Reviews of:

Andrew Moravcsik,

The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht

(Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press and Routledge, 1998).

Donald Puchala, “Institutionalism, Intergovernmentalism, and European Integration: A Review Article,”Journal of Common Market Studies (June 1999).

Hartmut Mayer, “Review of The Choice for Europe” International Affairs (London) (July 1999).

William Hitchcock, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” American Historical Review (December 1999).

Symposium on The Choice for Europe in Journal of European Public Policy (March 1999).

Helen Wallace, “Putting the Jigsaw Together”

James Caporaso, “Towards a Normal Science of Regional Integration”

Fritz Scharpf, “Selecting Cases and Testing Hypotheses”

Andrew Moravcsik, “The Choice for Europe: Current Debates and Future Research —

A Reply to Caporaso, Scharpf and Wallace”

Exchange in Australasian Journal of European Integration (January 1999).

Heather Field, “Review of The Choice for Europe”

Andrew Moravcsik, “The Choice for Europe: A Reply to Heather Field”

Patrick McCarthy, “The Grand Bargain: A New Book Demystifies European Integration,”

Foreign Affairs (September 1999).

Erik Jones, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” Governance (forthcoming).

Maurice Fitzgerald, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” European Integration (EUI)

(June 1999).

Craig Parsons, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” French Politics and Society (Winter 1999).

Exchange in Millennium: Journal of International Studies (July 1999).

Thomas Diez, “Riding the AM-track through Europe, Or the Pitfalls of a Rationalist

Journey through European Integration”

Andrew Moravcsik, “The Future of European Integration Studies: Social Science or Social Theory?”

Amy Verdun, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” ECSA Review (March 1999).

Christian Lequesne, “Critique,” Critique Internationale – Revue du CERI (4/1999).

Adam Roberts, “Creating Something Unique,” Times Literary Supplement (14 July 2000).

Lyle Scruggs, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” Comparative Political Studies (February 2000).

Jeffrey Anderson, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” American Political Science Review (June 2000).

Pierre-Henri Laurent, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” International History Review (December 1999)

Ben Muller, “The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht,”Canadian Journal of Political Science (December 1999).

Gianfranco Pasquino, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” West European Politics (January 2000).

Lars-Erik Cederman, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” Annals of the Social Sciences (forthcoming).

Annette Freyberg-Inan, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” German Politics and Society (Summer 1999).

Etienne Deschamps, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” Revue europeenne d'Histoire/

European Review of History (Autumn 2000).

Todd Alan Good, “Review of The Choice for Europe” H-DIPLO Book Review

Published by H-Diplo , archived at

Virginie Guiraudon, “Compte rendu de lecture, Moravcsik, The Choice for Europe,”

Revue internationale de politique comparée (forthcoming).

Walter Kemp, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” Nations and Nationalism 6:2 (2000).

Thomas Risse, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” International Politics 37 (September 2000).

Hubert Zimmermann, “Review of The Choice for Europe,”

Journal of European Integration History5 (2/1999).

Bernard H. Moss, “The European Community as Monetarist Construction: A Critique of Moravcsik,”Journal of European Area Studies 8:2 (2000).

Charles Pentland, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” Journal of Politics (forthcoming).

Francesco Duina, “Review of Moravcsik, The Choice for Europe and three other books,”

Polity 32:3 (March 2000).

Summary of “Roundtable on Theory and Methodology in Moravcsik’s Choice for Europe,”

(Panel at the 12th Annual Conference of Europeanists, Chicago 2000).

Rob de Rooij, "The Choice for Europe," Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 2:1 (May 2001).

Iain McLean, “Two Analytical Narratives about the History of the EU,” European Union Politics 4:4 (December 2003).

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If you know of additional reviews, please contact Andrew Moravcsik at <>.