Matthew 2:1-12
The arrival of the wise men is quite symbolic, the first visitors were the shepherds who were very poor at the bottom of social standing.
But then come the magi, wise men or kings at the other end of the spectrum which tells us that Jesus is for everyone.
These kings travelled probably thousands of miles to see Jesus and when they found Him responded with great joy.
They worshipped and gave Him expensive gifts.
This is so different to many today who expect God to go looking for them to explain Himself because what it says in the Bible is not good enough for them.They also expect Him to shower them with gifts.
But those who are wise still seek Jesus and their reaction is to worship Him, not for what they might get but for who He is.
You see the ritual is not enough, the worship and adoration has to come from the heart, as we draw closer to God then this relationship grows and you cannot help but want to worship Him.
But Jesus met opposition and threat right from the start. The kings turned up to see Herod he was not the real deal as being in the line of David.So, he saw Jesus as a threat and hence the reason he set out to kill Jesus.
Most religious leaders of the time believed in a literal fulfilment of prophesy therefore they were expecting Messiah to be born in Bethlehem.
However, when Jesus was born these religious leaders turned out to be His greatest enemies, when Messiah came they did not recognise Him.
There was probably a gap of a couple of years before the wise men turned up and by then Mary and Joseph were married and living in a house.But soon they had to flee to Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod and went to Egypt then after a time they went back and lived in Nazareth.
Over the last few years there has been a rise in the number of asylum seekers, some of them are friends of mine but you could say that Jesus and His family were also asylum seekers.
Jesus’ life and death was also mapped out to fulfil prophesy and the gifts that were brought also reflects this.
Tradition has it that there were three kings but we don't really know that, all we know is that three gifts are recorded.
The first is gold which is a gift for a king.
Next, we have frankincense a gift for a deity.
Lastly, we have myrrh a spice for someone who is to die.
This then covers who Jesus is and what was going to happen.
Some commentators say these gifts may have been sold to fund the trip to Egypt and back, I wonder if there were people exploiting people in those days as well.
The kings come and worshipped Him and gave Him the expensive gifts that they could give.
In my commentary it said they were willing to give what is valuable to them it brings to mind the widows mite.
Mark 12:41-44
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury.
Many rich people put in large amounts.
But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins worth only a fraction of a penny.
Calling the disciples to Him Jesus said "I tell you the truth this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth but she out of her poverty put in everything, all she had to live on.”
So, what does this say to us? Well it says this – it’s not what you give but the heart that you give it with, but what is the most precious thing that you can give? Expensive jewellery maybe, prized possession or maybe money, which one is yours? Well actually it's none of these, all the above can be replaced the most expensive thing is your life, your heart your time.
I have had people say "I would help or do something but I am very busy"
My response is always the same "no problem if you are too busy you are too busy"
God knows the heart, He knows how important serving Him is to you and it's Him not me that people answer to.
I met with 4 guys from Ireland here on Friday night I am praying the partnership with them at the flat comes off because these guys are on fire for God.
If they come they also intend at some stage in the future setting up a drug rehab somewhere in the Rhondda.
Do I think they were serious? They drove over from Caldicot and three of them were from Belfast so I think so, they do have an operation in Caldicot.
As you enter into this New Year what gift are you going to give to God? He won't pressure you or force you it has to be a free will offering.
In this church we have many gifts but you can use them or hold on to them, the needs are great, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
God needs us all to put in however small it may be.
Let's reflect and then pray.