmen and women a place to gather with access to computers, Wi-Fi, food and beverages, tv, movie theatre, a library, lounge and other comforts. The USO also attempts to meet additional soldier needs as they arise.

How You Can Help

In order for this event to be a success, we need the assistance of sponsors and individuals to assist in planning and implementing the event.

Examples of our need for financial sponsorship includes:

  • purchasing t-shirts for participants.
  • purchasing prizes for participants who place in their category
  • purchasing snacks and drinks for participants during and following the event
  • costs of promotion (IE: newspaper ad, banner, flyers, radio ad)
  • hiring timers for the event

Examples of donations of time we need in implementing the event include:

  • registration table workers
  • people along the route to provide water and snacks
  • people to help mark the route during the event
  • marking route with signs before the event
  • setting up registration tables before the event
  • timing the event
  • promotion of the event
  • clean-up after the event

Funds donated by sponsors will be applied to the costs of implementing the event. Because hosts of the event are not a 501c, we cannot say your donation is tax deductible. Please consult your tax preparer on this point. However, if you want verification of the donation for your tax purposes, please provide your name and address with your donation. Sponsorship covering the costs of the event will allow participant entry fees to be donated directly to the Indiana National Guard Emergency Fund and the USO Camp Atterbury Center. Should sponsorship funds exceed the costs of the event, remaining funds will be included as donations to the organizations referenced above.

Please consider whether you can sponsor this event and if you can, the amount of money you can donate. Please make donations in the form of checks payable to: Marcy Clark and include "2017 Walk, Ruck, and Run Sponsorship" in the memo line of your check.

Monetary donations may be mailed to: 2017 Walk, Ruck and Run, c/o Marcy Clark, 300 West County Road 580 North, North Vernon, Indiana 47265

If you have questions, feel free to contact:

Donna Marsh


Thank you for your consideration. We will be grateful for any assistance you can provide.