There is evidence of occupation around Gilbert’s Pond from 5th to 12th centuries including drainage gullies, fencing, an iron-smelting furnace and a medieval structure. The pond is the last of a group of medieval fish ponds stretching along the flood line with what is purported to be a Chalybeate (or Healing) Spring in Church Lane. Gilbert’s Pond in the Ladymeers Road area of the village was gifted to the village when great crested newts were found there. It has been restored to create a valuable amenity for Cherry Willingham and was mentioned in the Domesday Book AD1086.

Also in this area is a Saxon Fish House buried at the start of the slop and excavated when Ladymeers Road was developed. It probably serviced the pond and acted as a stopping place for traders visiting Lincoln.

The Manor House Sir John Marmion (1255 – 1322) In 1308 he obtained a free warren from Edward II (reigned 1307 – 1327) this being a piece of land enclosed and preserved for breeding game. It is thought he built the Manor House of Cherry Willingham. There has been a manor house since at least AD1306 although the present building is more modern.

Thomas Becke purchased land in Cherry Willingham in the early 1700’s from Lord Avelard and enclosed the estate to put most of the land to grass. He rebuilt St Peter and St Paul’s Church in 1753 in Augustan style of Ancaster Limestone and it was first used on Trinity Sunday in 1753. There has been a church on this site since Anglo Saxon times. Thomas Becke is buried in the crypt of Cherry Willingham Church.

Holyrood, then and now, the original Vicarage for St. Peter and St Pauls Church.

Houses mentioned in the 1749 Terrier Map. Starting on the left the last cottage belonging to a large dairy demolished to make way for the Ladymeers Estate. Centre, Orchard Cottage, the original part of the house is on the left and this was the cottage belonging to the orchards that stretched all along the east side of Church Lane. It is believed that the name Cherry Willingham came from the Cherry trees belonging to the Willas tribe. Last John Speeds Farm Cottage on the High Street, grade 11 listed.

This page has all the houses recorded from the censes taken in the 1800s. The Old Railway Cottages, built for the workers building the railway and later used by the mine workers from Greetwell Quarry.

Farm cottages then and now, the last picture was one of the original post offices.

The white house was also a post office at one time. Bleak Farm the last farm to be decommissioned in 2014

Municipal buildings. The Old school and the Methodist chapel all from the mid 1800s

Seeleys Cottages, built by the Methodist minister of the time and East Villa.

Walnut House then and now, the site of the blacksmith’s and the old village green.

Green Lane the home of the sheep dip

And Walk Farm, no longer a working farm but used to supply the villagers with milk served by the farm children delivering on a horse and cart.