Kerry Community Council - Minutes of the Meeting of
26th February 2014..
Kerry Village Hall
Present: / Chair / Cllr. M. J. Collis (Sarn)
Cllrs. / Cllr. J. Bonfield (Kerry)
Cllr. D. P. Pryce (Kerry)
Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
Cllr. K. Lander (Kerry)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
Cllr. I. J. Jones,(Dolfor)
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / One
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr. D.I. Hughes. (Kerry). County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones, Cllr.T.R.Jerman. (Kerry)
Cllr. B. Breeze (Kerry)
Item. 2. Minutes. /
The minutes of the meetings of the 29th January 2014 were approved and signed. /
Item.3 Matters Arising.
A. / Kerry Cemetery.
Council confirmed that the pre-purchase of plots remains un-available following a request from a resident to reconsider. The restricted access for the digger makes a system allowing the pre-purchase of plots inoperable.
B. / Kerry Public Toilets.
A letter sent to Cllr. Barry Thomas expressing KCC’s disappointment at the
mismanagement of the toilet transfer remains unacknowledged and unanswered.
Mr John Ward (PCC) notified the Clerk by phone that the transfer period is now extended to April 2015.
KCC was preparing to take on this responsibility as from the 1st April 2014 but following discussion Council voted all in favour to delay the commitment to take on this substantial financial responsibility until PCC is able to give official notification to KCC on how and when to proceed. It was felt that PCC’s handling of the situation remains totally unacceptable and although KCC fully appreciates the financial challenges facing PCC it was suggested that strong public opinion against this action may well at a later date negate the original request.
If, however the transfer is to go ahead, KCC would wish to negotiate financial assistance in the refurbishment of the toilet block from the £35,000 annual saving PCC state will be made by its closure. The present state of repair is seen as unacceptably low.
Clerk to write to Cllr. Barry Thomas informing him of this decision, copy to Mr John Ward.
Clerk is to inform Mr Tony Rowley of the situation with apologises and the hope that he will be available to take up the caretaking contract when needed in the future.
C. / Village Notice Boards.
Cllr. M. Morgan continues to work toward the purchase of Notice Boards on behalf of KCC.
D. / Kerry Community Council Website.
Council discussed the possible format for the web-site. Requests to be made by Councillors to individual residents in their villages for input i.e. details of local organisations, information on village life/ history and photos. It was decided to invite local history groups to submit an article on village life past and present. Councillors were happy with the format shown detailing their contact information. Clerk advised Council that each village in the ward would be able to have their own page on the site allowing information on forthcoming events, newsletters and items of local interests. Possible income from allowing local businesses to advertise on the site.
Clerk needs to inform Visionict asap to comply with PCC’s deadline.
E. / Oak Trees at Dolforgan Park.
Cllr. M. Morgan advised Council that Till Hill is ready to carry out Tree Survey. To remove overhanging branch to nearby dwelling asap.
F. / Councillor Vacancy.
Following the display of “Notice of Casual Vacancy” for the required 14days, no request for an election has been received. Therefore notices of Co-option are to be posted in all three villages from 27th February 2014 giving a closure date of 17th March 2014. Council to Co-opt a new member at their meeting of the 26th March 2014.
Clerk to advise Cllr. B. Breeze on procedure should he wish to transfer his seat from Kerry to Sarn ward.
Item 4. To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Item. 5.
PCC. Consultation*. / Application / Comments / Outcome.
P/2014/0070 21/01/2014 / Cloddiau Farm, Kerry SY16 4DY
Full: Installation of 216 ground mounted solar PV panels, arranged in rows with a maximum height from ground level of 2.64m / “Council wish to support this application”
30/01/2014 / 14 The Village Kerry Householder: Erection of a two storey rear extension / “Council wish to support this application”
P/2014/0095 23/01/2014 / Land adjacent to Dol-Y-Refail Dolfor SY16 4BN Full: Erection of a detached dwelling, formation of a new vehicular access, installation of a package treatment plant together with all other associated works / “Council wish to support this application in support of local needs, but express concern on the proposed access to the dwelling and the sewerage system.”
D. P/2014/0134 11/02/2014 / Ridgeway School (Sarn Garage)
Sarn SY16 4EW Full: Change of use to land for car sales (part retrospective), maintenance repairs and storage together with erection of building for car repair workshop (sui generis) / “Council has no objection to this application”.
5.PCC Planning Applications / KCC Consultation* / PCC Notice.
P/2013/1227 18/12/2013
Farmland near Old Neuadd Dolfor SY16 4BW Section 73 application to vary Condition No.1 relating to planning permission P/2010/1229 in order to site a 50m high anemometry mast for a further 3 years / “Council has no objection to this application”. / Conditional Consent
