CURRICULUM AREA – English toward Level 7 Achievement Standard
Mode: Reading and viewing
Students study a text that has been adapted to a variety of forms (e.g. The Man from Snowy River - poem, painting & film). They consider and compare the techniques used by the creator of each text to achieve a particular effect on the audience. Students also identify the audience, purpose and context for each text and how they impacted on the choices made in its creation.
The content descriptions explicitly covered will be:
Analyse how point of view is generated in visual texts by means of choices, including gaze, angle and social distance (VCELA370)
Compare the ways that language and images are used to create character, and to influence emotions and opinions in different types of texts (VCELT372)
Understand, interpret and discuss how language is compressed to produce a dramatic effect in film or drama, and to create layers of meaning in poetry (VCELT375)
Level 6 Achievement Standard – Reading and viewing - English / Example of Indicative Progress toward Level 7 Achievement Standard / Level 7 Achievement Standard - Reading and viewing - English
By the end of Level 6:
  • Students understand how to use knowledge of phonics when decoding familiar words and the technical or derived words in increasingly complex texts.
  • They understand how the use of text structures can achieve particular effects and can analyse and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used by different authors to represent ideas, characters and events.
  • They compare and analyse information in different texts, explaining literal and implied meaning.
  • They select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to it.
/ In English, indicative progression towards the Level 7 achievement standard may be when students:
  • can identify some key features of poetry and explain what makes a poem different from other texts.
  • can compare techniques used in poetry, painting and film to create the desired effect on the reader.
  • the effect of audience, purpose and context on the choices made by the creator of a text.
/ By the end of Level 7:
  • Students understand how text structures can influence the complexity of a text and are dependent on audience, purpose and context.
  • They demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language, images and vocabulary affects meaning.
  • They explain issues and ideas from a variety of sources, analysing supporting evidence and implied meaning.
  • They select specific details from texts to develop their own response, recognising that texts reflect different viewpoints.


CURRICULUM AREA – English toward Level 8 Achievement Standard
Mode: Reading and viewing
Context: Students read a range of media texts that address particular issue. They evaluate the nature and strength of arguments offered in relation to the quality of content presented and the credibility of sources used.
The content descriptions explicitly covered will be:
  • Use comprehension strategies to interpret and evaluate texts by reflecting on the validity of content and the credibility of sources, including finding evidence in the text for the author’s point of view (VCELY412)
  • Analyse and evaluate the ways that text structures and language features vary according to the purpose of the text and the ways that referenced sources add authority to
a text (VCELY413)
  • Understand how cohesion in texts is improved by strengthening the internal structure of paragraphs through the use of examples, quotations and substantiation of claims
Level 7 Achievement Standard - Reading and viewing - English / Example of Indicative Progress toward Level 8 Achievement Standard / English Level 8 Achievement Standard- Reading and viewing - English
By the end of Level 7:
  • Students understand how text structures can influence the complexity of a text and are dependent on audience, purpose and context.
  • They demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language, images and vocabulary affects meaning.
  • They explain issues and ideas from a variety of sources, analysing supporting evidence and implied meaning.
  • They select specific details from texts to develop their own response, recognising that texts reflect different viewpoints.
/ In English, indicative progression towards the Level 8 achievement standard may be when students:
  • compare different types of persuasive texts on the same topic (e.g. print and online texts) and consider the techniques used to persuade audiences (language and images).
  • identify and list some examples, quotations and substantiations of claims used to support a point of view presented in a text.
  • evaluate the reliability of claims made in a persuasive text.
/ By the end of Level 8:
  • Students understand how the selection of text structures is influenced by the selection of language mode and how this varies for different purposes and audiences.
  • They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent different ideas and issues in texts.
  • They interpret texts, questioning the reliability of sources of ideas and information.
  • They select evidence from the text to show how events, situations and people can be represented from different viewpoints.


CURRICULUM AREA – English toward Level 9 Achievement Standard
Mode: Reading and viewing
Context: Students read and/or view texts written by authors from different cultural backgrounds and set in a particular historical context (e.g. the 1960s). Students consider ways in which texts are a product of the world view of their creator and the cultural/historical context in which they are created.
The content descriptions explicitly covered will be:
  • Explore and reflect on personal understanding of the world and significant human experience gained from interpreting various representations of life matters in texts (VCELT437)
  • Analyse texts from familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and discuss and evaluate their content and the appeal of an individual author’s literary style (VCELT438)

Level 8 Achievement Standard- Reading and viewing - English / Example of Indicative Progress toward Level 9 Achievement Standard / Level 9 Achievement Standard- Reading and viewing - English
By the end of Level 8:
  • Students understand how the selection of text structures is influenced by the selection of language mode and how this varies for different purposes and audiences.
  • They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent different ideas and issues in texts.
  • They interpret texts, questioning the reliability of sources of ideas and information.
  • They select evidence from the text to show how events, situations and people can be represented from different viewpoints.
/ In English, indicative progression towards the Level 9 achievement standard may be when students:
  • Explore the way texts from other cultures and times use different language features to convey ideas (e.g. songs, fables, short stories)
  • Create a table that compares the ‘world views’ presented in a range of texts in regard to their treatment of several kinds of ideas and/or events.
/ By the end of Level 9:
  • Students analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect.
  • They analyse and explain how images, vocabulary choices and language features distinguish the work of individual authors.
  • They evaluate and integrate ideas and information from texts to form their own interpretations.
  • They select evidence from the text to analyse and explain how language choices and conventions are used to influence an audience.

CURRICULUM AREA – English level 10 Achievement Standard
Mode: Reading and viewing
Context: Students read the work of various poets dealing with common themes (e.g. nature or love). They compare the poetic devices favoured by each poet and the prevailing conventions that guided their work.
The content descriptions explicitly covered will be:
  • Compare and evaluate how ‘voice’ as a literary device can be used in a range of different types of texts such as poetry to evoke particular emotional responses (VCELT465)
  • Analyse and evaluate text structures and language features of literary texts and make relevant thematic and intertextual connections with other texts (VCELT464)

Level 9 Achievement Standard- Reading and viewing - English / Example of Indicative Progress toward Level 10 Achievement Standard / Level 10 Achievement Standard- Reading and viewing - English
By the end of Level 9:
  • Students analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect.
  • They analyse and explain how images, vocabulary choices and language features distinguish the work of individual authors.
  • They evaluate and integrate ideas and information from texts to form their own interpretations.
  • They select evidence from the text to analyse and explain how language choices and conventions are used to influence an audience.
/ In English, indicative progression towards the Level 10 achievement standard may be when students:
  • Closely study three poems and annotate lines from each that exemplify the tone, mood and ‘voice’ of each poem.
  • Consider the way that some well-known poems were regarded by critics at the time of publication.
  • Respond to questions and tasks that call for interpretations of some selected poems.
  • Show a preference for some styles and examples of poetry over others and give reasons for this preference.
/ By the end of Level 10:
  • Students evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors.
  • They explain how the choice of language features, images and vocabulary contributes to the development of individual style.
  • They develop and justify their own interpretations of texts.
  • They evaluate other interpretations, analysing the evidence used to support them.