Week of June 10th, 2013
- The registration deadline for TDSB remedial summer school courses is June 27 at noon.You must have a minimum failing grade of 35% to be eligible for a remedial course.
Information regarding summer school locations and applications are available from your guidance counselor.
- TCDSB (Toronto Catholic) Registration. If you are interested in taking a course with the TCDSB, you will have to register online. Information on course selection and locations can be found at this site:
- YRDSB (York Region) Registration information can be found at: You will have to register in person with the proper forms on May 27 at Dr. Bette Stephenson Centre for Learning between 5:00 and 7:00.
- YCDSB (York Catholic) Registration information can be found here:
- Professional Engineers of Ontario Willowdale/Thornhill Chapter Scholarships
If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada and have been accepted into a Canadian Accredited University Program you qualify to apply for one of four scholarships valued at $500.The 2013 Scholarship applications are due by Friday, July 19th, 2013. For applications and further information see your guidance counsellor or go to
- Ade Adegbite Epilepsy Scholarship
For an application go to
- 4 National Union Scholarships
All of these scholarships are due June 30, 2013. For more information please go to
- Nelson Education Scholarship:
This scholarship is available for students who have exemplary civic leadership. There are three awards worth $5000 each.Applications are due June 28th 2013.
- LGBT Youth Justice bursary Award (application date not yet set)
To be eligible for this award from the Toronto Police Services you must be a 16- 26 year old Canadian Citizen/Landed immigrant or have refugee status. This money must be used for educational purposes and the recipient will be someone who has made an outstanding contribution to youth leadership, conflict resolution while raising awareness of LGBT youth issues.
- Summer School – Studio Music Production (Gr. 11 or 12) at George Vanier SS – July 2-26 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. See your counsellor for more information.Deadline for registration is June 7, 2013.
- University of Toronto Da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Opportunity
This summer program is for high school students who excel in math and science and want to become engineers.Courses are one week long and run from July 8th toAugust 2nd. For more information please go to deepsummeracademy.com. If interested Register ASAP.
- Summer Design Lab at the Toronto Centre for Entrepreneurial Art and Design
July 8-26th
Registration information and scholarship applications available at: This is a wonderful opportunity for high school students to immerse themselves in the world of professional design through a 3 week long summer program. See website for details.
- Get Outside Ontario
Become a natural leader and participate in a FREE Youth Leadership summit in Rouge Park. Between July 22 and July 25 selected 14- 18 year old students will have an opportunity to build leadership skills, go camping and hiking and network with 40 other youths from across Ontario. Students will then use these skills to plan their own events and initiatives. For information please contact .APPLY by JUNE 7!!!
- Finch P.S. Spring Fling
Tuesday June 18th 4pm – 8pm
Contact: see Ms. Pape for form
- York University Summer Science Camps
Junior counsellors needed
Contact: see Ms. Pape for application form
- Lansing Nursery School & Kindergarten
60th anniversary Celebration
When: June 19th, 2.30pm – 6.30pm
Where: 80 Church Ave at Kenneth Street
Contact: Gina Celsie or
- Bloorview Hospital
Volunteers needed for a research project employment readiness as for adolescents
Contact: Sally Lindsay (416) 425 – 6220 ext. 3654 or
- CNE Volunteer Program
August 16th – Sept 2nd
See Ms Pape for applications
- Planned Parenthood
Volunteers for P.E.A.K program
For information contact (416) 961-0113 ext. 162
- Summer Art Camp
Volunteer at the Art Gallery of Ontario during the summer
- John Filion Toronto City Councillor
Volunteers needed for community events
Contact: (416) 395 6411 or Facebook.com/JohnMFilion
- Baycrest Hospital and Centre for Seniors
Volunteers needed
Contact: or call (416) 785-2500 ext. 2572
- Toronto Public Library Summer Teen Volunteering OpportunityContact:
416 395-5784 or
Job opportunities
- “Making It Work” is a full time summer program for a team of youth with hands-on activities that focus on teamwork, community involvement, employment preparedness, and leadership. This program runs for 6 weeks from July 8 to August 16 Monday to Friday 9 – 5. For more information or to download an application go to
Application deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 11, 2013.
- Green Acres Day Camp
Camp counsellors needed
Apply online:
- Employment Ontario
Summer jobs available
or 1800 387 5656
- Yard Work
Contact: Linda Kara-George (416) 882-1554
- PPL Aquatic, Fitness & Spa Group Inc.
Lifeguards needed this summer
Contact:Chris Flood at (905) 501-7210
Ext. 747 or
- Kidsworld Day Camp
Counsellors & Swim Staff needed
Contact: (416) 785-4600