There is much controversy regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It is a complicated topic to understand. This assignment will help you understand the science and politics regarding GMOs so you can have a better-informed opinion. We will focus on foods in this assignment to limit a big topic. Answer the following question in 1500-2000 words referencing your work.
Your work should be double-spaced, 12-point Times Roman font with 1-inch margins.
Each student will choose three (3) questions to answer that I have chosen randomly. See the attached Excel file for your assigned question:
- What is a genetically engineered organism (food)? Are there variations in the definition? Give examples.
- Are genetically engineered foods safe to eat? Yes or no or maybe.
- How do US rules regarding genetically engineered food compare to Europe?
- What are the risks of genetically engineered foods?
- Who ensures the safety of genetically engineered food?
- What are the basics of biotechnology used in creating genetically engineered organisms?
- What are the major genetically engineered crops on the market in the US?
- What is the Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) policy on genetically engineered plants from its 1992 Statement of Policy?
- What are safety consultation letters within the FDA?
- What is Codex Alimentarius? What is its purpose?
- What is the American Medical Association policy on bioengineered foods, passed at June, 2012 AMA meeting?
- What are some of the unintended effects in genetic engineering breeding of plants?
- Discuss some of the animal feeding studies completed about genetically engineered plants.
- Who has conducted most of the studies demonstrating that genetically engineered foods are as nutritional and safe as those obtained by conventional breeding? What is your opinion about this?
- How do crop yields of genetically engineered food crops compare to yields of non-engineered crops?
- Do genetically engineered crops reduce pesticide use?
- Should genetically engineered foods be labeled as such? What are the pros and cons of labeling or not labeling?
This assignment is due no later than 9:00pm Thursday December 3rd and must be posted to the course Forum on Blackboard. In addition, your assignment must be emailed to me as a Microsoft Word file and the file name will be in the form of:
For example, if I was submitting my assignment, my file name would be: Walter.Tom.GMOs.docx