The Zontiana

November 2017


Theresa Baginski. 11/9

Kellie Warner. 11/13

Janet Lindstrom. 11/16

Marcia Bliss. 11/18

Kathy Stedman. 11/27

Suellen Carlson. 11/28

President’s Message:

Happy November, Zontians!

Now that we’ve sampled the sweet treats of Halloween …and we look forward to stuffing ourselves in ‘thankfulness' later this month… it IS a good time to stop and count our blessings. Blessings that we’re in such great company in this Zonta Club of Jamestown.Blessings of our gifts and talents that we’re willing to share with each other and our community. Let’s not forget the blessing that we’ve been born into a country where we are able to voice our opinions and work toward goals in a like mind, (or feel free to disagree) with others who take their liberties just as seriously and choose to utilize them. We are fortunate to be in a position where we really can make a difference and empower women through our service and advocacy. Zonta International Foundation (ZIF) reminds us of this with their campaign for “Every Member November.” ZIF requests us to donate individually during the month. If we band together, even an $8.00 donation from every member, we could help ZIF reach it’s annual goal. Giving to ZIF allows us to share our gifts with others across the globe – in Madagascar, most recently, and beyond. Why $8.00? Because of Zonta’s Birthday on November 8th. You could send $12 in honor of our Club being the 12th Chartered club in North America…. Or heck, how about $17.00 in honor of our Charter date Nov. 17th? :-.}

I am thankful for the gift of you! I’m thankful for your participation in Zonta. I plan to donate to ZIF in honor of the gifts YOU bring to Zonta Club of Jamestown. Would you please join me during “Every Member November” to celebrate and donate?

Warmest Regards,



Fittingly, when the Zonta Club of Jamestown held its Zontian of the Year dinner this

week, the award went to Lily Olson. This came as a complete surprise to Lily, a past

president of the club, who has done much in the service of our community.

Lily’s Hope is her legacy to our area, and we are all proud to be her friends and Zonta

sisters. On November 5 we will celebrate the 7th anniversary of the opening of Lily’s

Hope at the Jones Hill Cancer Center, sponsored by WCA Hospital and the Zonta Club

of Jamestown. Lily’s Hope was the brainchild of Lily, a former nurse at WCA. Lily

strongly believed that local women who were losing their hair for health reasons should

not have to travel out of town to procure a wig, and she fought for this with both the

hospital board and the Zonta Club membership. It is because of Lily that we now have

the lovely Lily’s Hope for local women in need of a wig.

Lily dealt with a limited budget in the from the start, but was still able to help anyone

who came to her for help. The room for Lily’s Hope came from the hospital, and

furnishings were donated by local businesses. In the past seven years, monetary

donations, as well as soft knitted hats, scarves, turbans, pillows, and quilted bags have

been provided by individuals and local groups, schools and clubs. Appointments with

volunteerZontians can be set up by calling the Jones Hill Cancer Treatment Center.

Lily’s Hope is an endeavor that Lily Olson should be proud of, and she has shown the

rest of us what can be accomplished with determination and effort. We are thrilled that

she is our 2017 Zontian of the Year.

A Special Thank You

Thank you all so much for honouring me as "Zontian of the Year".

I was completely surprised and speechless.

Actually it isa privilege to work with so many caring women.



Selling = for local projects, women and girls!!

There are six prizes for the top sellers of calendars. So if you are among the top sellers, there are prizes for the six highest sellers – which are meals at the Marvin House.

Happy sales to all!Honk!! Honk!!


Advocacy: 16 Days of Activism - November 25th to December 10th

To bring awareness to Zonta's mission through the 16 Days of Activism, we will be "turning Jamestown yellow" by placing Zonta Yellow Ribbons on the lampposts on the 3rd Street and 6th Street bridges as well as parking meters on 3rd Street and 4th Street. We will also be placing a Zonta Says No sign in front of Marcia Bliss’s office on No. Main Street and inviting our Mayor, Sam Teresi for a photo op.

We need help putting up (on Saturday, November 25th) and removing (on Sunday, December 10th) the ribbons and more importantly asking all members to “talk about” the yellow ribbons and our mission.

We hope to see you all for the photo op.

Many thanks, the Advocacy Committee

Program: Goods & Services Auction November 15th

We hope you are getting set for our next program meeting on Wednesday, November 15th…the Zonta Goods and Services Auction. This will take place at Warner Place at the Lutheran Social Services Campus (Aldren Ave.) starting with dinner at 6 p.m ($17). Remember that we have social time at 5:15 p.m., and you can view the items during that time. This is a great time to invite guests.

The funds from this Auction go to the General Fund, and we count on this event as a major fundraiser for that. General Fund is used for all the expenses of the club like printing rosters, convention funds, website hosting, memorial donations, meals for guest and speakers, etc., etc.

So…think about what you can bring or donate…themed baskets, baked goods, services and skills, Christmas décor…anything that our members and guests might want or need enough to bid on.

Our program meeting in December will also be at Warner Place. Remember that we meet on the second Wednesday in December, the 13th, so mark your calendars. We will share a lovely meal together at 6 p.m.($20), with social hour at 5:15 p.m., then have gift exchange, fun activities, singing, and other holiday festivities.

See you at these events at Lutheran’s Warner Place.

Archives : Zonta Club in the 50s.

By the 1950s, with the war over, brighter spirits prevailed at Zonta affairs. Fund raisers included game parties and elegant, elaborate flower and fashion shows. Verna Nelson's artistic way with flowers and Anna Knowlton's musical talents graced many events. The club established three annual scholarships as a permanent project. A future Zontian, Mary MichosRiolo, earned her scholarship as a social service major at Butler University in 1954. The Girl's Club continued to be the major service project while Girl Scouting was also supported. The first annual roster was printed in 1953 and the first issue of Zontiana in 1955. Jamestown Honorary member, Lucile Wright, who was known for her involvement with flight and the Jamestown Airport, carried scrolls from the Jamestown Club to the Queens of Denmark and Sweden expressing greetings and sincerest friendship. In 1958, Jamestown again hosted the District Conference for 200 Zontians. And in 1959, Zonta sponsored a talk by news commentator and analyst, Paul Harvey, which filled the Jamestown High School Auditorium.

Zonta Club of Jamestown

PO Box 913 Jamestown,NY 14701