Thesis requirements


A thesis is a dissertation embodying results of original research, written by a student for an academic degree. It allows candidates the opportunity to pursue original research designed and prepared by the student under the supervision of experienced faculty. This is an important academic document for both the student as well as the university. After finishing writing the thesis, the student must defend the dissertation in front of a committee.


The student must first choose a topic of interest from one of the topics provided by the Traumatology Department. An acceptance letter of the topic, signed by the consultant is then required, which is to be handed in at the Traumatology Department’s office (PéterfyHospitalTraumatologyCenter, 1081 Budapest, Fiumei út 17). The hand in date of the thesis is January 15th. The defending date of the thesis is the second half of March, exact date yet to be decided. The thesis must be hard bound, and two copies must be handed in. The first page of the four page progress report must be filled out, signed in the appropriate places by the consultant, and handed in with the thesis. If the student is not able to complete the thesis by the January 15th deadline, a letter must be written to the head of the department requesting postponement of the deadline. Even is this is granted, the thesis must be handed in at least two weeks prior to the defending date. Information concerning word count, format of thesis, and published material must follow the guidelines and requirements of Semmelweis Universtiy.

The Traumatology Department’s thesis topics:

The diagnosis and treatment of knee ligamentous injuries

The concept of the instability, it is cause, diagnosis and methods of treatment.

Consultant: Dr.Bodó László (UzsokiHospital Ortopaedic and Trauma Dep.)

The management of polytraumatized patients

Primary osteosynthesis, early respiratory treatment, enteral nutrition, the principles of antibiotic treatment, Multiple organ failure, MOF

Consultant: Dr. Szerb Imre (UzsokiHospital Ortopaedic and Trauma Dep.)

Dr. Szabó Zsuzsa (UzsokiHospital, Central Anaesth. Dep. and CriticalCare Unit)

Unreamed nailing of the tibia

Through revision of the literature You should present the advantages of the new technique. You should be informed about the possibilities of the home and foreign products, their use with the help of clinical examples.

Consultant: Dr. Mészáros Tamás (SemmelweisUniversity Faculty of Medicine Department of Traumatology)

Possibilities for treatment of pathologic fractures and metastases of the long tubular bones

The possibilities of surgical and other (chemo-, hormone-, radio-) therapies in case of metastases and pathologic fractures

Consultant: Dr. Pánics Gergely (UzsokiHospital, Orthopaedic and Trauma Dep.)

Retrograde nailing on the femur

  1. You should present the development of the method, the indications at this time, the operative methods
  2. You should perform the retrograde analysis of the patients treated at the department of Traumatology of Péterfy S. Hospital. You should compare the results with the data found in the international literature.

Consultant: Dr. Tóth Ferenc (PéterfyHospitalTraumaCenter)

Current concept of cartilage repair

Consultant: Dr. Szerb Imre (UzsokiHospitalOrtopaedic and Trauma Dep.)

Rehabilitation of different anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction techniques

Consultant: Duska Zsófiahuman kinesiologist (UzsokiHospital, Orthopaedic and Trauma Dep.)

Semmelweis Egyetem
AOK_ANGOL nyelvű Oktatási Csoport


A hallgató neve / Students name:
Anyja neve / Mother’s maiden name:
Születési hely, idő / Place and date of birth:
Lakcím / Address:

Szakdolgozatcíme /
Title of diploma work:
Intézet/Tanszék/Klinikaneve / Department:
Konzulensneve / Consultant:
Konzultációk időpontja:
(dátum) / (konzulens)
(dátum) / (konzulens)
(dátum) / (konzulens)
A bíráló véleménye:
a.) formai és stiláris szempontok:
b.) szakmai szempontok:
c.) egyéb észrevételek:
A védésre javasolt kérdések:

Budapest, ______

(bíráló aláírása)

A bizottság tagjainak

n e v e : / b e o s z t á s a :

A védés során feladott kérdések:

A szakdolgozat (dolgozat + védés) értékelése:


Szöveges értékelés:

Budapest, ______

(intézetvezető) / (konzulens) / (a Bíráló Biz. tagja)
