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c/o Huntington Community Centre,

26, Strensall Road, Huntington,


Tel: 01904 470670


Minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 6th September 2016 in Huntington Community Centre at 7.00pm

PRESENT: / Councillor D. Jobling (DJ), Councillor S. Jobling (SJ), Councillor C. McQuinn (CM), and Lorraine Frankland (LF) – Parish Clerk
APOLOGIES: / Councillor D. Geogheghan-Breen (DB), Councillor K. Deadman (KD) Councillor I. Panter (IP), Councillor K. Orrell (KO) and Councillor J. Willis (JW)
CIRCULATION: / To attendees, apologies and other all members of the Parish Council
MINUTES PREPARED BY: / Lorraine Frankland
DATE (Draft): / 14/07/16
79. / To Elect a Chair for the Meeting
DJ was elected Chair of the meeting
To Note Apologies for Absence
Councillor K. Deadman (KD), Councillor D. Geogheghan-Breen (DB) and Councillor K. Orrell (KO); offered apologises due to annual leave
Councillor J. Willis (JW) and I. Panter (IP); offered apologises due to work commitments
It was resolved to approve apologies
To Note Declarations of Interest:
i)  To Approve Dispensation Requests
No such requests made.
ii)  To Note Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in any Items of Business on the Agenda
There were no such declarations of interests in any items of business on this agenda.
Gala Review
·  It was agreed that; subject to agreement by HSSC next year’s evening’s entertainment might be better sited in the Social Club rather than the Marquee happy to help in any way on the day
·  It was agreed that; the safety fencing around the chain swings was inadequate as a child very nearly ran in front of the ride when operating due to incomplete fencing this will need resolving next year
·  The ride operator came without sufficient generators to power the all the rides, hence one had to be sited near the HSSC to use their electrical supply
·  The football attraction might need re-thinking for next year to attract more attention
·  It was Recommended that; two hot water boilers be purchased for next year
·  It was Recommended that; two marquees be bought instead of the hire costs for next year
·  It was Recommended that; HSSC be asked if 6th August 2017 could be booked for the Gala next year
To Approve Minutes of Amenities Committee meeting held 12/07/16
The Minutes were approved as a true and accurate record of said meeting signed and dated by DJ.
General Maintenance
i)  To Note any issues with regard to Street Cleaning
LF to contact the Street Cleaner about the Church Car Park and chase Sleightholms about the fence which has come down on the river bank
ii)  To Discuss Any Other Issues relating to General Maintenance of Huntington Parish
·  It was Recommended that; Sleightholms be approached to fit D Atlays memorial bench
·  It was Recommended that; Sleightholms be asked to replace the damaged bench at the corner of the Old Village and Strensall Road with a recycled one like those bought for the play areas and to revamp the bench on the corner near HWMC
·  It was Recommended that; two quotes be obtained for grass cutting at Orchard Park and for Bus Shelter cleaning (priced per visit)
To Note any Footpaths, Highways and/or Traffic Issues
i)  Community Speed Watch/Speed Signs
This was not discussed as IP and KD were not in attendance
ii)  Footpath adjacent to secondary school
It was noted that the footpath has now been resurfaced, however there is an area of grass at the end which is not maintained and very untidy (Hambleton Drive end) it is believed CoYC are to maintain this
To Consider any issues relating to Huntington Riverside Environmental Park
MC asked LF to contact the Chair again to let him know that she was now on the committee.
To Consider any other issues relating to Huntington Parish Councils’ Open Spaces
·  It was noted that when LF had a site visit at HSSC about the reducing of the crown of the Cherry Tree behind 36 North Moor Gardens that; three other trees were diseased and dying it was agreed that; Sleightholms be asked to remove these once the leaves have dropped to prevent infection of healthy trees, Dave from Sleightholms to contact CoYC to see if there are any disease resistant Cherries that can be planted to replace those lost
Play Areas
i)  To consider any issues relating to play areas
It was agreed that; LF contact Park Lane Playgrounds and replace the swings with like for like
Another large piece of concrete has been thrown over the fence LF to have it removed
To Consider Any Further Issues within the remit of the Amenities Committee
i)  Autumn Newsletter
SJ suggested that the next edition would be larger than usual (probably containing about eight pages) as an article about the draft Neighbourhood Plan would have to be included as well as details about the public consultation, it had been suggested that an article be included requesting volunteer deliverers however this wouldn’t resolve the problem for the next edition and it is very important that all households receive a copy of this edition, this was Recommended that; this issue be resolved at the next Full Parish Meeting
To Confirm Date, Time and Venue for Next Amenities Committee Meeting
To be held on Tuesday 11th October 2016 at 7:00pm in Huntington Community Centre, 26 Strensall Road, Huntington, York YO32 9RH
Meeting closed at 8:00pm / LF

Amenities Minutes 06/09/16