Things Come Alive When Dreams Collide

Acts 10:1-5;44-48

Raised But Wrapped The disciples were raised and empowered by the Holy Ghost; but they were wrapped up in the trappings of where they were. The process of unwrapping themselves from religious dogma and ideologies was a slow, painstaking process. They kept going back to Jerusalem trying to unwrap themselves so they could walk in the power of God and the newness of life. They met debating about issues like, “should we continue to circumcise, worship on the Sabbath, continue to celebrate the Feast of Weeks, Unleavened bread, Passover, how much Judaism would bleed over into Christianity. They continued to debate these concepts trying to figure out what they were going to do next. They struggled to come to grips with and embrace this new thing that God was doing. Even after their conversion and filling they continued to hold on to certain laws and ways(law was the schoolmaster, but not that which is perfect has come….write the laws on our hearts). They were struggling with the fact that God kept breaking the rules they set.

This Is Not ThatThe issue we face sometimes when God has orchestrated change in our lives is that we try to keep it like it always was and we have a tendency to be stoic and stayed in a system or way that no longer works. But God was letting them know that this is not that. They had to come to grips with the fact that God was doing a new thing and He was unifying the Jews and Gentiles as one new thread of people(superiority/inferiority). That this was not going to be Hebraistic, Legalism, Judaism, or any of the teachings of the Pharisees. They keep going back to Jerusalem to see what’s going on because God isn’t playing by the rules anymore. While they are struggling with religious dogma and creeds God breaks another rule.

In Your Life and in Your HouseIn the tenth chapter of Acts God reveals Himself to a Gentile, an Italian, a heathen, without the benefit of religious background, dogma, or creed, an Italian centurion. He was a soldier, not a prophet, sage, seer, or priest. He was a man of war. But this Italian heathenistic soldier was a praying man. I don’t care what people have called you, if you begin to pray God will reveal Himself in your life. This military man messed up and started praying. He started giving alms and sacrifices to the Lord. He became generous in his giving. Because this Italian gentile who by law was not supposed to be able to get a manifestation of God started praying the Bible says that God took him off into a vision. He told him essentially that I’m going to do something in your life and in your house. He told him to get a hold to Peter because something is about to happen in your life and in your house.

Cornelius Had A DreamAll of a sudden Cornelius has a dream. The dream begins to flow and operate, but his dream cannot be fulfilled alone. Cornelius is not the only one who’s had a dream. Some of you in this room have a dream that’s awe inspiring. But you can’t seem to connect the dots and its not coming to past. What do you do when a dream isn’t enough? What do you do when God shows you something and it doesn’t happen? I don’t need you to tell me what to do when the tumor shrinks, tell me what to do when the tumor grows.Cornelius’ dream represents the dreams of every one of us in this room that we couldn’t make happen on our own.Stop trying to convince, convey, convict, and converse your dream to those that can’t see it. Write the vision….

Have you ever dreamed something that you couldn’t do by yourself, beyond your grasps or reach? I’m not talking to the religious folks because your dreams stay behind the white picket fence. But I’m talking to the radical crazy folks who God gave a dream that’s so ridiculous that you’re scared to tell anybody the dream. I’m talking about a dream that if people knew a person like you was dreaming a dream like that they would think you’ve lost your mind. I want to talk to the radical tenacious people who have dreamed something you couldn’t pay for, couldn’t reach, weren’t trained to do and the dream wouldn’t go away.

Your Steps Are Ordered:God set an irreversible course with Cornelius and caused him to act on what he experienced(your steps are ordered).Sometimes God sets a course and causes you to sing a chorus. God sets it in motion and at first you’ve got to be willing to sing it by yourself. Are you willing to sing it by yourself and stand alone because you believe more in your dream than you do in your doubt?Cornelius says I have this passion that you want to do something in my life and in my house. God is about to do something in your life and in your house. A change is imminent, a breakthrough is coming. It started in your spirit but its going to get in your house. God has already started a course and set it in motion, now it’s too late to allow your doubt to override your dream.One thing that kept me when I was living in sin is that I had a dream of doing better. My dream had filters in it. Some of the people, places, and things weren’t in my dream.

