They die slowly those who become slaves of habit, repeating the same journeys everyday; those who never change brands, never risk wearing a new colour, never speak to persons they do not know.
They die slowly those who avoid passion, who prefer black to white and dotted “I”s rather than the whirlwind of emotions, exactly that which rescues shining eyes, rescues smiles from yawns, rescues hearts from blunders and feelings.
They die slowly who do not turn the tables when they are unhappy at work, who don’t risk certainty for uncertainty to follow a dream; who do not permit themselves, even once in a life time, to run away from sensible advice.
They die slowly those who do not travel, do not read, do not listen to music and do not appreciate themselves!
They die slowly who destroy their own self-love, who refuse to accept help.
They die slowly those who pass their days complaining of their bad luck or of the incessant rain.
They die slowly who abandon a project even before it has begun, who never ask about a subject with which they are unfamiliar, never respond when asked about something they know.
Let us avoid dying by instalments, by remembering that being alive demands much more than simply breathing.
Only ardent patience will ensure that we reach a splendid happiness.
Pablo Neruda (Translated from the original Spanish)
The Holy Father’s Intention for June that social networks may work towards that inclusiveness which respects others for their difference; Isabella Devon , Jack Barbour and Ted Lewis-Jones recently baptised; the sick and those who care for them especially - Audrey Burke, Betsy Bawdelly-Smith, Josephine Whittle, Cliff Hutchinson, Alan Berry, Pat O’Neill, Nicolle Ernould, Christine Ashworth, Gerry Newell, Pat Cooke, Jesu Lopez, Ruth de Stefani, Michael Polack, Damian Norris, Barbara Brightman, Nuala Gallagher, and Rudolf Dorrepaal; Martin Healy recently deceased and Andrew Scavolo, Anna Cowans, Frances Coan, Ronald Voller, Dorothy Leonard, Elizabeth Bowles, Duncan Cosgrove, Victor Birbeck, Mary Williamson and Denise Cockburn whose anniversaries occur around this time.
WedSt Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
ThuSt Irenaeus, Bishop & Martyr
FriSts Peter & Paul, Apostles
SatFirst Martyrs of Rome
FRIDAY is the Feast of Sts Peter & Paul and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Please note that the morning Mass at St Joseph’s is at 9 30 a m (please note reverted to usual time).
T O D A YCollection for Peter’s Pence
(not Gift Aid)
Parish Assistant The Catholic Parish of St. Edmund’s, Godalming is looking for a part-time Parish Assistant to work initially 10 hours a week, administratively supporting the Parish Priest and his renewal team. Good administrative and organisational abilities are essential together with a capability of working with computers and digital communications. Knowledge of the Catholic Church would be a great advantage in this role as well as experience of working with people in a religious or pastoral setting. There is the expectation that in the future the number of hours worked will increase by mutual agreement. The hourly rate will be £10 - £12 per hour. For a job description and the details of how to apply please e-mail . The closing date is Monday, 9th July.
DAY OF ADORATION As you may know there is going to be a Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool over the weekend of 7th to 9th September. Some Dioceses, and many Parishes around the country, will be holding services and periods of Adoration to coincide with this Congress to allow those who are unable to attend to join their prayers with those attending the Congress.
As a result, it is intended to hold our own Day of Adoration on Friday, 7th September at St. Joseph's, Milford. The day will start with the usual Friday morning Mass which will be followed by Benediction after which the Blessed Sacrament will remain in the Monstrance on the altar until 6 45 p m when the day will end with Benediction and Rosary. It is hoped that members of the Parish will sign up for a period of SILENT adoration during this period. The ideal is for at least TWO members of the Parish to be present at anyone time during this period. Attendance lists will be available from the beginning of August.
CAN YOU HELP? As you all are aware, the main financial contribution that funds the Parish comes from your Offertory Donations. But, before the cash donated each week can be banked, it has to be counted and we are looking for volunteers to join the existing team. We work in pairs, usually on a Sunday afternoon, and it generally takes about 45 – 60 minutes, sometimes a little more if there is a Second Collection. The money is counted by church (St Edmund’s, St Joseph’s and St John’s) and various forms are completed for Parish records and our banking paperwork.
You do not need any special skills as you will be shown how to complete the forms. There is a Rota which currently has each pair counting every five weeks but this would obviously reduce in frequency if we have more people who are prepared to help. Counters organise swaps among themselves if they cannot manage a particular date, so you don’t have to worry about not being available one week.
Whether you are a newcomer or a longstanding Parishioner who now feels able to help, please consider carefully if this is a way in which you could contribute to the running of our church. If you would like to join the team or have any questions, please contact Eileen Hudson on 208238 or at .
Special collections for the Godalming Foodbank SVP is putting out collection boxes for the Foodbank throughout June for gifts of packets and canned foodstuffs. A good many families turn to the Foodbank for supplies, especially in the summer holidays when free school meals aren’t available for their children. The collection boxes will be placed in our church porches. We are most grateful for your generous donations of packaged supplies.
The types of product most needed are listed on the collection boxes, such as: tinned meat products; canned fish, e g tuna; pasta/pasta in sauce; canned vegetables/ fruit; long-life milk(500ml/1pt cartons); jars of jam, lemon curd or chocolate spread; biscuits and crackers, savoury or sweet; fruit drink (small cartons)/cordial/squash; teabags, instant coffee; plus household items like washing-up liquid and cleaning sprays etc.
THANK YOU FredaApark wishes to thank Fr David and Parishioners for all their prayers, Mass intentions, cards andgood wishesduring her recent stay in St Georges Hospital, Tooting. She is now home from hospital recovering and resting after her operation and feels so blessedby all the support she has received from the Parish.
Also, Judith Carroll would like to thank everyone for their best wishes and the beautiful fuchsia presented to her on her recent significant birthday.
Through the love of the Father, Son and Spirit, our Parish will be the Body of Christ in Godalming
(Parish Vision)
Employing a Parish assistant
In this week’s Newsletter there is an advert for a Parish Assistant to work for our Parish. Initially, this is a part-time post working for 10 hours a week and the main purpose of the role is described in the advert. This is a new departure for our Parish and it is part of our programme to renew the Parish spiritually and in our ‘infrastructure’ in the broadest meaning of that word. Although we have got off to a really good start with Alpha there is much more work to be done. In our Parish, the Divine Renovation process is only in the foothills of a rather large mountain. If we are to maintain our momentum I will need to be able to devote more time to this aspect of leading the Parish and will therefore need more help with some of the administrative and pastoral tasks. The DR Team supporting me will also need good support in their work. Parish Renewal will generate more work, and so it should, as more and more people get involved. Alongside that the administrative aspect of the work of a Parish sees increasingly more demands in terms of supporting the work of volunteers (who are the leads in many areas), monitoring and record keeping. Just think for a moment of areas of work such as health & safety, safeguarding and data protection to name but a few topics where I, and often, only one volunteer struggle keep on top of the work. Then, there are our buildings. As I have mentioned before we are reviewing the effectiveness of our current buildings in supporting our Mission. This work is being undertaken at the moment and is in itself a large area of activity and I and the volunteers working with me will need more time and support to meet the challenges ahead. I hope you understand and appreciate the need for some paid support in the Parish as we move ahead and if you have any questions about this development, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Next week we will be holding the second Know Your Neighbour (KYN) weekend, inviting you all to display your name badges and to recognise the importance of being known by name as part of the liturgy. God knows us and calls us by name to be in this community of faith contributing our gifts, this we acknowledge, put into practice and celebrate through our KYN weekends.
With my best wishes and prayer,
Fr David