Things to do before and after your gastropod survey


Your Assignment:

  • You enter the date of your outing on the calendar in lecture.
  • I will assign you a site
  • Read the gastropod site assignment sheet days before you go out.
  • I recommend you review the protocol as you drive to the site. It’s in your backpack and has suggestions about how to best plan your transects.

Equipment/Data Procedures:

  • I will supply you with a backpack with survey equipment in it. We’ll do this like a rental car; check your backpack and the equipment inventory. Make note of anything that isn’t there so that you aren’t accountable for it.
  • Select one member of the group to take responsibility for the bag. He/she will make sure it is full when you are done.
  • In week 7, we will all start together and I will bring the backpacks.
  • I suggest you bring garden gloves—it makes the search much easier and protects from nettles.
  • I suggest you bring boots—some sites will be wet and muddy and I don’t want you to be timid.


Enter the GPS destination datum (e.g. N45.4444 W122.3535) into your GPS.

  • Is the distance to your site reasonable? It should be <2 miles. If it seems off, do some troubleshooting.
  • Check your GPS datum (WGS84) and position format (hddd.ddddd). IF your battery dies your unit MAY reset to other default settings.



  • After a survey, the team brings their backpack (and data) to lecture. This must be done on the same day as the survey or on Monday if you are on a weekend survey.
  • Show your instructor a full inventory of equipment. If the backpack doesn’t have all the equipment in it I won’t give a grade for that lab event until all the equipment is rounded up. (I’m sure everyone will get all their points but there will be times when a hand lens is left in a car and this procedure forces things to be found quickly).
  • Soak shoe brush in bleach water during lecture
  • The team (not just one person) will enter data on my computer after class. I will check this after you enter it.
  • Email instructor a selfie of all members at the survey site.
  • Enter pictures.
  • Positive Identification: Required ID session at conference on 6/5. On this day, we will meet at conference and do ID work. This is worth 2 points for each of your outings. [Example: Group “M” has a successful outing. They are late submitting their data sheet so lose 1 point. Total is 17/20. On the ID day June 5, they participate and earn their final 2 points for a total of 19/20].

Odds and ends:

  • I will give a preliminary grade when your data, backpack and pictures are submitted. Final points awarded on ID day.
  • Shoe brushes: Brush of the bottoms of your shoes as you get out of your car. This will help us not to transport non-native seeds to sensitive areas. Soak brushes in 10% bleach water in lecture. Share costs for gas.