There is much controversy regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It is a complicated topic to understand. This assignment will help you understand the science and politics regarding GMOs so you can have a better-informed opinion. We will focus on foods in this assignment to limit a big topic. Answer the following question in 1500-2000 words referencing your work.

Your work should be double-spaced, 12-point Times Roman font with 1-inch margins.

Each student will choose three (3) questions to answer that I have chosen randomly. See the attached Excel file for your assigned question:

  1. What is a genetically engineered organism (food)? Are there variations in the definition? Give examples.
  2. Are genetically engineered foods safe to eat? Yes or no or maybe.
  3. How do US rules regarding genetically engineered food compare to Europe?
  4. What are the risks of genetically engineered foods?
  5. Who ensures the safety of genetically engineered food?
  6. What are the basics of biotechnology used in creating genetically engineered organisms?
  7. What are the major genetically engineered crops on the market in the US?
  8. What is the Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) policy on genetically engineered plants from its 1992 Statement of Policy?
  9. What are safety consultation letters within the FDA?
  10. What is Codex Alimentarius? What is its purpose?
  11. What is the American Medical Association policy on bioengineered foods, passed at June, 2012 AMA meeting?
  12. What are some of the unintended effects in genetic engineering breeding of plants?
  13. Discuss some of the animal feeding studies completed about genetically engineered plants.
  14. Who has conducted most of the studies demonstrating that genetically engineered foods are as nutritional and safe as those obtained by conventional breeding? What is your opinion about this?
  15. How do crop yields of genetically engineered food crops compare to yields of non-engineered crops?
  16. Do genetically engineered crops reduce pesticide use?
  17. Should genetically engineered foods be labeled as such? What are the pros and cons of labeling or not labeling?

This assignment is due no later than 9:00pm Thursday December 3rd and must be posted to the course Forum on Blackboard. In addition, your assignment must be emailed to me as a Microsoft Word file and the file name will be in the form of:


For example, if I was submitting my assignment, my file name would be: Walter.Tom.GMOs.docx