(Awaiting paperwork)
P/2013/1240 13/12/2013
11 Rowan Court Kerry
Householder: Erection of first floor side extension and alterations / “Council wish to support this application”. / Conditional Consent
(Awaiting paperwork)
P/2014/0029 09/01/2014
The Grove, Common Road
Kerry SY16 4NY
Householder: Formation of new vehicular access / “Council objects to this application on the grounds that the new access will cause an
additional hazard to that section of the highway” / . Conditional Consent
(Awaiting paperwork)
Item 6. Finances.
Accounts Paid
January 2014
Accounts to be Paid.
February 2014. / None.
A Evans. Cemetery grass cutting Dec/Jan
A Feltham. clerk’s wages Dec/Jan
A Feltham .expenses. Dec/Jan.
A Feltham. flowers/card Cllr. Hywel Jones.
Office Express
A Evans Cemetery grass cutting Feb
A Feltham clerk’s wages Feb
A Feltham clerk’s expenses Feb.
SLCC . Clerk’s manual.
OVW membership
Russell Francis removal of shed.
Russell Francis cemetery extension
(paid from Money Manager Acc.)
Bank charges against Money Manager Acc. / £400.00
£10,000 transferred from Community Acc to Money Manager Acc.
VAT refund applied for.
Item 7. Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Cllr I Jones gave a verbal account of a recently attended One Voice Wales meeting as follows:
Mobile phone companies have received £15million to improve signal cover nationally. Manafon was highlighted as a local black spot for coverage. It was suggested to site phone masts on wind turbine farms.
BT Open Reach to provide a heightened level of service and speed of repair to outlaying and vulnerable residents.
Recent correspondence between OVW and KCC detailing perceived inconsistencies on accountability of actions between the Private and Public Sector prompted discussion amongst Councillors. It was request this be listed as an agenda item for the March meeting should Council wish to pursue its comparative comments made about care home cases by putting forward a motion for this year’s OVW Annual Conference. Clerk to provide all back ground information.
Item 8. Correspondence/Communications Received.
Letters from:
Kidney Wales Foundation. request to organise a fund raising walk in our area. Details with clerk
Pam Jones. Thank you card for the flowers, card and tribute made in Hywel’s honour. She commented on how Hywel loved his Council meetings.
E Mails from;
Powys Citizens Advice, Powys CAB Petitioning Powys County Council against proposed closure.
Shane Thomas CEO Democratic Support Manger Public Conveniences/Asset Transfers - Update for Town and Community Councils
Montgomeryshire CHC. Llanidloes Hospital refurbishment - Press release (copy with clerk)
Veronica Wildish Planning Application - P/2014/0029, The Grove, Kerry. Error in response.
Liann Astley PCSO 8126 Offer to attend Council meeting to discuss any issues Council may have.
Chris Banks confirmation of receipt of evidence from Kerry Community Council session 4.
Simon Thomas AC/AM Regional Bulletin
One Voice Wales. As follows:
Response to KCC’s letter ref. apparent imbalance of accountability in the Council/Private sector. Copy forwarded to Cllr.I. Jones.
Local government audit and inspection fee scales 2014-15
Natural Resource Management Bulletin - January 2014
Homes for Wales Bulletin January 2014
Training. Several councillors at Abermule with Llandyssil Community Council are interested in two of the current One Voice Wales training courses: the Community Planning session and the Effective Management of Staff session. Invitation to join.
WTW Burial Survey.
Conserving and maintaining Welsh war memorial heritage conference 27th March 2014, Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells
Motions for 2014 Annual Conference and AGM
All of the above information was noted and forwarded on request to any interested parties.
Item 9. Any Other Business.
Kerry / Uncertainty as to ownership between Dolforgan Hall and KCC of a tree in a dangerous state of repair near the Dolforgan Bridge. Clerk to verify ownership and to inform Cllr. M. Morgan.
Dolfor. / Clerk to inform Highways of necessary repairs as marked on map by Councillors. To advise of streetlight in need of repair, flooding at the bus stop and possible need of reflector lights at a fenced area on the footpath as detailed.
Sarn / Clerk to advise Highways of streetlight not working opposite the entrance to Village Hall car park, next to the pub. Residue mud on the road at Llancowrid as a result of recent flooding. The bus shelter is prone to flooding after vandalism to the down pipe from guttering. Clerk to confirm ownership and to seek repair. Drain near the Old Smithy blocked with mud.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.

Meetings are open to residents, who may only address the meeting with the Chairman’s prior consent.

If you wish to address the Council in Welsh please make your intentions known at the time of your request, which should be made prior to the meeting date.

* Although KCC works in conjunction with PCC as consultants, it has no authority to grant planning permission.

Copies of Minutes can be made available after approval, on request.

Next Meeting Scheduled;

Wednesday 26th March 2014. 7-30pm. at Kerry Village Hall.

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