
Ground rules:

  1. There are two places that you would deal with fines, both from the Circulation Desk mode: at the Fines tab and at the Checkin tab.
  2. To waive a fine, you will need those rights. You should never use “Collect” to waive a fine.
  3. If the patron record shows a negative fine: CALL OR EMAIL Laura-Ellen IMMEDIATELY!!! You will not be able to clear it! WE WILL NEED TO KNOW THE PATRON NAME AND THE MILLENNIUM RECORD NUMBER.
  4. There is a grace period of one day. If a customer turns in an overdue item one day after it is due, Millennium will not charge a fine. BUT, if the customer turns in an overdue item two or more days after it is due, then the full fine is charged.
  5. Maximum fines:
  6. $.10 per day per item, with a maximum fine of $3.00 per item
  7. Equipment is $1.00 per day, with a maximum of $5.00.
  8. CALL LEA if the maximum fine is not what it should be, and report it.
  9. We accept cash or checks. We cannot accept cash cards or credit cards.
  10. Checks:
  11. Do not accept checks without verifying the name, address and phone number. Ask to see an ID. The name and address must match the ID.
  12. If there is no phone number or address, write them in, using the ID for the address.
  13. Also, write the patron number from Millennium for the patron record for whom the payment is made in the Note area of the check. This will help us to identify which patron record to add back the fee, if it becomes an NSF check.

To collect money for a patron’s outstanding charges:

1. Click on Circulation Desk in the navigation bar to enter circulation mode.

2. If the patron's record is not already displaying, retrieve it from your database.

  1. Click on the Fines tab.

Millennium Circulation lists the total amount owed from all charges for the patron in the Totalfield. For each charge, Millennium Circulation lists the Status, Title, Item Location, and Amount.

4. If you need to view the fine for more details or to adjust its amount, right click on the itemand choose View This Fine from the drop-down menu.

5. The Detailed Fine Display dialog box will show:

  1. If you need to change the amount of the fine, click the Adjust button and type in the newamount. You must be authorized to waive fines to use this function.

7.Click OK to accept the change. This will bring you back to the Fines tab.

8. Select the item(s) for which you want to collect money or waive fines by clicking on it orchecking its box on the left. You can select multiple items by using your CTRL orSHIFT keys, or click on All to select all items. If the patron is not paying the full amountof the fine, click on All to select all items listed. Millennium will figure out the balance.

As you select and de-select charges, Millennium Circulation adjusts the

Amount Selected field.

9. Click the Collect Money button. The Collect Money dialog will display with the totalamount of the fines you selected:

10. If the amount showing is correct, click OK; otherwise, change the amount to what thepatron wishes to pay. Patrons may pay all or part of their fines. They cannot overpay tocreate a credit.

  1. In the Print Fines dialog, click either Print to print a receipt, or OK to move on withoutprinting.

12. Note the fines are collected

13. When finished collecting the patron’s fines, click the Close button on the toolbar.

14. If the patron has a balance left on his/her record, you will be asked if you want to waivethe remaining fines. Choose the appropriate response (usually No).

15.Click on Fines Paid to view the history of fines paid.