These deliverables apply to this individual practice. For other planned practice deliverables refer to those specific Statements of Work.
Planners shall follow and document all the requirements as outlined in the practice standard. The planner shall also follow the specification sheet requirements for the practice. Documentation and certification requirements for the practice are outlined in the AZNRCS General Manual-Title 450, Part 407, Subpart A, B, C Documentation, Certification, and Spot Checking for Ecological Science Practices. This is located on the Arizona SharePoint site or available from the local NRCS office
1. The conservation practice narrative in the conservation plan must include:
a. Practice purpose(s) of applying the practice
b. A list of plant materials selected
c. The life span of the practice
2. Design documents that demonstrate criteria in practice standard have been met and are compatible with planned and applied practices
a. Practice purpose(s) as identified in the conservation plan.
b. List of required permits to be obtained by the client
c. Practice standard criteria related computations and analyses to develop plans and specifications including but not limited to:
i. Required seedbed condition and preparation methods
ii. Soil and seed amendments needed(as applicable)
iii. Variety or origin and amount of each species to be planted
iv. Planting dates and depths and description of planting equipment
v. Instructions as needed for placing different seed types (i.e. fluffy, large, small, slick and dense) in suitable drill boxes
3. Job sheet provided to the client that adequately describes the requirements to apply the practice and obtain necessary permits.
4. Identify location where practice to be applied on a farm or ranch plan map.
5. Operation and maintenance plan as stated in specification sheet
6. Design modifications during installation as required
7. The specification must be signed by the client stating that they understand their requirements for applying the practices.
8. The Job sheet must be signed by an NRCS representative with appropriate approval job authority certifying that the design meets practice standard criteria and comply with applicable laws and regulations
1. Pre-application conference with client and contractor to reviewed design
2. Verification that client has obtained required permits
3. Facilitate and implement required design modifications with client and original designer
4. Advise client/NRCS on compliance issues with all federal, state, tribal, and local laws, regulations and NRCS policies during installation
1. Records of application that the Range Planting was installed according to Job Sheet
a. Extent of practice units applied
b. Cultural resource clearance prior to installation
c. Final quantities of materials used
d. Proof of certified seed used (if applicable)
2. Certification that the application meets NRCS standards and Job sheet and is in compliance with permits
3. Application inspection
a. Actual materials used
b. Inspection records
4. Exit conference with client and contractor.
5. Progress reporting in Pro-tracts or Customer Service Tool Kit
· Field Office Technical Guide (eFOTG), Section IV, Conservation Practice Standard – Range Planting – 550
· NRCS National Environmental Compliance Handbook
· NRCS Cultural Resources Handbook
State Contact: PMC- Manager
United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service
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