There will be 19 teams visiting New Zealand for Rugby World Cup 2011 and we are encouraging Kiwis to show their support and adopt a second team to welcome them to our country and create a truly international event!

Here are some ideas on how you can show your support for your adopted team:


  • Dress council buildings and public spaces in team bunting
  • Provide information on the adopted country in iSites and tourist info centres
  • Offer free language classes to teach locals the basics
  • Create a “sister city” from the adopted country
  • Encourage local heroes/celebrities to wear the Rugby jersey of the adopted country
  • Dress up famous local landmarks or statues in the strip of the adopted country
  • Nickname central streets with the names of major cities in the adopted country
  • Create a cheerleading squad to perform chants from the adopted country in town
  • Organise cheering practice events including songs/chants from the adopted country
  • Run a competition between shopping districts/streets for the best window display
  • Set up a webcam link to a town/city in the adopted country
  • Set up a clock to show the time of the adopted country
  • Research the website of the embassy of your adopted country for more information

Community Groups

  • Hold themed market days including food and music from the adopted country
  • Offer free country-themed face painting at local events
  • Invite speakers from your adopted country to present to your group
  • Involve local ex-pat community groups from your adopted country


  • Use the KidZone programme to learn more about your adopted country
  • Take part in a regional Rippa Rugby Tournament or organise one of your own
  • Create a competition against another local school or join forces
  • Host a special themed day with food, costumes etc.
  • Dress your school or classroom with the flag bunting from your adopted team
  • Invite speakers from your adopted country to present to your school/class
  • Create an Opening Ceremony event with all countries represented
  • Make contact with a school from your adopted country –send letters, emails or pictures


  • Provide language lessons or useful phrases
  • Feature information about the adopted country
  • Publish the lyrics to the adopted country ‘s national anthems
  • Profile players or famous people from the adopted country
  • Interview people from your adopted country
  • Publish funny news stories about the adopted country
  • Run a series of articles on community activity around ‘adopt a second team’
  • Create country-themed colouring competitions/quizzes/crosswords etc.

Radio stations

  • Play songs from the adopted country
  • Give language lessons on air
  • Give weather forecasts for the adopted country
  • Profile players or famous people from the adopted country
  • Play the adopted country’s national anthem
  • Interview people from your adopted country


  • Offer special dishes from the adopted country on their menu
  • Waiters/waitresses use foreign phrases when serving customers
  • Dress your restaurant with the flag bunting from your adopted team
  • Play music from your adopted country
  • Having “tastings” of food from your adopted country


  • Theme quizzes around RWC 2011 or the adopted country
  • Stock beer from the adopted country
  • Staff wear national dress or jerseys from your adopted country
  • Hold a karaoke night where people have to sing songs from the adopted country
  • Dress your bar with the flag bunting from your adopted team


  • Business groups or branches draw country names out of a hat
  • Decorate your workspace by the country you have drawn(“pimp your pod”)
  • Invite other business groups for themed morning teas/lunches
  • Learn the national anthem from your adopted country
  • Social clubs can run RWC themed events
  • Compete against other businesses in a sporting event dressed as your adopted countries


  • Create adopted country-themed window displays
  • Dress your shop with the flag bunting from your adopted team
  • Use foreign phrases when serving customers
  • Create bi-lingual signs for various products or to welcome visitors

To find out more go to