Radical DreamersMeanwhile Peter, the one who God is about to use doesn’t believe in being used in Cornelius’ house. The problem with us sometimes is that we have a dream but we don’t have all of the pieces. The reason God doesn’t reveal to us the totality of the dream is because we would say that we did it by ourselves, but God would put you n a predicament where you are dreaming something that won’t come alive until your dream collides with someone else’s. He’ll let you sing it by yourself. And let your help not help you. So that when He begins to turn it around there would be no doubt that this is the Lords doings and it’s marvelous in our eyes.

This Is A Big ThingThis is what Christ was trying to get us to understand, that this is a big thing and we need each others dreams to go where God wants us to go. Don’t shut out my dream because it’s different than yours. God didn’t give you the whole dream He gave it to all of us in bits and pieces. This is what God is causing the Apostles to understand about the New Testament church is that there is neither bond nor free, Greek or Jew, male or female, but we are all one in Christ Jesus. God has raised up the twain together and made us to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. This is bigger than a male or female, black or white, Baptist or Pentecostal, or even a have or have not thing. God says I’m going to bring stuff together and bless you in ways you’ve never thought.

It All Began In Cornelius’ House, but one dream didn’t do it. Peter comes into Cornelius’ house. He’s hungry for something that his religion was fighting against. He’s hungry because for some of us religion doesn’t fill you(God give us some hungry people). Hunger stirs expectancy and anticipation, and positionyourself (he that hungers and thirsts…). The Bible says while he was hungry he went into a trance. All of a sudden a sheet drops down from heaven with all kinds of meats in it. Then God says rise up and eat. But his religion says no Lord I will not eat what my teaching says is unclean. God says how dare you call what I have cleaned common. God says if I can break you out of your dogma I can bless you out of your socks. (Live more experientially than religiously and doctrinally).

If I can get you to believe me for something you can’t do, something radical, I can do something impossible in your life. If I can get you to break your rules and boundaries you set for yourself 15 years ago I can do the miraculous in you. If I can get you to stop looking at people funny or worrying about what they are going to say I will annihilate your adversity(deliverance from people is essential). Cornelius doesn’t know that his dream is only the first chorus in the song. He doesn’t know that the same God that’s speaking to him is speaking to Peter, neither does Peter. Peter doesn’t believe that Cornelius could get anything from God.

The Next DimensionWhen Peters and Cornelius’ dream collide the doors to the New Testament Church swings wide open into a whole New Dimension. That which Jesus taught came alive in dramatic fashion. The Church was launched into the Next Dimension. Some of you are about to be launched into the next dimension because our dreams are colliding now. Let me show you who it will be….those who have been attacked the most, hindered, fought, and tried to stop, every time you tried to go forward he pulled on you. The devil wouldn’t try to stop you if God wasn’t for you. If God be for you who can be against you. There is a generation of giant killers that are going to come out of this church. (this is the generation that seeks Him….)

You are in the right place at the right time, the conditions are right. While God was working on you He was also working on your situation. He was moving things around in your life so that by the time you get to the place God will have moved things around so that He can bless you. I hear the sound of an abundance of rain. A blessing, release, and explosionsare coming to this house. Gods had been stirring it up, moving things around. He had to move people, change circumstances, tear down walls, release liberty, and reveal dreams. He did it so that things will come alive because our dreams collided. God is going to pull you out of your comfort zone; insecurity, complacency, and seat of do nothing. While we’re here under this anointing tell your fear, anxiety, trouble, depression, addiction, affliction, adversity, situation that I am coming out in the name of Jesus.

Purpose Driven LifeThe tenth chapter says that while Peter spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard the words. Tell your neighbor I heard the word. The blessing started in your spirit but it’s going to end up in your house. You’ve been singing the chorus by yourself but the dreams are about to collide so things will finally come alive. A man of purpose got direction for his purpose because him and his house got filled with the Holy Ghost.