1. CALL TO ORDER: at 7:32pm by President Don Sinclair.

2. MEMBERSHIP REPORT and CONFIRMATION OF QUORUM: 167 families, 67 single and 401 voting members. Quorum was confirmed by President Don Sinclair.

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: M/S/C The agenda was approved as presented.

4. WELCOME TO MEMBERS: President Don Sinclair welcomed all in attendance.

5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF AGM 13 APRIL 2015: M/S/C The minutes of AGM from April 13, 2015 were adopted as presented.

6. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT: President Don Sinclair gave a speech of the Hall and Board Members activities over the past year (see attached hard copy notes). The report highlighted:

  • new sound system
  • replaced picnic tables
  • new water fountain
  • removal of the old pavilion roof and burning be replaced as a current on-going project
  • new chairs for the library
  • new blinds in the library
  • new art hanging system in the main hall
  • Thanks to the Camera Club framing many of the pictures on display
  • New Horizon Grant approved for new projector and screen, and fitness equipment
  • installation of new drainage with improved pathway and parking as a current on-going project
  • All cookbooks sold
  • Future community events to look forward to are: Plant Sale, Strawberry Tea Year End School Celebration, Canada Day Pancake Breakfast, Flea Market, Art Soiree, Book and Bake Sale, Christmas Bazaar, and TICA Cafe.
  • Tai Chi and Zumba as new programs to the Hall

7. TREASURER'S REPORT: Director Matt Hess provided the annual financial report (see attached hardcopy).

Matt noted that TICA was in a sound financial position. Mostly from fundraising events, as a charity, we have very few direct donations.

M/S/C (Matt Hess proposed, seconded by Ellen Rush): To diversify TICA's income by soliciting direct donations, to start an annual fundraising campaign to actively solicit contributions for tax credit.

M/S/C (by Keith Rush, second by Nettie Hayter) The Treasure's report was accepted as presented.


a) Kitchen:Nettie Hayter presented the report as all good. The exception of another kitchen protocol meeting will be need for all kitchen users, date yet to be set.

b) Repair and Maintenance: Chad Kerr presented the report as all good and on-going.

c) Quarterly: Nicole Chiasson presented the report. A thank you to Vericona Shelford and Carol Sowerby for all their hard work. There were 325 copies of the Quarterly, 18 subscriptions and 7 free issued last year. A total of $3,634 in advertisement and $543 in subscriptions was generated.

9. SOUPS ON REPORT: Shirely Burr presented thereport. See hardcopy notes.The highlights of the season from mid September 2015 to April 2016 as very successful with 33 individuals events, a total of 975 servings. Approx. $800 of ingredientsdonated, about 22 hours per sessions for a total of 600 volunteer hours given. Thank you to Capernwray students for volunteering as staff. A total earrings of $3,358. Funds went towards on going support as well as a new large and small coffee maker, replacement of spoons, mugs etc. Looking at replacing the commercial mixer next. A thank you to all and the start up date will be announced in the fall 2016.

Ellen Rush later noted that Soup's On was featured in the New York Times.

10. COMMUNITY FUND REPORT: Tricia Hunter presented the report. See hardcopy notes. Highlights for 2015 included almost $18,000 contributed to the community:

  • $2,000 to support ThetisIslandElementary School
  • $2,000 for graduating students' bursaries
  • $2,300 for educational tuition fees
  • $9,500 for medical care and treatment
  • $1,175 for senior's lifeline button program
  • $175 for printed espokes
  • $500 for children's nature camp hosted by ThINC
  • $200 to initiate nature kids BC program on the island


M/P/C Matt Hess requested new lines for Pickle Ball be painted on the tennis court. Chad Kerr second. Approved.

Commemorative carved plaque to be hung by June, date yet to be set for a ceremony.

Veronica Shelford noted the advertisement in the Quarterly have decreased and asked for more solicitation especially across on Vancouver Island.


Elections by acclamation were: President...... Don Sinclair

Secretary...... Heather Hunter

Treasurer...... Matt Hess

Directors at large: Nettie Hayter (Vice President)

Ronald Bannister

Donella Smith

Donna Stadt

Michelle Black

Nicole Chiasson

Chad Kerr

Celine Valestrand

13. ADJOURNMENT: M/P/C Meeting adjourned at 8:21pm